
  • 网络bed phase;river bed facies
  1. 主要研究结论如下:1.南京河西地区的沉积土层属于典型的河流二元相结构:上部为河漫滩相沉积的淤泥质粉质粘土层,下部为河床相沉积的砂层。

    The main conclusions can be drawn as follows : 1.The deposited soils in Hexi area belong to typical deposited structure of river binary phase : the upper layer is soft soil of floodplain phase , the bottom layer is the sand layer of bed phase .

  2. 依据层间氧化带砂岩铀矿岩相准则,该区的泰康组是最有利的层位,河床相沉积最有利层间氧化带型铀成矿,其分布区是铀找矿最有利的地区。

    According to the lithofacies criterion for in-situ leachable sandstone uranium ore , Taikang formation is an ideal horizon , river bed facies is suitable for interlayer oxidation type uranium deposit .

  3. 河床相、潮坪相和河口湾砂坝相沉积物的频率分布曲线为不对称的双峰式,河漫滩和近岸浅海相的频率分布曲线则呈单峰式。

    Frequency distribution curves of sediments from fluvial channel , tidal flat , and estuarine sand bar are all asymmetric bimodal distribution ; whereas , unimodal distribution in floodplain and shallow marine facies .

  4. 大安组时期地表水流加强,北部、北西部物质大量带入,沉积范围由北向南扩大,主要沉积以砾岩为主的河道相和以砂岩为主的河床相,仍有一定范围的湖沼相;

    Strengthened surface water and enormous material brought from north and west-north and enlarged sedimentation from north to south , the major deposition during Da ' an period are channel facies of conglomerate and river bed facies of sandstone ;

  5. 心滩和河床滞留沉积微相上的气井,是剩余气分布的主要地方。

    Between of the gas wells on beach heart and bed residence is the main local of distribution of remaining gas .