
liè zhuàn
  • collected biographies;biographies in ancient Chinese history books
列传 [liè zhuàn]
  • [biographies in ancient Chinese history books] 纪传体史书中一般人物的传记

列传[liè zhuàn]
  1. 性别移动与上海流动空间的建构&从《海上花列传》中的马车谈开去

    The Gender Move and the Reconstruction of Shanghai Floating Space

  2. 《史记·孟子荀卿列传》的撰写方式

    The Writing Style of Biography of Mencius and Xun Qing in Historical Records

  3. 论《海上花列传》中的苏白

    On the Dialect of Suzhou in The Biographies of the Flowers on the Sea

  4. 《海上花列传》的叙事研究

    A Study on Narration of Flowers in Shanghai

  5. 故事出自《史记•汲郑列传》。

    This story comes from The Historical Records .

  6. 第二部分是《海上花列传》的现代性新质。

    The second part of the thesis is the modern new characteristic of the novel .

  7. 从分离到融合到互生&张爱玲、孔慧怡《海上花列传》翻译策略谈

    From Separation to Fusion to Interproduction & Translation Strategies of The Singsong Girls of Shanghai

  8. 近十年来《史记·货殖列传》研究综述

    Survey of " Historical Records . Huo Zhi Biography " Studies in the Past Ten Years

  9. 从《李将军列传》看《史记》的悲剧色彩

    The tragic colour in the book of history as seen from reading biography of General Li

  10. 扫罗和约拿单死亡的消息从耶斯列传到的时候,他才五岁。

    He was five years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from jezreel .

  11. 从现代观点看来,《史记·滑稽列传》中的滑稽人物故事应被归入幽默。

    The huaji-ists'stories in Shi-ji Huaji Liezhuan should be categorized as humor from the modern viewpoint .

  12. 从梁祝传说看民间故事与俗文艺的互动论张爱玲对《海上花列传》的传承和超越

    A Study of the Interaction Between Folktales and Folk Literature and Art through the Legend of Butterfly Lovers

  13. 《清史列传》虽存在许多优点,而错误亦存不少。

    Inthe Biographies in the Qing Dynasty , although there are many advantages , there are many errors .

  14. 《酷吏列传》为我们展现了西汉时期酷吏的成败人生。

    " The Biographies of the Merciless Officials " presents us with the merciless officials'success and failure in their life .

  15. 对于《海上花列传》的苏白写作,历史上有各种不同的批评意见。

    There are many different ideas about the dialect of Suzhou in the Biographies of the Flowers on the Sea .

  16. 二十四史《循吏》、《酷吏》列传与中国古代监察官的选任

    Biographies of Fine and Cruel Officials in the Twenty-Fo ur Histories and the Selection of Supervisory Officials in Ancient China

  17. 第一部分是《海上花列传》对奇书文体的继承与创新。

    The first part is how this novel inherits and brings forth new ideas to the " remarkable book style " .

  18. 从《平准书》和《货殖列传》看司马迁的自由经济思想

    A Probe into Sima Qian 's Free Economic Ideology Through his Two Works PING HUAI SHU and HUO ZHI LIE ZHUAN

  19. 该文从文本、美学、文化三个方面分析了中国传记文学的渊源,指出中国传记文本可分为史传体纪传模式、列传分类模式、论赞式叙述模式、序传式自传模式四种。

    Three Sources of Chinese biographic literature & text , aesthetic and culture are analyzed and four types of autobiographies are discussed .

  20. 《海上花列传》在中古文学与近代文学之间有承前启后的作用,不愧为近代最优秀的长篇小说之一。

    It is one of excellent long novels in modern times , which is inherited from the middle ancient literature and modern literature .

  21. 《史记。李将军列传》是真、善、美有机完美的结合。它的“真”表现为事真、人真、社会本质真;

    " Historical Records Biography of General Li " is really organic perfect combination with the true , the good and the beautiful .

  22. 《三国史记》列传部分收录了很多军事和政治方面的英雄人物,这些人物的传记占整个列传部分的76%。

    There are many biographies of military and political heroes in Samguksagi , and these works account for76 percent of total biographies in it .

  23. 在《海上花列传》的上海叙事中,上海最早被作为一个全新的审美和认知空间来独立对待。

    In the novel Biographies of Prostitutes of Shanghai , Shanghai is first used as a new aesthetic and cognitive space for separate treatments .

  24. 自《史记游侠列传》产生以来,后世学者便对于游侠的相关问题展开研究。

    Since the " Historical Records Ranger Tales " has been created for future generations and scholars have studied the problems related to Ranger .

  25. 《三国史记》具有比较高的文学价值,而且是在本纪和列传中普遍存在的。

    5 , " History of three kingdoms " possess high literature value , it is all-pervading in " chronicles " and " biographies " .

  26. 但从版本资料来看,为众人所普遍接受的《海上花列传》不获风行于时的看法是不合实际的。

    According to the data of the edition , the opinion that the Biographies of the Flowers on the Sea was not in popular is unture .

  27. 《游侠列传》是司马迁的名篇,它的叙述以及所弘扬的精神提出一系列的的人类学主题。

    The narration of Biographies of Knight errant , by Sima Qian , and the spirits it tries to advocate raise a series of anthropological questions .

  28. 随着上海的崛起,近年来学界对海派文化的研究也愈益热衷,作为海派文学开山之作的《海上花列传》自然也日渐成为研究的热点之一。

    As a matter of course , Biographies of Prostitutes of Shanghai , signaling the beginning of Shanghai school literature , has become one of the hot research topics .

  29. 司马迁的《史记.货殖列传》在中国古代经济思想史上独具特色。

    Record money and commerce , a part of Records of the Grand Historian , written by Sima-qian , is noted for its peculiarity during the ancient economic thought history of China .

  30. 关于《列传》,官方大致做了五方面的工作,即注释说明、考异存疑、更正用语、辨误定讹、赞语的修改。

    On Biography , the official did five aspects of work , that is , resolved notes , tested differ doubt , corrected terminology , identified mistakenly given to correct and modified compliments .