
  • 网络The Age of Automobiles;AUTO AGE
  1. 醉酒人犯罪是一个严重的社会问题,随着我国进入汽车时代,醉酒犯罪中的醉酒驾驶问题也日益突出,愈演愈烈的醉酒驾驶交通肇事案件引起了刑法理论以及司法实践的广泛关注。

    Crime committed by a drunkard is an important social issue , and as our country come into the auto age , drunk driving has become increasingly prominent . A large number of traffic accidents caused by drunk driving also called the attention of criminal law theory and judicial practice .

  2. 近年来,我国汽车市场销售火爆,中国已经进入了汽车时代。

    In recent years , Chinese auto market is at bloom while China has entered the auto age .

  3. 当然,这个习语出自汽车时代之前。

    Of course , the idiom comes from a time before cars .

  4. 汽车时代的独行美

    The beauty of lonely travel in the Automobile Times

  5. 故事发生在汽车时代之前,那时人们用马做交通工具。

    It takes place in the days before automobiles when everyone used horses .

  6. 从《后汽车时代的城市》到对城市问题的反思

    On the reconsideration for the urban problem in the City with No Cars

  7. 汽车时代畅通城市道路问题研究及规划对策

    Research on Unblocked Urban Road and Solution in Planning in the Motor Vehicle Era

  8. 谢普安排她去制作早上的汽车时代。

    Shep 's got her producing morning drive-time .

  9. 汽车时代即将到来

    It 's the age of the automobile .

  10. 发展中世界的大城市大多是在汽车时代差不多从1950年以后起迅速涌现出来的。

    Most big developing-world cities mushroomed after about 1950 , in the automobile age .

  11. 同时,中国目前还处于汽车时代的早期。

    And China is only at the early stages of its adoption of the automobile .

  12. 后汽车时代的城市

    The City with No Cars

  13. 汽车时代的乐活之选

    Choose The Date CHOOSE CAR

  14. 但是,汽车时代也随之给人类社会带来了许多危害。

    But the automobile age also brought along with it a lot of harm to the human societies .

  15. 在中国汽车时代急速发展的情况下,各汽车厂家也在当地迅速建立起销售网。

    Motorization is spreading rapidly in china , and automakers are building local sales networks at a furious pace .

  16. 因为这些城市大多建立于汽车时代之前,他们能够相对容易地适应一个像是回到过去的新时代&步行、骑自行车和乘坐公共交通工具。

    Built mostly before cars , they can adapt relatively easily to a new-old era of walking , cycling and public transport .

  17. 进入谷歌自动驾驶汽车时代,就能通过其系统运算法则减少车祸的发生,使交通流量保持平稳。

    Enter the Google self-driving car , an autonomous vehicle that promises to steer clear of accidents and keep traffic flowing smoothly via algorithm .

  18. 随着人类进入汽车时代,伴随而来的机动车交通事故如同疟疾和艾滋病一样,亦成了人们普遍关注的社会问题。

    Automobile traffic accident , the by-product of automobile era , became a serious social problem which attracts wide attention as well as malaria and AIDS .

  19. 汽车时代的来临具有双重性,在带来各种便利的同时,其本身也蕴含了很多风险。

    The wide application of automobile brings people a great deal of convenience , but at the same time it carries with it some inherent risks .

  20. 汽车时代最大的好处是,它为数千万人提供了汽车制造、营销、保险和驾驶方面的就业机会。

    The best thing about the automobile age was that it employed tens of millions of people to make , market , insure and drive vehicles .

  21. 结合实际案例,从道路概况、景观形态、车速控制等多角度进行研究,分析适宜汽车时代景观的多重尺度模式。

    Combination of actual cases , from a road profile , landscape patterns , speed control , multi-angle study , analysis for multi-car era of the landscape-scale model .

  22. 无论您喜欢称她为梦想之车,还是梦幻合金,概念汽车时代开始之日起,就带给我们憧憬与欢乐。

    Whether you prefer to call them dream cars or fantasies in chrome , concept vehicles have awed and entertained us since the dawning of the automotive age .

  23. 郊区购物中心是城市郊区化与汽车时代的产物,它标志着一个城市的高度城市化水平和交通网络的高度发达。

    Suburban shopping malls are the mark of urbanization of suburbs and the era of mobile . They also represent the high level of urbanization and the highly developed transportation net of cities .

  24. 随着人类社会进入汽车时代,机动车交通事故频繁发生,成为危害社会人身和财产安全的一大杀手。

    With the development of the society , we have entered the era of automobile . Traffic accidents have become one of the biggest killers , which will harm our lives and properties .

  25. 这些改变与城市化背景下的受众变化,城市变迁,大众文化兴起和汽车时代到来密切关联。

    These changes has close connection with the audiences transformation , city developing , the appearance of mass culture and the advent of automobile era , which all come up after the urbanization .

  26. 随着城市的发展、汽车时代的来临,城市传统的公共空间及其户外生活走向泯灭,城市公共空间质量急剧下降。

    As cities are continuously developing and car-ages are coming , the traditional public space and open-air life in cities has been dying away and the quality of their public space is dropping sharply .

  27. 自从城市进入汽车时代以来,城市获得了高速性和机动性,同时也面临着发展中的一系列副作用,城市交通拥挤就是这些副作用的一种体现。

    Since the city has entered the era of cars , it is high-speed and mobility , while the city also faced some side-effects of the development , traffic congestion is a reflection of these side effects .

  28. 以世界上其它几个国家交通运输业发展的历史进程为借鉴,笔者认为我国铁路运输的黄金时代即将结束,而应当采取积极措施迎接汽车时代的到来;

    In the perspective of the historical development of transport industry in several foreign countries , the author predicts that the heyday of railway transport in our country is to end , and road and water transport is to develop rapidly .

  29. 随着我国汽车时代的到来,城市规划中长期忽视停车设施的规划与建设,致使城市停车问题日益突出。

    Along with the our country car coming of ages . The city planning inside neglects to park the car the programming and the developments of the facilities over a long period of time The makes the city parking the problem increasingly outstanding .

  30. 不管你是坐车步行去商店,任何人都知道如今生活在汽车的时代。

    As anyone who commutes or runs to the store knows , we live in a nation of automobiles .