
  • 网络Yuanjiang River;Ruanjiang;Yuan River
  1. 人工神经网络在沅江中上游水环境质量评价中的应用研究

    Application Research of Artificial Neural Network Method on Water Quality Estimation in Yuan River Upriver

  2. 湖南沅江流域是我国金刚石的重要产地,产出的金刚石有多成因、多来源之说。

    The diamond from Yuan River , Hunan Province , an important place of diamond production , is of multiple geneses and sources .

  3. 测量了喀斯特地区乌江、沅江两大水系的河流枯水期的主元素、Sr2+离子浓度和Sr同位素比值。

    Major ions and Sr ~ ( 2 + ) concentrations and Sr isotopic compositions of two major river systems were measured in Guizhou karst region .

  4. 省道1831线沅江白沙大桥接线

    Connection of Baisha Bridge in Yuanjiang on the Province Road 1831

  5. 沅江市农户种植业适度规模研究

    Research on the Appropriate Scale of Peasant Households ' Planting of Yuanjiang

  6. 桃源县山丘型光壳钉螺向沅江扩散的调查

    Investigation on the snail spread to the Yuanjiang River in Taoyuan County

  7. 沅江流域宝石级金刚石砂矿特征

    Characteristics of the jewel grade placer diamond deposit in Yuanjiang River Valley

  8. 沅江市主导产业的选择及产业空间布局研究

    On the Selection of Leading Industries and the Industrial Spatial Distribution in Yuanjiang

  9. 沅江凹陷古近纪层序地层、沉积相特征及演化

    Characteristics and evolution of Paleogene sequence stratification and sedimentary facies in Yuanjiang sag

  10. 沅江市位于湖南省北部,濒临洞庭湖滨。

    Yuanjiang city lies in the north of Hunan .

  11. 属新湘语的沅江话中的“起”是个意义较丰富、有多种语法功能的词。

    " Qi " in Yuanjiang dialect is rich in meaning and grammatical function .

  12. 沅江软土工程地质特征

    The engineering geological feature of soft-soil in Yuanjiang

  13. 湖南沅江话语音研究

    The Phonological Study of Yuanjiang Dialect in Hunan

  14. 地震地层学在沅江凹陷的应用

    Application of seismic stratigraphy to Yangjiang depression

  15. 对中国联通沅江分公司经营发展战略的研究包括三个层次的内容:①企业的战略分析;

    There are three levels of the development strategy for Yuanjiang Branch , e.g. strategic analysis ;

  16. 在此基础上分析了中国电信沅江分公司团队建设所面临的挑战。

    On this basis , challenges on team-building of Yuanjiang Branch Company of China Telecom are analysed .

  17. 统计学在基准地价研究中的应用&以湖南省沅江市城区为例

    Application of the Geostatistics in Urban Base Land Price : A Case of Yuanjiang County of Hunan Province

  18. 就因为此案,2013年,他因涉嫌信用卡诈骗而遭到沅江的拘捕。

    For this , he was arrested in a crackdown on credit card fraud in Yuanjiang in August 2013 .

  19. 从有效团队建设的角度,分析探讨了中国电信沅江分公司团队建设过程中遇到的问题。

    From the perspective of an effective team building , the author analysis the problems encountered by Yuanjiang Branch Company in team-building process .

  20. 林权改革对林业技术需求和产业发展的影响&以湖南沅江市为例

    The affection of innovation of forestry property rights on demanding of forestry technology and industry development & took Yuanjiang City , Hunan as an example

  21. 以新型工业化推动农业产业化促进现代农业发展&对沅江市农业发展的调查与思考

    Pushing Agriculture Industrialization by New Industrialization to promote the Development of Modern Agriculture & Investigation and Thinking About the Development of Argriculture in Yuanjiang City

  22. 采用多重评价方法与聚类分析法对研究很少的大型江河&沅江下游的水质情况开展了调查、分析和质量评价。

    Water quality of lower reaches of Yuanjiang River , a rarely studied large river , was sampled and assessed through multiple assessment method and cluster analysis .

  23. 湘江,资江,沅江和澧水经湖南北部的洞庭湖汇入扬子江(长江)。

    The Xiangjiang , the Zijiang , the Yuanjiang and the Lishui Rivers converge on the Yangtze River ( Changjiang River ) at Lake Dongting in the north of Hunan .

  24. 洪江大街小巷到处有祭供着土地庙。祭祀活动从年头到年尾。数百年来,沅江流域江河溪流边立有土地庙。人们祈求河神保佑风调雨顺,平安吉祥。

    There are temples that worship the god of earth everywhere in the ancient city , so sacrificial activities usually last for the whole year , praying for good weather and good luck .

  25. 最后提出了中国电信沅江分公司团队建设的改进方案。包括提高团队绩效的整体思路、各项具体的改进措施以及相应的配套措施。

    Finally , this paper puts forward improvement project for team-building of Yuanjiang Branch Company , including the overall ideas of raising team performance , the specific improvement measures and the corresponding supporting measures .

  26. 从中层管理者和基层员工两个层面建立了团队绩效的评价模型,并据此设计调查问卷对中国电信沅江分公司的团队建设情况进行了实证研究。

    The team performance evaluation model is established from two levels of middle managers and junior staff . The author designs questionnaire and carries out empirical research on the team-building of Yuanjiang Telecom accordingly to it .

  27. 介绍了沅江公铁合建特大桥设计概况及工程特色,包括设计条件、方案比较、总体布置、结构设计、施工要点等。

    This paper presents the design general descriptions and project features of the Combined Rail and Road Bridge over Yuanjiang River , including the design conditions , bridge alternative comparison , overall layout , structural design , and construction highlights .

  28. 介绍了中国电信沅江分公司团队建设的现状,并分析了中国电信沅江分公司面临的环境变革,包括中国电信有关基层团队建设的新要求和湖南电信有关基层团队建设的新部署。

    The author introduces the team-building status of Yuanjiang Branch Company of China Telecom . And analyzes environment change faced by Yuanjiang Branch Company of China Telecom , including the new demands on team-building of China Telecom on the grass-roots and new deployment of team-building of Hunan Telecom .
