
diàn miàn
  • storefront;shop front
店面 [diàn miàn]
  • [shop front] 商店的门面

  • 两间店面

店面[diàn miàn]
  1. 物美店面脏乱,装饰凌乱无序,而且内部商品的排列并未注意遵照必要的美学标准。

    The shop front is dirty , the decor shabby and the goods inside are displayed without the slightest attention to aesthetics .

  2. 它的在线商城天猫(Tmall)为耐克(Nike)和联合利华(Unilever)等品牌提供了一个网络店面,而淘宝则主要用于C2C交易。

    Its Tmall online stores provide a shop front for brands like Nike ( NKE ) and Unilever ( UL ), while Taobao is focused on consumer-to-consumer trade .

  3. 夏日里有许多酒吧喜欢用鲜花来装饰店面。

    Lots of pubs like to deck themselves out with flowers in summer

  4. 店面上方的招牌醒目地刷成了金色大字。

    The name is picked out in gold letters over the shop-front .

  5. 他们手挽手慢悠悠地逛过一家家店面。

    They dawdled arm in arm past the shopfronts .

  6. 您的客户一家女式服装店需要您开发一个与支付处理和产品配送中心集成的Web店面解决方案。

    A customer , a women â™ s clothing store , needs you to develop a Web storefront solution integrated with a payment processing and product delivery center .

  7. 我将用一个简单的电子商务店面的应用程序来举例说明ASP。

    I 'm going to use a simple e-commerce store application to help illustrate how the ASP .

  8. 它还将在英国推出一项新的电子商务业务,该业务同时还将服务于那些Gap未开设店面的西欧国家。

    It is also launching a new e-commerce business based in the UK that will also serve western European countries where it does not have stores .

  9. 在1080号店面旁边,我惊讶地发现一家没门牌号、却有实名的店面——韩国精品屋(MadeinKorea),却只卖中国生产的东西。

    Somewhere in the 1080 range I was surprised to find a store with no number but an actual name , Made in Korea , which only offered items made in China .

  10. shopfront:店面,铺面高管和办公室的好事之人也许对办公桌干不干净很上心,但如果从工作效率来看,似乎他们都错了。

    Managers and office busybodies might be keen on a clean desk - but it seems that in terms of productivity , they could have it all wrong .

  11. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的淘宝网为零售商提供互联网店面,在中国网上商品销售市场占据主导地位。

    Taobao , owned by Alibaba , provides internet store fronts for retailers and dominates online merchandise sales in China .

  12. CommerceStarterKit要为虚构的间谍公司IBuySpy创建电子商务店面应用程序。

    The Commerce Starter Kit creates an e-commerce storefront application for a fictitious spy company , IBuySpy .

  13. 据《美发百科:一部文化史》(EncyclopediaofHair:ACulturalHistory)记载,在20世纪60年代中期,理发店数量骤减,成千上万家店面关门大吉。

    According to " Encyclopedia of Hair : A Cultural History , " they went into a slump in the mid - " 60s , and thousands went out of business .

  14. AmericanApparel在2008年发布了2100百万的亏损报告,同期的店面销售量也下降了,这基本就意味着这家公司还会继续亏损。

    American Apparel posted a net loss in 2008 of $ 21 million . Comparable store sales have flattened , which means the firm likely will continue to post losses .

  15. 其中的淘宝类似eBay,它为小商户提供了一个交易市场。而天猫则为包括GapInc.在内的品牌零售商提供网上店面。

    Taobao is an eBay-like marketplace for small merchants , while Tmall hosts online storefronts for retailers including brands such as Gap Inc. ( GPS ) .

  16. 不管你家的装修风格是古典、怪异还是怀旧,在RuedesJuifs街区都能找到类似的店面。

    Whether your home is classy , kooky or retro , a design boutique awaits in the Rue des Juifs area .

  17. Berghaus是英国PentlandGroup的子公司,目前已在韩国拥有24家店面。

    Berghaus , a subsidiary of the UK 's Pentland Group , already has 24 stores in South Korea .

  18. 五年前,餐厅老板吴成英(音译)和丈夫黄贵平(音译)把餐厅搬到了西北方向的CollegePoint。在那里,它最近的对手是街对面一个画满涂鸦、提供炒杂碎和炒面外卖的店面。

    Five years ago , Cheng Ying Wu and her husband , Gui Ping Huang , the owners , moved it northwest to College Point , where its nearest rival is a graffiti-scrawled storefront across the street selling takeout chop suey and chow mein .

  19. 儿童部位于三楼,与美国巴诺书店(Barnes&Noble)的各店面相比,面积略小一些,但架上的书籍却更丰富。

    The children 's section on the third floor may be smaller than that of the average Barnes & Noble , but its shelves are meatier .

  20. 实际上,Web服务的意图在于允许AmazonAssociate(他们支付推荐费)使用一种更加灵活的方法来构建Web店面(Webstorefront),从而帮助销售更多的Amazon产品。

    In fact , the intention of Web services is to allow Amazon Associates ( their paid referrer program ) a more flexible way to build Web storefronts to help sell more Amazon products .

  21. 在装修期间,MTA还对中央车站进行了“整容”,拆掉了生蚝吧(OysterBar)附近的一个假天花板。生蚝吧早在1913年就入驻了大中央车站,是这里历史最悠久的店面。

    It removed a fake ceiling near the Oyster Bar , which has called the station home since 1913 , making it Grand Central 's oldest business .

  22. planetretail的研究主管娜塔莉伯格(natalieberg)表示,在新兴经济体市场,跨国公司现已更加重视规模较小的店面以及电子商务渠道。

    Natalie Berg , research director at Planet retail , said multinationals were beginning to attach a higher priority to smaller stores and ecommerce in emerging markets .

  23. 此外,它还打算在今年把sunglasshut在亚洲各地的店面数量扩大到250家。

    In addition it is targeting expansion of sunglass hut across Asia aiming for 250 stores this year .

  24. 监测到多兰靠近这家店面之后,其iPhone手机上的丝芙兰应用程序已经启动Passbook【苹果公司(Apple)开发的优惠券和门票存储应用】来提醒她。

    Detecting her proximity to the store , the Sephora app on her iPhone had triggered Passbook , Apple 's coupon and ticket storing app , to remind her .

  25. 如果您以前曾在TWTR店面购物,请向我们寄发电子邮件。

    Email us if you 've shopped at a TWTR store before .

  26. 该公司正在SilverCastles网站上开发一个新的基于Web的店面,并且已经决定使用pureQuery环境来开发数据访问应用程序的持久层。

    The company is developing a new web-based storefront on the Silver Castles website and has decided to use the pureQuery environment to develop their data acces application 's persistence layer .

  27. 我总是认为Passbook就像是一块磁石,能够拉拢客户进入店面,她说。

    I like to think of Passbook as a magnet to pull clients into the store , she said .

  28. 瑞典时装零售商HM关闭了位于中环(CentralDistrict)的旗舰店,其西班牙竞争对手Zara付双倍租金租下了原址店面。

    HM , the Swedish clothing retailer , shuttered its flagship store leaving its Central District location to Zara , its Spanish rival , to take up the keys and pay double the rent .

  29. 上周,英国奢侈品制造商博柏利(Burberry)出人意料地发布了一项盈利预警,该公司公布了一组自金融危机以来最糟糕的店面销售数据。

    Last week , British luxury-maker Burberry issued an unexpected profit warning , reporting its worst same-store sales figures since the financial crisis .

  30. 瑞典时装零售商H&M关闭了位于中环(CentralDistrict)的旗舰店,其西班牙竞争对手Zara付双倍租金租下了原址店面。

    H & M , the Swedish clothing retailer , shuttered its flagship store leaving its Central District location to Zara , its Spanish rival , to take up the keys and pay double the rent .