
  1. 我知道他的店下个礼拜要整修。

    I understand his store is going to be renovated next week .

  2. 在香榭丽舍大道的咖啡店休息下,还有好吃的提拉米苏;

    Take a break in a coffee shop on Champs-Elysees within Tiramisu .

  3. 天津十几家主要零售店创下销售额飙升100%的记录,达到2亿元。

    Tianjin saw a dozen of its major retail shops record a100 percent rise in sales to200 million yuan .

  4. 在斑驳的摄政海滨上的纪念品小摊在水手莱特工作过的糖果店领导下暂停交易。

    Along the faded Regency seafront , souvenir stalls halted trading , led by staff at a sweet shop where Marine Wright once worked .

  5. 因此,玩具专卖店在下订单时往往较为谨慎,常常会下些试验性订单,以寻找下一个热门产品,如果销量不错,就再订更多的货。

    Dedicated toy stores , therefore , tend to be cautious in ordering , often flying in a test order in search of the next hot item and ordering more if it sells well .

  6. 在高耸的CommedesGar?ons北京店的阴影下,看着穿着讲究的消费者排队买精致纸杯蛋糕,很难想象,在40年前,像洗头膏这样的基本商品都可能被谴责为资产阶级的腐朽奢侈。

    Watching well-heeled shoppers queue for designer cupcakes in the shadow of a massive new Comme des Gar ? ons store in Beijing , it 's hard to imagine that a scant 40 years ago , a basic commodity like shampoo might have been denounced as a decadent bourgeois splurge .

  7. 布料都卷成一大捆,店老板剪下女人们想要的布料长度。

    And the storekeeper cut off as much as a woman wanted .

  8. 麦克斯自制小蛋糕店要塞不下啦。

    Max 's homemade cupcakes is at capacity .

  9. 很抱歉,本店一直到下星期的房间全都订满了。

    I 'm very sorry , sir , but our rooms are fully booked for the next week .

  10. 到了晚上,她走到街角上的一个理发店,取下她的梳子。

    That evening she went into a barber 's shop at the corner of the street , and pulled out her comb .

  11. 有利油气聚集带分布在孔店组上下界面、由构造&岩性组合而形成的圈闭和不整合面遮挡而成的地层圈闭区。

    The movement made it possible for oil and gas accumulation zone to distribute at both the top interface and the bottom interface of Kongdian Group .

  12. Zippo称,这个系列的服饰将在UrbanOutfitters这类零售店和Glik旗下的百货商店售卖。

    Zippo says the clothes will be available through such retailers as Urban Outfitters Inc. and Glik Co. 's department stores .

  13. 这事发生在一家豪不引人注目,门面简单的小餐馆里,其店名叫“山下”(Yamashita)。山下餐馆是鲍勃找到的,像个禅院模样。

    It did so at a small , easily missed , relatively modest-looking restaurant called Yamashita .

  14. 这10年来我唯一招过的顾问是家公司,我让他们帮忙分析Gateway的零售策略,好让我们不(在开设苹果零售店时)犯下与他们一样的错误。

    The only consultants I 've ever hired in my10 years is one firm to analyze Gateway 's retail strategy so I would not make some of the same mistakes they made [ when launching Apple 's retail stores ] .

  15. 弗洛伦斯起初是在朋友家人以及食品店顾客的劝说下参加了英国独立电视台(ITV)罗琳的这档节目,节目的初衷是为了突出自然美,鼓励女性们为她们自然的相貌感到骄傲。

    For Florence , it became reality when friends , family and chip shop customers persuaded her to enter a competition run by ITV 's Lorraine programme to highlight natural beauty and encourage women to be proud of their natural look .

  16. 在预期离店表上写下延迟退房的时间。

    Writes down the Late Check-out time onto the Due Out list .

  17. 豪华百货店品牌联营模式下的供货渠道控制研究

    The Study of Supply Channel Control under " Brand Pool " Model of Luxurious Store

  18. 鲁本很有礼貌地碰了碰他的旧帽沿儿,走出店外。阳光下清新的微风吹得罗伯茨湾的海水泛起阵阵涟漪。

    Reuben respectfully touched his worn cap and walked out into the sunlight with the bay rippling in a freshening wind .

  19. 昼间颜色对行驶中驾驶人距离判识的影响在预期离店表上写下延迟退房的时间。

    Influence of colors in day on distance cognition of driver in moving vehicle Writes down the Late Check-out time onto the Due Out list .

  20. 更年轻的消费者对他们在线上找到的小众品牌日益感兴趣——这些品牌可能甚至都不需要如旗舰店等任何线下实体来拉动销售。

    Younger consumers are increasingly interested in niche brands they discover online - and which may not even need any physical presence such as a flagship store to drive sales .

  21. 传统店内购物环境下,消费者的感知风险有6个纬度,即财务风险、功能风险、身体风险、心理风险、社会风险以及时间风险。

    In traditional in-store shopping environment , there are six types of perceived risk , financial risk , performance risk , physical risk , psychological risk , social risk and time risk .

  22. 这种花现在濒危,所以莱泽利冰激凌店(LezzetliIceCream)用日本魔芋粉代替它。该店最近开始在下东区的赫斯特街头集市(HesterStreetFair)上向土耳其冰激凌致敬。

    These flowers are now endangered , so Lezzetli Ice Cream , which recently started selling its homage to dondurma at the Hester Street Fair on the Lower East Side , substitutes Japanese konjac powder .