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  • gasoline injection engine
  1. 电脑控制汽油喷射发动机性能的研究

    Studies on the performance of the computer controlled gasoline injection engine

  2. 在Windows环境下,采用模糊技术与多媒体技术相结合的方法,研制出汽油喷射发动机故障诊断专家系统。经一些汽车维修企业使用,反映良好,表明本系统具有一定的推广应用价值。

    Under the Windows environment , combined fuzzy technology and multi-media technology to develop trouble examining expert system on gasoline jet engine , used by car maintenance enterprise , it has good reflect , so this system has some spreading and application value .

  3. 电控汽油喷射发动机爆震传感器故障检测分析

    Detecting and Analysis of Failures of Detonation Sensors of EFI Engines

  4. 汽油喷射发动机故障诊断专家系统的设计

    The Design of Trouble Examining Expert System on Gasoline Jet Engine

  5. 电控汽油喷射发动机点火波形检测与研究

    Testing and research on ignition waveform of electronically controlled fuel injection engine

  6. 一种精确测量汽油喷射发动机燃油耗的简捷方法

    A Simple Method to Accurately Measure Fuel Consumption for Gasoline Injection Engines

  7. 利用真空表诊断电控汽油喷射发动机故障机理的分析

    A Trouble Mechanism Analysis of Diagnosing Electronic Fuel Injection Engine with Vacuum Gauge

  8. 电控汽油喷射发动机进气系统故障自诊断方法

    Self - Diagnostic Methods of Air Intake System of Electronic Fuel Injection Engine

  9. 电子控制汽油喷射发动机的发展历程及现状

    Situation and Course of Development of Electronic Fuel Injection

  10. 汽油喷射发动机的进气管和功率指标

    Intake Pipe and Power Level of Gasoline-Injection Engine

  11. 汽油喷射发动机电子控制系统

    Electronic Control Systems for Fuel Injection Gasoline Engines

  12. 电子汽油喷射发动机线性电阻式节气门开度传感器的修理

    Repair of the Linear Resistor Type Throttle Opening Sensor on Electronic Fuel Injection Engine

  13. 电控汽油喷射发动机瞬态过程空燃比控制电子控制汽油喷射发动机的发展历程及现状

    Transient AFR Control of Electronic Fuel Injection Gasoline Engines Situation and Course of Development of Electronic Fuel Injection

  14. 真空表是检测诊断电控汽油喷射发动机的重要工具,在故障机理分析中具有独特的优势。

    The vacuum gauge is an important tool of examining electronic fuel injection engine , it has a particular advantage in analysis of trouble mechanism .

  15. 本文首先研究了影响电控单点汽油喷射发动机性能的因素以及循环供油量的优化。

    This paper firstly investigates the factors which affect the performance of electronically controled single point fuel injection ( SPI ) engine and the optimization of cyclic oil volume .

  16. 汽油电控喷射发动机的HC和CO排放试验研究

    The Experimental Study of HC and CO Emission in Electronic Fuel Injection Gasoline Engine

  17. 本文研究了汽油电控喷射发动机进气涡汽、喷油方式、喷射位置、喷油正时、空燃比及点火参数和多次点火方式对汽油进气道喷射发动机的HC和CO排放的影响。

    In this paper , the effect of inlet swirl ratio , fuel injection mode , nozzle location , injection timing , air fuel ratio , ignition parameters and successive ignition on engine performance and HC , CO emission are studied .

  18. 真空表在汽油喷射式发动机故障诊断中的作用

    The Function of Vacuum Meter in Trouble Hunting of Petrol Injection-Type Engines

  19. 利用真空表诊断汽油喷射式发动机故障

    Detect Fault on Gasoline Injection Engine with Vacuum Meter

  20. 电控汽油喷射对发动机排放影响的试验研究

    An Investigation into Effect of Electronic Control Gasoline Injection on Spark Ignition Engine Emissions

  21. 对装置的控制方式进行改动后也可用于汽油喷射式发动机或柴油机中。

    The system can be used in the fuel injection gasoline engine or diesel engine if the control manner is modified .

  22. 本文简述了电控汽油喷射式发动机的发展与现状,针对电喷发动机的工作原理及常见故障,介绍了此类发动机故障诊断的方法、步骤以及注意事项。

    This dissertation formulates the development and actuality of the electronic controlled gasoline engine , introduces the approach and method of diagnosis this kind of engine , and some advert proceeding .

  23. 空燃比控制系统作为电控汽油喷射式发动机保证良好经济性、排放性和动力性的重要组成部分,其控制原理与过程对发动机的正常运行起着非常重要的作用。

    The Air-fuel ratio control system is the important composing part to pledge its fuel economy , low emission and good driveability . The principle and control process are very important to run engine normally .

  24. 奥迪100型26L轿车装备了电子控制汽油喷射式V6发动机,采用无分电器电子点火系统。

    Type 100 2.6L AUDI car is equipped with electronic controlled gas injection V6 engine , which has electronic ignition system without distributor .

  25. 作者对汽油喷射定时对于发动机性能的影响进行了试验研究。

    The effects of gasoline injection timing on the engine were tested .

  26. 电控汽油喷射4气门发动机稀燃的试验研究

    Experimental Research into Lean Combustion on a EFI 4 Valve SI Engine

  27. 奥迪A6型轿车的发动机为集中控制汽油直接喷射式V6发动机。

    Audi A6 car engine is a V6 centralized control and direct fuel injection gasoline engine .

  28. 通过典型工况条件下不同组分汽油的对比试验,考察了汽油和汽油清净剂对汽油直接喷射发动机喷嘴沉积物的影响,结果表明汽油中的芳烃组分对汽油直接喷射发动机喷嘴沉积物的影响最大。

    The influence of gasoline and gasoline detergent to nozzle deposit on gasoline direct injection engine was investigated by the contrast experiments of different gasoline at the typical condition , the result showed that aromatic hydrocarbon in gasoline had the most influence to nozzle deposit of gasoline direct injection engine .