
  1. 塔里木沙漠石油公路沿线沙丘移动规律

    The sand dune movement along the Tarim Desert Oil - Transportation Highway

  2. 青海湖周边地区沙丘移动监测及其气候驱动力分析

    Monitoring of Aeolian Dunes Movement in Surrounding Qinghai Lake Areas and Climate-Driven Forces Analysis

  3. 敦煌莫高窟窟顶沙丘移动的初步研究

    A preliminary study of dune movement on the top of Mogao grottoes , dunhuang

  4. 该实验弥补了国内外在野外长期实地观测沙丘移动规律的空白。

    This experiment has filled the vacancy of field observation for a long period on the law of sand dune movement at home and abroad .

  5. 为了解沙丘移动的规律及其对红树林的危害,从1992年4月到1995年7月对一处于发育初期的活跃沙丘进行实地观测。

    From 1992 to 1995 , field observations were conducted on a junior active sand dune to understand its movement laws and the damages to mangroves .

  6. 沙丘移动的基本特征是:(1)风是沙丘移动的动力,风向单一时沙丘移动速度快。

    The basic moving characteristics of dune was that wind was the moving motive force of dune and moving speed was quick when the wind direction was single .

  7. 毛乌素沙漠南缘属于多层次过渡带,生态环境脆弱,是沙丘移动的活跃地带。

    The south edge of MU Us Desert belongs to the muti-level transition zone . The ecological environment of this area was fragile and sand dunes moved actively .

  8. 通过连续5年的实地调查与观测,研究了10种流动沙地植物沙障治理模式的适用范围、植被恢复效果、沙丘移动距离及投入与产值情况。

    Through 5 years observation and investigation , the suitable range , plant recovery , sand dune moving distance , investment and production value of ten moving sand plant block models were studied .

  9. 平均沙丘移动速率分别为4.61m和3.99m,而每月沙丘在榆林和靖边分别前进1.152m和0.997m。

    The mean sand dune movement equates to a rate of 4.61 and ( 3.99 m ) per year , but average monthly sand dune movement rates were 1.152 and 0.997 m for the two locations respectively .

  10. 研究成果体现在风沙移动规律的初步认识、沙丘移动规律、中国沙丘活动的总体规律、防沙措施的布设原则和风沙运动理论的初步探讨等几个方面。

    Achievements in this stage is summarized : a preliminary insight of blown sand movement , dune advancement , the activities of the dune fields in the north of China , design principles of blown sand control and a few theoretical attempts in blown sand and dune movement .

  11. 阿勒泰地区沙丘移动方向较复杂,在夏半年(4&9月),西部额尔齐斯河南北及中部两河地带的沙丘向东、东南方向移动;

    In the area of Altai , Xinjiang , moving directions of sand dunes are complex : in the half year from Apr. to Sep. sand dunes on the both sides of western Ertix River , and between the Ertix River and Ulungur River move eastward and southeastward .

  12. 阻沙栅栏和草方格固沙带也影响沙丘的移动。

    Dune movement can be restricted by fences and reed checkerboards .

  13. 沙丘越高移动速度越缓慢。

    The higher the dune was , the slower the moving speed was .

  14. 沙丘常往内陆移动。

    The dunes usually migrate inland .

  15. 现代荒漠化过程表征的主体为农田风蚀沙化过程、草场退化过程、固定沙丘活化与流动沙丘移动过程。

    The modern desertification process consists of farmland wind erosion process , grasslands degradation process , fixed dune activation and drifting sand moving process .

  16. 研究结果表明,区域沙丘属于半固定沙丘,移动速度缓慢,全区的沙化地总体表现为负增长。

    The result suggests that the sand dune is characterized by semi-active dune , the move speed is very slow , and all round the district desertification shows negative increase .