
  • 网络tar sands;oil sand
  1. 中国油砂矿资源开发利用潜力及前景

    Potentials and prospects of tar sands resources in China

  2. 事实上不曾有任何油砂矿无法通过审核

    No tar sands mine has actually ever been denied approval ,

  3. 最初的大部分投资集中在油砂矿领域这是主要在加拿大发现的一种被高粘度沥青包裹的砂矿。

    Much of the initial investment was in oil sands highly viscous bitumen coated sand deposits found mainly in Canada .

  4. 目前,这一水平在30美元至40美元左右,大体上等同于加拿大油砂矿现有项目支付生产成本所需的油价水平,或是北海油田获得维持生产所需投资的油价水平。

    Today that level is about $ 30 - $ 40 , which is roughly the price that existing projects in Canada 's oil sands need to cover their operating costs , or that developments in the North Sea need for investment to sustain production .

  5. 分析仪器在油砂沥青矿开发中的应用探讨

    The Use of Analytical Instruments in the Exploitation of Oil Sand Bitumen Mine

  6. 风城油砂矿床位于新疆准噶尔盆地西北缘,是我国近年来发现的一个大型油砂矿。

    Fengcheng oil-sand deposit is a large scale one located in the northwestern margin of Junggar Basin .