
  • 网络Shaxi;SAND CREEK;Sandy Creek
  1. 新场气田沙溪庙组JS2~4层测井评价

    Logging evaluation of Shaximiao ′ s JS_2 ~ 4 formation in Xinchang gas field

  2. 针对沙溪庙组特定的地质特征,本文采用了最佳子集及GA-BP神经网络模型预测产能。

    Based on the specific geological features of Shaximiao formation , this article used the best subset and GA-BP neural network models to predict the deliverability .

  3. 采用~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar快中子活化定年法,测定沙溪斑岩铜(金)矿成矿年龄为123.6±0.7Ma,成矿岩体从固结成岩到成矿经历了20Ma。

    The age of copper mineralization determined by the 40Ar / 39Ar fast-neutron activation technique is 123 . 6 ± 0 . 7 Ma . The process from emplacement and solidification of the mineralizing intrusive to mineralization lasted about 20 Ma .

  4. 一种致密碎屑岩储层产能预测的新方法&以新场气田沙溪庙组为例

    A New Method of Prediction Capacity in Compact Clastic Rock Reservoir

  5. 沙溪寺登:茶马古道上唯一幸存的古集市。

    Shaxi Sideng : the only surviving bazaar .

  6. 令人难以置信地是,雇佣的出租车司机声称从未从未听说过沙溪。

    My taxi driver claims , implausibly , never to have heard of Shaxi .

  7. 古道将让我原离现代的主干道,并还通往另一古老的白族村落–沙溪。

    It will lead me off the modern-day main road and through another ancient Bai village called Shaxi .

  8. 从丽江到沙溪坐大巴需要3个小时,驾车只需90分钟。

    It takes about 90 minutes by car and three hours by bus to get from Lijiang to Shaxi .

  9. 川西致密碎屑岩沙溪庙组气藏是中石化集团主要的天然气生产基地。

    Shaximiao formation gas reservoir in the compact clastic rocks of western Sichuan is one of Sino-PEC ′ s main natural gas production bases .

  10. 经过一段曲折不堪的长途跋涉,我们到达了沙溪,那里既没有危险的明显征兆,也没有什么求救事件,只有一个趣味横生的市场迎接我们的到来。

    After a long , tortuous drive we arrive in Shaxi , which has neither obvious signs of danger nor appeal , despite its colourful market .

  11. 沙溪位于大理与丽江之间,四周山峦环绕,常令游人望而却步,却反而因此鲜受打扰,保留了最初的美景。

    Shaxi is located halfway between Dali and Lijiang and is surrounded by mountains that discourage mass tourism , allowing its original beauty to remain intact .

  12. 沙溪古镇在云南剑川县大理与丽江之间的古驿道上,是滇藏茶马古道上唯一幸存的古集市。

    The ancient town of Shaxi is situated on the ancient post road between Dali and Lijiang prefectures in the territory of jianchuan County , Yunnan Province .

  13. 四川盆地西部侏罗系沙溪庙组是河流三角洲滨浅湖沉积为主的红色砂泥岩系,天然气资源相当丰富。

    Abundant in natural gas sources , Jurassic Shaximiao Formation in west Sichuan Basin is a red sandstone and shale mainly deposited in fluvial , deltaic shoal faces .

  14. 中江地区沙溪庙组地层在钻井过程中一直存在比较严重的垮塌现象,给该区钻井施工带来较大的技术难题和经济上造成较大损失。

    Serious collapsing is always existed in the drilling process in Shaximiao formation of Zhongjiang area , which brings technical difficulty in drilling operation and huge economic loss .

  15. 新场沙溪庙组气藏是西南油气田的主力气藏之一,目前,该气藏开发已步入中后期产量递减阶段。

    As one of the main gas reservoirs in oil and gasfield of southwest Sichuan Basin , Shaximiao reservoir of Xinchang gasfield is now in the production decline stage .

  16. 但是很多人不知道,每年春天,云南沙溪的油菜花同样生机盎然。同时,沙溪还有许多尚未被世人打扰的文化瑰宝。

    But Shaxi in Yunnan , which , many don 't realize , also comes to life with the flowers in spring , and offers a variety of untouched cultural gems .

  17. 而当太阳西沉时,沙停止了流动,一到早晨,这条沙溪却又开始流动,一个支流一个支流地分成了亿万道川流。

    When the sun withdraws the sand ceases to flow , but in the morning the streams will start once more and branch and branch again into a myriad of others .

  18. 2002年,沙溪与万里长城、上海犹太教堂、陕西大秦基督宝塔及修道院一道,被列入世界濒危建筑保护名录。

    In2002 , Shaxi was included on the list of the world 's endangered architecture protection together with the Great Wall , Shanghai Jewdom Church and Shaanxi Daqin Christian Pagoda and Convent .

  19. 但是,在如何利用沙溪白族历史文化资源促进当地经济社会发展问题上,还存在基础设施建设投入不足、重开发轻保护、研究不够深入等诸多问题。

    However , there are also many questions about using these resources such as investment insufficiency of infrastructural facility construction , heavily exploitation than protection , insufficiently thorough research and so on .

  20. 不同成土母质发育的土壤,有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾的含量均是在沙溪庙组最高,自流井组次之,遂宁组最低;

    Soil from different soil parent materials , organic matter , total nitrogen , alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen , rapidly available phosphorus , rapidly available potassium was the highest in J_ ( 2s ) .

  21. 沙溪也被旅游杂志《孤独星球》形容为“一座沉睡中的美妙城市,那儿的夜生活就是坐在繁星点点的天幕下,聆听稻田里的蛙鸣”。

    Shaxi is " a wonderful sleepy place where nightlife means sitting out under the canopy of stars and listening to the frogs croaking in the rice paddies , " Lonely Planet writes .

  22. 在新场上沙溪庙组气藏的中深定向井施工中,使用高密度的钻井液,存在起下钻摩阻大、测井和下套管困难等问题。

    When directional medium-depth wells are drilled , high density drilling fluid is used , the problems take place that frictional resistance is high during trip and running casing and well logging are difficult .

  23. 据此,结合储层渗透率的差异将上沙溪庙储层划分为4种类型的储渗体,其中相对高渗透体和低渗透体两种类型最具开发前景。

    According to the permeability difference , the reservoir could be divided into 4 types and both of the relatively high body and the low permeability body are the best types that could be developed .

  24. 沙溪是古时茶马古道上的重要中转站。茶马古道虽然名气不及丝绸之路,但却是同样重要的文化经济交流通道。

    Shaxi village was a crucial node on chama gudao , the ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Route , which is less famous than the Silk Road but arguably of equal importance in terms of what it did for cultural and economic exchange .