
  • Tom;Tom Cruise;Tom Ford;Tom Riddle
  1. 大家举起杯为凯蒂和汤姆祝福吧!

    All raise your glasses and drink to Katie and Tom !

  2. 汤姆与露西相恋六周了。

    Tom has been going out with Lucy for six weeks .

  3. “你安全啦!”汤姆高兴地大声说道。

    ' You 're safe ! ' Tom cried in delight .

  4. 她紧紧地抱着汤姆,并把脸紧贴在他的脸上。

    She held Tom close and pressed her cheek to his .

  5. 汤姆和露西相恋多久了?

    How long have Tom and Lucy been going out together ?

  6. 他叫汤姆,姓格林。

    His first name is Tom and his surname is Green .

  7. 交谈的主要话题是汤姆的新女友。

    The main topic of conversation was Tom 's new girlfriend .

  8. 我怎样才能和汤姆谈呢?他会很失望的。

    How can I face Tom ? He 'll be so disappointed .

  9. 并不只是汤姆一人认为和里克难以共事。

    Tom is not alone in finding Rick hard to work with .

  10. “让我来!”汤姆果断地说。

    ' I 'll do it ! ' Tom declared .

  11. 汤姆的父母对学校提出了强烈的批评。

    Tom 's parents were highly critical of the school .

  12. 汤姆如常地口若悬河。

    As usual , Tom was in full flow .

  13. 汤姆是我们自己的外国电影专家。

    Tom 's our resident expert on foreign movies .

  14. “你是要和汤姆一起去吗?”她冒失地问。

    ' Is it Tom you 're going with ? ' she hazarded .

  15. 就在这时候,汤姆走了进来。

    At that very minute , Tom walked in .

  16. 汤姆朝家的方向去了。

    Tom went off in the direction of home .

  17. 她认为汤姆没有钱,她的判断是对的。

    She was right about Tom having no money .

  18. 他滑稽地模仿了汤姆∙汉克斯。

    He did his impression of Tom Hanks .

  19. 汤姆很擅长理科,而他的兄弟绝对是不可救药。

    While Tom 's very good at science , his brother is absolutely hopeless .

  20. 汤姆拥着她从舞池的一边旋转到另一边。

    Tom whirled her across the dance floor .

  21. 汤姆最近在干什么?

    What 's Tom doing these days ?

  22. 汤姆迷上了安娜。

    Tom 's very keen on Anna .

  23. 我提名汤姆∙埃利斯做主席。

    I propose Tom Ellis for chairman .

  24. 他的名字叫汤姆∙史密斯。

    His name is Tom Smith .

  25. 汤姆是我的长子。

    Tom is my eldest son .

  26. 她在汤姆家中。

    She 's at Tom 's.

  27. “汤姆在这儿吗?”“不在,我来之前他就走了。”

    ' Is Tom here ? ' ' No , he was gone before I arrived ' .

  28. 人人都认识汤姆。

    Everybody knows Tom .

  29. 那里有很多名人:只提两个名字吧,有汤姆∙汉克斯和朱莉娅∙罗伯茨。

    There were a lot of famous people there : Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts , to name but two .

  30. 我真的冒犯了埃拉——我不知道她和汤姆分手了。

    I really put my foot in it with Ella ─ I didn 't know she 'd split up with Tom .