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  • 网络french;French Military
  1. 这使得奥地利军队可以对法军作战。

    This freed the Austrian army to operate against the French .

  2. 人数突然处于劣势的法军被迫撤退。

    The French , suddenly outnumbered , were forced to retreat

  3. 德军和法军自发讲和,停止敌对。

    German and French troops spontaneously made peace and ceased hostilities .

  4. 西边的法军被迫撤退了

    The French have been forced back on the western side .

  5. 在鲍罗季诺,法军打败了沙皇军队。

    At Borodino the French overwhelmed the Czar 's troops .

  6. 前方法军步兵一面奔跑,一面射击。

    The French infantry were in front , firing as they ran .

  7. 奥利佛王打算迎战法军。

    Lord Oliver tries to take the fight out of the french .

  8. 而你们这群肮脏的寄生虫将是法军。

    Whereas you mangy vermin will be the french .

  9. 1815年法军在滑铁卢被打败。

    The French were defeated at Waterloo in1815 .

  10. 如果不能赶到,城堡将会被法军攻陷。

    If they do not arrive , the fort will fall to the french .

  11. 法军已开进莫斯科。

    The French had already entered Moscow .

  12. 村内其他女人则用热水、沸油、沸醋等泼向法军。

    The other women poured hot water and boiling oil or vinegar on the French .

  13. 法军一面格杀和他们同阵线的热那亚人,英军就一面乱箭向双方射去。

    While the French cut down their allies-the Genoese-the English rained down arrows on both .

  14. 1952年,印度支那,东京,战争中死去的法军士兵墓。

    INDOCHINA . Tonkin . The tomb of a French soldier killed during the war .

  15. 他凭出色的战术,大败法军,但自己也伤重去世。

    By brilliant strategy , he routed the French , but died of his wounds .

  16. 这里是法军清除伊斯兰武装分子战斗中的最后一座尚未解放的城市。

    the last major town they have yet to secure in their drive against Islamist militants .

  17. 第一种形式是采取直接的军事行动,或者进行骚扰以牵制法军。

    The first was direct military operations , either by peripheral raids to distract the French army .

  18. 他跳下马,扶阿克斯布里奇下来,回头就再战法军。

    He dismounted and helped Uxbridge down and then returned to the business of beating the French .

  19. 经过短暂的战斗,法军被击败,魁北克市被英军攻下来了。

    After a short battle , the French were defeated and the city of Quebec was seized .

  20. 北门被法军打破的一块门板至今还挂在墙上。

    A bit of the north door , broken by the French , hangs suspended to the wall .

  21. 奥利佛王打算迎战法军我是小王〔打电话用语〕。

    Lord Oliver tries to take the fight out of the French . This is Mr. Wang speaking .

  22. 有的人说波罗底诺战役之后又打了一仗,打垮了法军;

    Some said there had been another battle after Borodino , in which the French had been utterly defeated ;

  23. 他们准备在斯摩棱斯克前面向法军进攻,派遣了一名将官去视察阵地。

    Preparations were made to attack the French before Smolensk . A general was sent to review the position .

  24. 据法国估计,越盟几乎没有大炮助阵,法军胜券在握。

    French estimates were that the Viet Minh had minimal artillery support , and France was bound to win .

  25. 现在我们已经很清楚,一八一二年法军覆灭的原因。

    Now it is clear to us what was the cause of the destruction of the French army in 1812 .

  26. 昨晚,直升机等数架飞机降落基达尔机场后,法军控制了基达尔的机场。

    French forces now control Kidal airport after a number of aircraft , including helicopters , landed there last night .

  27. 法军的炮弹已经不会落到这里来了,射击声好像隔得很远了。

    Here they were out of range of the French cannons , and the sounds of firing seemed far away .

  28. 法军加入美军形成双边行动,在1781年的约克镇战役中共同对抗英国。

    French forces joined the Americans in a bilateral action against the British at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781 .

  29. 在别列兹那河,俄国人焚烧了涨水的河道上的桥梁,差点将后撤的法军困于河边。

    At the Berezina River , the Russians nearly trapped the retreating French by burning the bridges over the swollen river .

  30. 安德烈公爵越走近法军的散兵线,我军官兵就越显得信心充足。

    But the nearer Prince Andrey got to the French line , the more self-confident was the appearance of our troops .