
  • 网络Communication Environment;Communicative Environment
  1. 其次,要营造良好的沟通环境。

    Secondly , it is necessary to create a good communication environment .

  2. 合乎伦理的人为教育干预对于改善学校沟通环境,避免无效教育有重要作用。

    In this connection , the intentional intervention based on ethics is of great importance for improving the communication environment at school and avoid ineffective education .

  3. 双语沟通环境中的聋人教师对聋生的榜样示范作用,既能促进聋生学业发展,又有利于其人格的积极发展。

    Deaf teachers played a model role in the bilingual communication environment to promote the academic development of deaf pupils , but also their personality . 6 .

  4. 利用影像媒体的外语教育能够提供有效的沟通环境和真实性较强的语言资料,使学习者通过这些间接的经验取得更好的学习效果。

    Teaching foreign language using video media provides effective environment for communication and substantial language contents so that learners can get more effectiveness in learning through such indirect experiences .

  5. 城市是一个复杂的人居环境,但人类往往只关注到它的政治功能和经济价值,而忽略了它作为传播和可沟通环境的社会性。

    The city is a complex living environment . However , people only pay attention to its political function and economic value , and ignore it as a social communication environment .

  6. 主要原因在于规模和效益竞争力偏弱,旅游资源开发较为滞后,旅游高级生产要素缺乏竞争力,经济环境、交通环境、信息沟通环境普遍不理想。

    The main factors of it lie in the weakness of scale and benefit competitiveness 、 lag in tourism recourses exploitation 、 shortage of competitiveness in high-level production factors and gap in the circumstances of economic 、 transportation and information communication .

  7. 对研发人员情景绩效最具影响的激励因素依次为:公司发展前景和人际沟通环境。

    The original hypothesis which is communication and development prospects of the company have a strong influence at job performance was proved wrong . 2 , The most influential factor of R & D contextual performance are as flowing : the development prospects of the company and interpersonal environment .

  8. 创造随和沟通的环境,并一定跟踪维护。

    Maintain communication and set specific follow-up dates .

  9. 首先,它能给生活其中的同学们交流沟通的环境。

    First of all , it gives the students who live in it an environment for communication .

  10. 医疗质量是对住院病人满意感最大的影响因素,其次为医务人员的理解与沟通,环境和设施、等待时间以及辅助服务的影响较弱。

    Medical quality impacts significantly on the sense of satisfaction of inpatients , the understanding and communication comes next , environment and facilities , waiting time and auxiliary services play minor influences .

  11. 结果影响住院病人满意感的属性包括5大类,即医疗质量、医务人员的理解与沟通、环境和设施、等待时间以及辅助服务;

    Results Five factors exert influence on the sense of satisfaction among inpatients : which are : clinical quality , the understanding and communication of medical staffs , environment and facilities , waiting time and auxiliary services ;

  12. 环境解说是沟通游客、环境资源及资源管理机构间的桥梁与纽带。

    Environmental interpretation is the bridge and link between tourists , environmental resources and resources management agency .

  13. 再次,净化沟通的语言环境,这是为行政语言的运用扫清道路。

    Third , clean communication and language environment , which is to clear the way for the use of administrative language .

  14. 在缺乏直接沟通的网络环境中,服务质量成为网上银行体现差异化和竞争优势的关键因素。

    In the absence of direct communication network environment , service quality has become a key factor of internet banking reflecting the differentiation and competitive advantage .

  15. 九龙新加坡英语讲演会提供给会员一个学习和演练英语沟通技巧的环境。

    Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club provides a mutually supportive environment for the members to practice and improve their English communication skills , using the methodology of " learning by doing " .

  16. 我想如果要激发一个四岁孩子学习中文的兴趣,一个可以和其他同龄孩子沟通的语言环境中会对他有所帮助。

    I thought an environment that he can communicate with his peers might help to solve the problem , which is why we signed Edward up for Chinese summer school .

  17. 在此期间,使得我进一步的提高和加强了自身的沟通和适应环境的能力,也使得自己在工作和生活中更加圆滑和谨慎。

    During this period , makes me further improve and enhance their ability of communication and adapt to the environment , also make yourself at work and in life more pliable and cautious .

  18. 未来的企业,整合营销传播能力将被视为一种资产,也是提高企业竞争力的一种利器,企业的营销传播管理者只有在高效率的沟通渠道和环境下,才能实现企业的生存与发展。

    It is also a kind of edge tool to improve the enterprise competition Enterprise 's IMC supervisor can realize the live and development of enterprise only by high effective communication channel and environment .

  19. 为此主张引进技术应注意适当,即技术应该沟通人与环境,而不是凭技术是否贴上了科学标签去决定取舍。

    He suggested that technology should be introduced properly ; that technology should connect man and environment , and it should not to be judged by whether it is labeled with " science " or not .

  20. 以融合与沟通&论环境陶艺的亲和美为研究课题,旨在探索和揭示环境陶艺产生和发展的物质和精神基础,并从美学的角度予以剖析。

    " Blend and communication & about environmental ceramics close withbeautiful " is studied , aim at investigating with announcing to public environmental ceramics creation with development can material and mental foundation , combine to give the analysis from the esthetic angle .

  21. 用户生成内容(UGC)是Web2.0环境下一种新兴的网络信息资源创作与组织模式,倡导为用户创建一个参与表达、创造、沟通和分享的环境。

    User-Generated Content ( UGC ) is an emerging mode for the creating and organizing of web information resources , and it attempts to incubate an internet mediated social participation , communication , and collaboration environment .

  22. 初中生的亲子沟通及其与家庭环境系统和社会适应关系的研究

    Parent-Child Communication as the Moderate Variable between Family System and Social Adaptation of Middle School Students

  23. 课堂是地方语言学习与他人交往过程中和人际沟通的反社会的环境。

    The classroom is the place where language learners interact with one another in the process and asocial environment of interpersonal communication .

  24. 社会能力及倾向维度包括人际沟通能力、适应环境能力和责任感;

    The dimension of social ability and its tendency contains the ability of interpersonal communication , accommodative ability of environment and conscientiousness .

  25. 随着公共旅游的发展,旅游解说成为沟通旅游者和环境的重要途径。

    With the development of the public tourism , interpretation has said to be a major connection between human and the environment .

  26. 各规划管理与实施部门与规划设计单位之间形成长效沟通机制,保证环境综合整治项目库质量,提高行政效率。

    Between the government and design departments , it can be formed a long-term communication mechanism which can ensure environmental quality and improve administrative efficiency .

  27. 不境与行为研宄和教学所面临的主要挑战是。研宄与设计之间的沟通很困难。环境与行为的相关知识难以应用到设计中去。

    The main challenge of education and study on Environment and Behavior is that the study and architectural design are very difficult to link up with each other .

  28. 而中西方由于文化传统、政治经济、社会制度的差异,在历史的长河中,形成了不同的媒介政治沟通的观念、环境和方式。

    Because of the difference of cultural tradition , political and economic environments , social system between China and western countries , in the long river of history , have formed different idea environment and operation ways .

  29. 为保证商品房市场的健康发展,应采取措施解决该问题,例如:加强销售商和消费者之间的信息沟通,完善交易环境,组建专业购房代理公司。

    Some measures must be taken to ensure the healthy development of the estate market , such as strengthening the information communication between the sellers and the buyers , perfecting business environment , setting up professional purchasing agent .

  30. 大众传媒是否能最大效度的发挥渠道功能,不仅仅取决于政治沟通的观念和环境,还取决于媒介政治沟通主体在沟通方式上是否运用得当。

    Whether the mass media can farthest exert channel function , is decided not merely by the idea and the environment of political communication , but also by whether the main body of media political communication is in appropriate communication way .