
shì rén
  • a scholar
士人 [shì rén]
  • [a scholar] 古时指读书人

  • 今世士人决不悉良能也,--《晋书》

士人[shì rén]
  1. 士人文化与中国绘画

    Scholar Culture and the Chinese Drawing

  2. 这一时代背景下的魏晋士人更是以一种特有的风度,独行于世。

    The context of the times The Scholar is a more specific manner , the lone world .

  3. 中国古代士人,是精神文化的创造者、传播者、接受者。

    The ancient scholars are cultural creators , disseminators and receptors .

  4. 礼俗相交,如何在现实和经典中找到一个平衡点,这是明代士人需要考虑的一个问题。

    Scholars need to find a balance in reality and classic .

  5. 北宋士人群体社会地位变迁原因探析

    The Northern Song Dynasty Gentleman Crowd Body Vicissitude Reason Searches Analyzes

  6. 略论贬官士人的特殊心态及其文学表现

    The general psychology of demoted officers and their literature behaviors

  7. 程朱理学在扼杀士人的进步思想中,实际上起到维护没落封建统治的作用。

    Neo-Confucianism stifle the progress of thought , protecting the feudal rule .

  8. 论孔子的政治情怀和他对中国传统士人的影响

    On Confucius 's Political Feelings And His Influences on Chinese Traditional Scholars

  9. 士人文化的隐逸思想与徽派园林

    The idea of recluse in literati culture and Hui-style garden

  10. 士人与五代中枢政治

    The Scholars and the Central Politics of the Five Dynasties

  11. 中国士人的屈原情结与人生困惑

    The Qu yuan 's complex and life puzzle of Chinese old scholars

  12. 先秦士人的价值取向与主体意识

    The Scholar-officials ' Value Orientation and Subjective Consciousness in the Pre-Qin Period

  13. 竹在士人园林中的意蕴及成因

    Inner Meaning of Bamboos in Scholar-Bureaucrat Gardens and its Causes

  14. 五代士人群体及士风研究

    The Research on the Scholars Community and Appearances in Five-Dynasty

  15. 文气论与中国士人的言说方式

    The Theory of Literature and the Style of Expression of Chinese Intellectual

  16. 论魏晋士人的人格美观念

    Comment on the Wei Jin Literary Man Personality Beautiful Idea

  17. 金代士人的遭遇与元好问的悲剧意识

    On the Jin Scholars ' Fate and Yuan Haowen 's Tragic Consciousness

  18. 他的这种思想行为在晚明士人中具有代表性。

    His thoughts and behavior were representative among scholars of late Ming Dynasty .

  19. 从唐侠义小说看士人对宗教的观念

    The Religious Conception of Scholars in Tang Chivalrous Novels

  20. 士人不是天生的统治者,又不是一般的庶民。

    Scholars are not natural-born rulers , not the common people in general .

  21. 杂剧作家多出身于缙绅之家,他们的作品也反映了晚明士人的生活方式。

    Their works also reflected the literati lifestyle in the late Ming dynasty .

  22. 这些先进的知识吸引了一批中国士人。

    These knowledge attracted a group of Chinese scholars .

  23. 独特的用诗机制表现出春秋士人特有的精神风貌。

    Unique means of using poetry put up special spirit style and feature .

  24. 这个特殊的社会转型期在士人演生史上扮演了重要的角色,对后世士人的最终定位起到了关键作用。

    This special period played an important part in the history of scholars .

  25. 忧患与超越&中国古代士人内心矛盾分析

    Analysis of the Contradictory Inner Thoughts of Ancient Scholars

  26. 十六国时期北方士人的家族观念

    Familial Perceptions of Scholars in Northern China during the Period of Sixteen States

  27. 从忽必烈对儒人儒学的态度看元初杂剧中的士人形象

    Kublai Khan 's attitude to Confucian scholars and their images in Yuan Zaju

  28. 清初士人:道德追求与社会责任

    The Gentries in Early Qing Dynasty : The Moral Pursuit and Social Responsibility

  29. 自由和超越&魏晋士人游览活动的时代性特征

    Freedom and Surpass-Era Characteristic of Tour of Shi in Wei and Jin Dynasties

  30. 宋南渡士人的文化境遇

    Sung south bridge the person 's culture circumstances