
  1. 汽水混合加热器在使用中应注意的几个问题

    The Problems Needed Pay Attention in Use of Steam-Water Injection

  2. 汽水混合加热器的应用研究短管汽水换热器过冷问题探讨

    Research on the Steam-Water Mixing Heater Issues of subcooling in Short-Tube Heat Exchangers

  3. 介绍了汽水混合加热器的构造、工作原理、噪声与振动产生的原因及解决措施、试验情况及对试验结果的分析,指出了它的应用范围和经济性。

    Presents the principle , structure and testing results analysis of the steam-water mixing heater , analyses the causes of noise and vibration , provides their solution , and touches the applicability and economy of the heater .