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liè qiáng
  • big powers
列强 [liè qiáng]
  • [big powers] 世界上同一时期内的各强国

列强[liè qiáng]
  1. 论近代中国资产阶级革命派对西方列强的认识

    On Modern Chinese Bourgeois Revolutionists ' Understanding of the Occidental Big Powers

  2. 他认为列强不会破坏中国革命,对帝国主义抱有不切实际的幻想。

    He thought the big powers could not destroy China to revolutionize , holding impractical fantasy to the imperialism .

  3. 1920年,列强承诺让他们成为一个独立的国家。

    In 1920 the great powers promised them an independent state

  4. 相互争斗的军阀及外国列强们正在争夺政治上的收益。

    Competing warlords and foreign powers scrambled for political spoils .

  5. 二战爆发时西方列强处境极为不利。

    The Second World War started in the most disadvantageous possible way for the western powers .

  6. 打倒列强!

    Down with the imperialist powers !

  7. Banach空间混合列强大数定律的收敛定理

    Theory about Strong Number Law of Mixed Sequence in Banach Space

  8. 目前中国已加入WTO,与世界列强的竞争将进一步白炽化,各个领域的市场都受到严重威胁。

    While entering the WTO , the competition from aboard will be more ferocious , and every market will be effected seriously .

  9. 中国已经加入WTO,广西农业经济在国内并无优势的情况下,又面临国际农业列强的冲击。

    Since China has joined WTO , Guangxi agriculture economy now has to face with the consequent impact from international agriculture powers as well as its domestic disadvantageous position .

  10. 以英国作为一个观察例子可看出,在近代中外关系的互动过程当中,中国并非永远只是西方列强冲击下的被动接受者(recipient)。

    Taking relations with Britain as an example , we can see that in the interactive process of modern Sino-foreign relations , China was not a passive recipient of aggression by the Western powers .

  11. 在Hilbert空间中使用极大η-单调映象的预解算子技巧,构造了新的扰动迭代算法,并证明了近似解序列强收敛于精确解。

    By using the resolvent operator technique for maximal η - monotone mapping , we construct a new perturbed iterative algorithm , and prove that its proximate solution strongly converge to its exact solution in Hilbert spaces .

  12. 要说服列强裁军是很困难的。

    It is difficult to persuade the Great Powers to disarm .

  13. 列强与1923年中国《商标法》之颁行

    The Powers and the Trademark Law of Republican China of 1923

  14. 在华盛顿会议上,列强达成了裁军协议。

    In Washington Conference , the main Powers achieved disarmament .

  15. 二战期间列强对叙利亚和黎巴嫩的争夺

    Scramble for Syria and Lebanon by Great Powers during World War ⅱ

  16. 非洲曾一度被欧洲列强所瓜分。

    Africa was often parceled out among the European powers .

  17. 上海等大城市被强行划分为列强的租界;

    Large cities like Shanghai were dissected to concessions to imperialist powers .

  18. 这听起来非常像西方殖民列强曾经采取的策略。

    That sounds very like the past strategy of western colonial powers .

  19. 清朝时,中国总是对西方列强妥协。

    In Qing Dynasty , China was always making concessions to western powers .

  20. 帝国主义列强对中国的残酷掠夺。

    Finally , the imperialist invaders plundered in China .

  21. 帝国主义列强掠夺了许多珍贵的艺术品。

    The imperialists plundered many valuable works of art .

  22. 资本主义列强企图在苏联把社会主义消灭掉。

    The capitalist powers want to snuff our socialism in the Soviet union .

  23. 他们希望从帝国主义列强的控制下摆脱出来。

    They wished to break free from imperialist powers .

  24. 从列强反应来看,明显充满了愤怒和不满。

    Responses from these major powers were clearly full of indignation and discontentment .

  25. 中国文化的发展停滞不前,落后于世界列强文化发展的近代化步伐。

    The development of Chinese culture remained stagnant and fell behind the world .

  26. 徐继畲对近代西方列强国家实力的认识

    XU Ji-yu 's Understanding of the Modern Great Powers

  27. 外国列强的干预势力及影响较大等等。

    The foreign powers ' intervention and influence was too big and so on .

  28. 军阀势力与帝国主义列强亦常插手干涉。

    The intervention from warlords and foreign empires .

  29. 在列强环伺的情况下尚能有所作为,应视为精英群体的共同努力的结果。

    Should be as the result of the joint effort of the elite community .

  30. 技术列强们是如何对我国企业进行专利围剿的?

    How have the big foreign enterprises been contesting with chinese enterprises for patents ?