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  • Bunker;pillbox;blockhouse;fort;fortification
碉堡 [diāo bǎo]
  • [blockhouse;pillbox;fortification] 木、铁或混凝土制军事上的防御建筑物,通常部分埋在地下以防御炮火,并作为自卫基地

碉堡[diāo bǎo]
  1. 轰的一声,敌人的碉堡给炸飞了。

    The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang .

  2. 那些勇敢的士兵冒着生命危险去炸毁敌人的碉堡。

    Those brave soldiers put their lives in peril to bomb the blockhouse of their enemy .

  3. 火炮是对着那个碉堡部署的。

    The artillery was deployed to bear on the fort .

  4. 保罗•莱特福特,AL数码媒体有许多关于“脏弹”以及化学和生物武器袭击的报告,而碉堡是受到保护的。

    PAUL LIGHTFOOT , A.L. DIGITAL There has been a lot in the media about dirty bombs , chemical and biological attacks , and the bunker is protected .

  5. 我们为你呈上的本次更新的最后一样东西就是PAK战壕系统,也是跟一个碉堡连在一起的。

    The last object within this update we have for you is a PAK trench system , also with an attached bunker .

  6. Miller上尉和他的突击队员们试图穿越德军的海防线,来攻击德军的一个碉堡,打开海滩的缺口。

    Captain Miller and his company of rangers manage to crawl through the German obstacles to the seawall and assault a German casemate , opening an exit off the beach .

  7. 战争中一些四号坦克被以色列人缴获,作为碉堡放置在戈兰高地。其中的一辆被摆放在Latrum的博物馆内。

    Few of Syrian PzKpfw IVs were captured by Israelis at the Golan Heights ( dug in as bunkers ) and one is on display at the Museum of Armored Forces at Latrum , Israel .

  8. 谷歌就有这样一帮人,我们的任务是整合全世界的信息,使其随手可得,随时可用。碉堡吧?但谷歌差一点夭折,因为我和我的搭档Sergey担心丢了博士学位。

    The best people want to work on the big challenges.That is what happened with Google.Our mission is to organize the world 's information and make it universally accessible and useful.How can that not get you excited ? But we almost didn 't start Google actually because my co-founder Sergey and I were too worried about dropping out of our Ph.D.

  9. 塔利班把旅馆和政府建筑物当作碉堡使用。

    The Taliban were using hotels and government buildings as bunkers .

  10. 现在可以升级特殊的碉堡以及投掷凝固汽油弹。

    Can now build special bunker and drop napalm bombs .

  11. 都是在独立的专门碉堡里完成的。

    Was run out of its own separate dedicated bunker .

  12. 我们看到碉堡发射孔里有人影。

    Our eyes catch sight of a form in the blockhouse port .

  13. 在堑壕的下方,你能找到另一个地下碉堡。

    Right below the entrenchment , you will find another underground bunker .

  14. 那是指挥官的碉堡和火力基地。

    That is the Commander 's bunker and firebase assets .

  15. 他们用刺刀逼着我们给他们修碉堡。

    They drove us at bayonet point to build blockhouses for them .

  16. 我们成功地越过了敌人的碉堡。

    We succeeded in slipping through the enemy 's blockhouse .

  17. 现在已经肯定希特勒是在自己的碉堡里面自杀的。

    It 's certain now that Hitler committed suicide in his bunker .

  18. 我军利用火箭弹炸毁了敌军的碉堡。

    Our army destroyed the enemy 's blockhouse with a rocket bomb .

  19. 如果让我去守卫前线的一个碉堡,我要

    If I was defending the frontline in a bunker give me a

  20. 这支军队把一门大炮对准了那座碉堡。

    The army trained its cannon on the fort .

  21. 这些势力范围成为戒备森严的碉堡或者筒仓。

    These areas become well-guarded bunkers , or silos .

  22. 都锁在一个碉堡里。

    They were all locked up in a bunker .

  23. 防守碉堡的战士使大批敌人无法接近。

    The soldiers defending the fort stood off a large band of enemies .

  24. 他们筑起防御工事,和学生们躲进外层有沙包的碉堡中。

    They barricaded themselves and the madrasa students inside concrete bunkers with sandbags .

  25. 那碉堡控制海港的入囗。

    The fort commands the entrance to the harbor .

  26. 古碉堡的一侧靠着沼泽。

    The old fort flanked on a swamp .

  27. 碉堡、围墙、战壕等防御进攻的建筑物

    Tower , wall , ditch , etc built to defend a place against attack

  28. 他们放弃碉堡使其落入敌手。

    They yielded their fort to the enemy .

  29. 所以,他并没有解除部落的武力,反而在斯瓦特各处建造了碉堡,并且建立了一支军队。

    Instead he built forts on mountains all across Swat and created an army .

  30. 她的左面有一个钢筋水泥的碉堡。

    To her left was a concrete blockhouse .
