
  1. 服装品牌连锁店铺服务水平评价体系实证研究&以湖南J公司为例

    An Empirical Study on Service Evaluation System of Clothing Brand Chain Store-Exemplified by Hunan J Company

  2. 全国知名休闲服品牌真维斯正是采用这种方法,有效地控制了其店铺服务,并将其保持在一个较高的水平上。

    The famous brand " Jeanswest " who is using this method to control the shop service effectively and keep the service in a relative high level .

  3. 截至目前,该平台已为约50万家店铺提供服务。

    So far , the Alibaba Distribution Platform has offered services to about 500000 stores .

  4. 在中国,购物中心是指多种零售店铺、服务设施集中在由企业有计划地开发、管理、运营的一个建筑物内或一个区域内,向消费者提供综合性服务的商业集合体。

    In China , the shopping mall is a business company which provides consumers with a comprehensive service , it been developed , managed and operated by the company and contains many variety of retail shops and services facilities .

  5. 例如,瑞典牛仔裤公司NudieJeans在其二十家店铺提供免费维修服务。

    For example , the Swedish jeans company Nudie Jeans offers free repair at twenty of their shops .

  6. 其运作的模式是通过店铺设计,打造服务营销理念;

    Firstly , build up a sense of service marketing by sophisticated shop designs .

  7. 点亮了图形,写在大字体加粗你的店铺的名称和服务。

    Lit graphics , written in large bold font the name of your shop and service .

  8. 店铺所提供的服务能持续地使你感到愉快是重要的。

    It is important for you to be pleased with the service provided by the store consistently .