
  • 网络rivers;River State
  1. 3月第1个周期间,在地处该国南部的另外3个州,即阿南布拉、贝努埃和河流州,也发现了该病毒。

    During the first week of March , the virus was detected in three additional states , Anambra , Benue , and Rivers , located in the southern part of the country .

  2. 路易斯安那州是河流之州。Bayou是指一条缓慢流动的溪流。

    Louisiana is " The Bayou State . " A bayou is a slow-moving stream .

  3. 气势磅礴的密苏里河流穿过蒙大拿州的大部分地区。

    The mighty Missouri River crosses much of Montana .

  4. 人们认为大多数的河流流入密苏里州和密西西比河,在那里和其他河流汇合注入海中。

    Most of it is thought to have ended up in the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers , from where it was transported into the sea .

  5. 发源于怀俄明州中部的一条河流,在蒙大纳州汇入黄石河。

    A river that flows from central Wyoming to the Yellowstone River in southern Montana .

  6. 怀俄明州东北部的一条河流,流经蒙大纳州和南部,在北达科他州汇入密苏里河。

    A river that rises in northeastern Wyoming and flows through Montana and South Dakota to join the Missouri River in North Dakota .

  7. 他徒步越过河流到了佛蒙特州的温莎去找同伴,他与一些青少年孩子们一起在一个叫小憩午餐的小酒吧度过时光。

    For company he hiked across the river to Windsor , Vt. , and passed the time with teen-agers in a juke joint called Nap 's Lunch .