
  • 网络POISSON;poisson distribution;Poisson process
  1. 对基于随机泊松分布的模拟地震样本及天然地震样本,用稳健估计方法与最小二乘方法计算b值后进行比较得出,对于天然地震样本,稳健估计得到的b值更加符合震级-频度关系。

    After compared the earthquake samples from simulated Poisson distribution and natural earthquake samples , we think that b value calculated by robust estimation is accordant with reality .

  2. SDH中泊松分布下误块率与误码率的关系分析

    Analysis of the Relationship between Error Block Ratio and BER on Poisson Distribution of Errors for SDH

  3. 结果表明在两个区域岗贝尔分布b值和泊松分布符合度Yn值对中强地震映震效果均较好。

    The result shows that the b-value and Y n-value are correlated well with moderate-strong earthquakes .

  4. 另外,统计分析表明分子拉曼信号服从泊松分布。这些表明在常温和常规条件下得到了DAB分子的单分子SERS光谱。

    Blinking of the SERS spectra and the Poisson statistical distribution of the Raman signal were observed .

  5. 构造一类特殊多项式及级数,由此推导了二项分布,泊松分布及几何分布K阶中心矩的递推计算公式,得到了这几个公式的统一形式

    In this paper , according to constructing multinomial and series of functions concludes the counting formula of K-order centeral moment of binomial . poisson and geometric distribution and common form of these formula

  6. 结果:脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚的分子量(EO)符合泊松分布。

    RESULTS : The molecular weight distribution of the polyethenoxy ether of aliphatic alcohol followed from Boson distribution .

  7. 通过证明过程可以清楚地看到,当{x(ni)}从贝努里随机变量扩展到非负整值随机变量时,的极限分布是怎样从泊松分布扩展到复合泊松分布。

    From the proved process we can see that how the limit distribution of is expanded from Poisson distribution to compond Poisson distribution when { x_ ( n_i ) } is expanded from Bernoulli distribution to non-minus integral random variable .

  8. 在分析CR成像系统的基础上,文章指出影响CR图像质量的噪声主要是固有噪声和X线量子噪声,在统计规律上它们分别服从高斯分布和泊松分布。

    On the basis of analyzing the computed radiography system in detail , the authors point out that there are two kinds of noises affecting the quality of a computed radiography image : Gaussian white noise and Poisson noise .

  9. 方法用游程检验和泊松分布的U检验方法对天津医科大学总医院病理科1978~1997年甲状腺疾病总外科病理检出率(外检率)和六种甲状腺疾病的外检率进行统计学分析。

    Methods A statistic analysis was performed on materials of various thyroid diseases from files of Department of Pathology ( 1978 1997 ) in General Hospital , Tianjin Medical University , with Run test and Poisson U test .

  10. 最后,将更加准确地采用泊松分布的接收机量子噪声模型,研究MISOFSOIDMA系统的误码率性能。

    At last , more accurate poisson-distribution quantum noise model is adopted to study the BER performance of MISO FSO IDMA system .

  11. 根据中强地震发生前小震出现偏离泊松分布的现象,构造泊松分布符合度Yn值。

    According to the phenomenon that seismicity diverging Poisson distribution before moderate-strong earthquake , Poisson distribution coincident degree Y n-value is given .

  12. 本文所涉及的数据转接流程和缓存策略算法,均以用户的呼叫服从泊松分布为前提,用OPNET对各种会话花费进行数据分析。

    The data forwarding process and caching strategy algorithm are based on the precondition that user call can obey the poisson distribution , and then it use concrete data to emulate various of the session cost by OPNET .

  13. 基于三种传统的算法和模型&EM算法,PD算法和参数回归模型,建立了基于多需求分布的需求修复理论统计模型,考虑的分布有:正态、伽玛、威布尔、指数和泊松分布。

    Based on three traditional algorithms and models & EM Algorithm , PD Algorithm and Parameter Regression Model , the theoretical statistical models of unconstraining methods that based on multi-distribution of demand are developed . The distributions that considered here contain Normal , Gamma , Weibull , Exponential and Poisson .

  14. 一个经典混沌系统的量子能谱统计分布满足由随机矩阵理论所导出的Winger分布,而可积系统满足无规能谱的统计分布即泊松分布。

    It is has been known that the energy spectra statistic of a chaotic system agrees with Wigner distribution which is achieved from Random Matrix Theory and the one of a integrable system is Poisson distribution achieved originally from the irregular spectra .

  15. 研究了基于布喇格光纤光栅的FFH-OCDMA系统的性能。在系统中放置双硬限幅器,考虑码片异步(即系统下限情况),采用在接收端的散粒噪声服从泊松分布的研究模型。

    The performance of asynchronous FFH-OCDMA system with double hard-limiters based on fiber optical Bragg grating is studied under the assumption of Poisson shot noise model for receiver photo-detector .

  16. 基于泊松分布的航材周转件库存量数学模型

    Store Model Analysis of Aerial Material Rotatables Based on Poisson Distribution

  17. 二项分布和泊松分布的正态近似条件分析

    An Analysis of the Normal Approximation of Bernoulli and Poisson Distribution

  18. 基于泊松分布的地震烈度发生概率模型

    Occurrence Probability Model of Earthquake Intensity Based on the Poisson Distribution

  19. 经X~2检验近似服从泊松分布。

    X2 tests indicate that they obey the Poisson Distribution .

  20. 泊松分布公式计算发病率的可靠性(95%可信限),卡方检验法检验发病率差异的显著性。

    The significance of differences was tested with Chi-square method .

  21. 基于泊松分布的微观交通仿真断面发车数学模型研究

    Poisson Distribution Based Mathematic Model of Producing Vehicles in Microscopic Traffic Simulator

  22. 关于泊松分布的高斯近似问题

    On the Subject of Gauss Approximation of Poisson Distribution

  23. 泊松分布下的非线性拟合

    Nonlinear Fitting in the Case of the Poisson Distribution

  24. 泊松分布和负二项分布常用于拟合保险索赔次数。

    Poisson and negative binomial distributions are usually used to fit claim frequencies .

  25. 基于泊松分布单光子源的量子误码率的分析

    Analysis of quantum bit error rate based on single-photon source with Poisson distribution

  26. 多维泊松分布极值问题的探讨

    Research on the Extreme Value of Multi-dimension Poisson Distribution

  27. 在每个价格水平下,需求服从非齐次泊松分布。

    Demand follows a non - homogeneous Poisson process at each price level .

  28. 基于泊松分布的报文抽样性能衡量

    The Evaluation of Poisson - Based Packet Sampling Techniques

  29. 研究指出:细胞分裂事件或者细胞死亡事件服从泊松分布;

    It revealed that , cell division or cell death obeyed the Poisson distribution ;

  30. 中国东部地区暴雨的概率特征&基于泊松分布的统计模拟

    Probabilistic characteristics of rainstorm in eastern area of China : Poisson distribution-based statistical simulation