
lún wáng
  • Fall;be annexed;subjugation of a country;lose
沦亡 [lún wáng]
  • (1) [be annexed; subjugation of a country]∶国家被并吞、灭亡

  • (2) [lose]∶沦丧;丧失

  • 道德沦亡

沦亡[lún wáng]
  1. 加斯东?德商说过,贝尔特洛因为反对正字法改革,“曾使法语免于沦亡”。

    Gaston Deschamps said that berthelot ," had saved French from ruin " because he had opposed spelling reform !

  2. 这里虽然是个热闹去处,却是道德沦亡,说不上有什么快活。

    Yes , this is VANITY FAIR ; not a moral place certainly ; nor a merry one , though very noisy .

  3. 在承认若要结束国家沦亡的局面非用武力不可的前提下,周作人开始从文化角度出发考虑政治问题,即排除国家在外的民族问题。

    Under the premise of recognition of inevitably using armed forces to end the subjugation of China , he started to consider political problems from the perspective of culture , that is , all the national problems excluding " country " .