
  • 网络King of France;roi
  1. 法国国王不对任何人效忠。

    The kings of France paid homage to no one .

  2. 路易斯连哄带骗,直到复活节才勉强得到法国国王的许可。

    It took Louis until Easter to coax a grudging consent from the French King .

  3. 就餐的餐厅恰好也在宏伟的哥特式大教堂兰斯主教座堂(Notre-DamedeReims)附近,大多数的法国国王都是在这座教堂里加冕登基的。

    The restaurant also happens to be just around the corner from the magnificent Gothic cathedral of Notre-Dame-de-Reims , where most of the kings of France were coronated .

  4. 从前有个法国国王,声名赫赫,又有权威。

    There was once a king of France so splendid and powerful .

  5. 法国国王提出比西班牙国王享有优先权。

    The French kings claimed precedence over those of Spain .

  6. 人们认为这就是法国国王该做的事

    This was what the King of France should do .

  7. 法国国王在整个国家采用罗马礼拜仪式。

    The French crown decreed its adoption throughout the kingdom .

  8. 在国内战争时期,法国国王被斩首示众。

    The French King was beheaded during the Revolution .

  9. 自5岁起路易就被称为法国国王

    Louis had been called the King of France since he was five ,

  10. 法国国王要做的最主要事�

    The main thing that a King of France was supposed to do ,

  11. 我们会发现法国国王。

    we would soon find the king of France .

  12. 长腿选了他敌手法国国王王的女儿。

    Longshanks had chosen the daughter of his rival , the king of France .

  13. 法国国王几乎吞并了法兰德斯的全部领土。

    The French King swallowed almost all Flanders .

  14. 据传说,在1300年前法国国王查理曼拥有这里地方。

    Its is said that the french emperor Charlemagne owned this place 1,300 years ago .

  15. 所有的法国国王或统治者都曾经旅游到此来纪念重要的节日或感恩。

    All French kings and leaders have journeyed here to commemorate important occasions and give thanks .

  16. 法国国王查尔斯八世着迷般渴望夺回那不勒斯王国。

    King Charles VIII of France had an obsessive desire to reclaim the Kingdom of Naples .

  17. 那人对她说法国国王将会爱上她

    who had told her that the King of France would fall in love with her .

  18. 1770年这一天,14岁的玛丽·安托瓦内特嫁给了15岁的未来法国国王-路易斯十六世。

    1770-Marie Antoinette , age14 , married the future King Louis XVI of France , who was15 .

  19. 但是这可贵的帮助与法国国王所给予的援助比较起来就显得黯然失色。

    But this help was overshadowed by the assistance which was given by the king of france .

  20. 以前指法国国王直接继承王位的长子。

    Formerly , the eldest son of the King of France and direct heir to the throne .

  21. 在那一年,15岁的奥地利帝国公主玛丽•安托瓦内特嫁给了法国国王路易十六。

    In that year , Marie Antoinette , a15-year-old Austrian Princess , married King Louis XVI of France .

  22. 在法国国王的城堡里,一个小侍从被人用丝带悬挂起来。

    The page who , at the castle of the king of France , was suspended by silken cords .

  23. 你为什么哭泣,你认为我永生吗?法国国王路易十四

    Why do you weep ? Did you think I was immortal ? & Louis XIV , King of France

  24. 她早先是卖给了法国国王,随深圳网站建设拿破仑把她挂在自己的卧室里。

    It was sold to the king of France , and later Napoleon hung it in his own bedroom .

  25. 我口袋里有着法国国王的委任状,也许这对我还起一点保护作用吧。

    I have the king of France 's commission in my pocket , which would aye be some protection .

  26. 温斯顿一度拥有知名的「希望钻石」,那曾是法国国王路易十四的财产。

    At one time , Winston owned the famous Hope Diamond , once the property of French King Louis XIV .

  27. 在1778年,法国国王路易十六确实和美国签订了同盟条约,承认美国的独立。

    In1778 , King Louis XVI actually signed a treaty of alliance , recognizing the independence of the United states .

  28. 第一位法国国王路易斯一世在778年至840年执政,他又被称为“虔诚者路易”。

    The first French king Louis I , known as ' Louis the Pious ' , reigned between 778 and 840 .

  29. 作为罗马高卢的最重要城市之一,它长期是法国国王的加冕场所。

    One of the most important cities of Roman Gaul , it was long the site of the coronation of French kings .

  30. 1793年的今天,法国国王路易十六被国民公会判为叛国罪,在断头台被处死。

    1793 – After being found guilty of treason by the French Convention , Louis XVI of France is executed by guillotine .