
  • 网络communication network;informal communication network
  1. 然而,由于人类存在有限理性,以及信息凸增长、乃至大爆炸的出现,通讯、信息技术并不能真正地形成一个全球性的沟通网络。

    However , the global village or the global communication networks do not emerge as a result due to the bound rationality of human beings and information convex growth , even explosion .

  2. 医院组织结构特征与沟通网络设计

    The Character of Hospital Organization Structure and Design of Communication Network

  3. 所以这里是有关电邮沟通网络礼仪,几件我最喜欢的该做和不该做的事的清单。

    So here 's a list of a few of my favorite netiquette dos and don'ts as it relates to email communication .

  4. 从等级组织到沟通网络层次的模糊排序

    From Hierarchy to Network FUZZY RANK - ORDERING OF HIERARCHY

  5. 从等级组织到沟通网络

    Step into Russia From Hierarchy to Network

  6. 你在沟通网络社区和开发团队方的信息交流面扮演怎样的角色?

    SC-Source : What role do you play in the chain of communication between the community and the development team ?

  7. 全球化还培育了一个沟通网络,从而使得反抗的想法与图像得以在全球快速传播。

    Globalisation has also fostered the communications networks that allow ideas and images of revolt to skip around the world .

  8. 建立畅通的信息沟通网络:如建立全国疾病监测报告系统、都市症状监测系统等;

    Establishing unimpeded information networks , such as setting up a national disease monitoring and reporting system and urban symptom monitoring systems ;

  9. 做为村庄治理神经系统的乡村沟通网络对村庄治理绩效具有显著的影响。

    The rural communicational network is the nervous system of village governance , it has dominant effect to the performance of village governance .

  10. 深入分析了以A炼油公司为代表的大中型国有企业管理沟通网络存在的主要问题及成因。

    With A thorough analysis of the refining company as A representative of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises management communication network problems and causes . 3 .

  11. 四是面对网络政治参与,政府能否保证政治系统沟通网络之畅通,充分发挥沟通之功效。

    Four is whether the government can guarantee political system communication network unimpeded facing the network political participation , giving full play to the effect of communication .

  12. 在进行沟通网络设计时应综合考虑组织结构特点,遵循沟通目的明确、准确全面、渠道通畅、强化正式沟通、正确利用和引导非正式沟通等原则。

    Considering the character of hospital organization , we should design the communication network with the following rules : clear goal , nicety , smooth channel , strengthening official communication , using informal communication .

  13. 第二,构建乡村沟通网络与村庄治理绩效的理论模型,从学理上探究两者之间内在关联。

    Analysis the changes logic and trend , and further analysis the performance of village governance . Second , Construct the theoretical model of rural communicational network and performance of village governance , discuss their intrinsic correlation .

  14. 借鉴行政生态理论分析我国监督行政机制的现状与面临的挑战,从经济、社会、沟通网络、符号系统和政治结构这五个生态要素来思考我国监督行政机制的构建与完善。

    To explore the way of reforming administration supervisory mechanism in our country by using the theory of Administration Ecology for reference must be from the five administrative ecological elements : economy , society , communication network , symbol system and political framework .

  15. 物联网是指通过互联网把真实物品连接起来并通过网上服务相互沟通的网络。

    IoT refers to a network of real-world objects linked by the Internet and interacting through on-line services .

  16. 在缺乏直接沟通的网络环境中,服务质量成为网上银行体现差异化和竞争优势的关键因素。

    In the absence of direct communication network environment , service quality has become a key factor of internet banking reflecting the differentiation and competitive advantage .

  17. 随着网络虚拟社区的不断壮大,越来越多的消费者在网上进行沟通,网络口碑已成为如今学术界和企业界争相讨论的话题。

    As the virtual community has grown , more and more consumers communicate online , and e - word of mouth has become a hot topic by academic and business circles .

  18. 配备现代的沟通设备和网络操作系统。

    It is also equipped with the modern communication facilities and network operational system .

  19. 具体说,信息化主要是反映在沟通手段的网络化,也就是所谓的网络经济。

    In more specific terms , the application of information to the economy is best exemplified in the networking of communication , or the so-called Net economy .

  20. 从农民自身、国家制度和社会组织等等几个方面展开,农民自己要转变观念,敢于创新;学习文化,夯实基础;掌握技能,学会管理;加强沟通,构建网络。

    Farmers should change their mind , dare to innovate ; learning culture and laying solid foundation ; mastering skills and learn to management ; strengthen the communication and constructing the network .

  21. 在2G和3G进行互操作优化过程中要定期实行各种参数的协同性检查,确保两网参数设置相符,减少沟通环节,提升网络指标,减少数据冲突。

    In 2G and 3G interoperability to optimize the process parameters of the collaborative practice regularly checks to ensure the parameters match the two networks to reduce communication links to enhance the network targets , reduce data conflicts .

  22. 对企业内部信息沟通过程中的网络沟通工具选择行为的研究是一项极富挑战性的工作。

    It is a challenging job to research the media selection behavior .

  23. 这其中,大部分都是人们维系朋友间沟通联络的个人网络日志。

    Many of these are personal blogs that people use to keep in touch with their friends .

  24. 沟通途径主要通过网络沟通,电话沟通,书面沟通,面对面沟通等。

    Exchange channels include network exchange , telephone exchange , writing communication , face-to-face communication and so on .

  25. 这种改变学院与学生沟通方式的“网络效应”具有强大的统一作用。

    This " network effect " , which has transformed the ways in which schools and students communicate , is a powerful unifying influence .

  26. 然而,日本的资源几乎都不具备足够的专业知识、沟通能力、国际网络和管理技术来帮助这些海外公司。

    Yet there are few resources in Japan with enough industry expertise , communication skills , international network , and management skills to help .

  27. 事实上,城市是人类的沟通载体和交际网络,交流沟通也是城市及城市人的存在方式和活动样态。

    In fact , the city is the human communication carrier and communication network , and communication is the existence and activity of state city residents .

  28. 网络已经成为日常生活中不可缺少的元素了,每天大家的工作、娱乐、学习以及沟通都在依靠网络来正常运转。

    Internet has become an indispensable element of daily life , and every day we work , entertainment , learning , and communication all rely on networks to operate normally .

  29. 本文通过对网络媒体和传统媒体的各自的特征以及相互的作用关系进行分析,重点分析和研究企业的公关和整合沟通如何利用好网络媒体。

    This text explain how to use the internet-media for better PR and conformity via the research about the character of these two media forms and the relations between the two .

  30. 同时,这一沟通模式和人际网络的变化对社会资本的影响也日益成为了心理学、社会学、传播学等各学科所关注的焦点。

    At the same time , the change of the communication and network impact on social capital has attracted the various subject attention , such as psychology , sociology , communication studies .