
fǎ zhì huán jìnɡ
  • legal environment;social environment for the legal system
  1. 优化安徽省民营经济法制环境需要注意的五个方面问题

    The Five Problems That We Should Pay Attention To in Optimizing the Social Environment for the Legal System of the Private Economy in Anhui Province

  2. 摘要优化民营经济法制环境,对推动民营经济发展具有重大意义。

    It is of great significance in promoting the private economy for optimizing the social environment for the legal system of the private economy for .

  3. WTO农业协议与中国农业法制环境

    Agreement on Agriculture of WTO and the Construction of Legal Environment of Agriculture in China

  4. 风险投资在中小企业IPO中的功效研究法制环境、审计质量与IPO首日回报&来自国有IPO公司的证据

    The Function of Venture Capital in the SME IPOs The Legal Environments , Audit Quality and Initial Return & Evidence from Chinese SOEs

  5. 研究发现股权集中度、少数股东联盟、CEO任期、总经理董事长独立性和法制环境等因素在不同程度上对财务舞弊行为产生影响。

    We conclude a result that factors of the ownership concentration , league of minor shareholders , CEO tenure , CEO duality and the law have effects on financial fraud .

  6. 政府应营造PPP模式正常运行的法制环境,协调各方利益,充分发挥服务功能。

    Government should create legal system for the operation of PPP , to reconcile interests of different groups , and to play an important role in providing services .

  7. 但由于我国法制环境和市场环境的约束,在MBO交易过程中,尤其在价格机制方面存在许多违规之处。

    But because of the restraint of our legal system and market enviroment , In the course of MBO transcation , especially in price mechanism , there are a lot of problems .

  8. 我们将继续支持WTO多哈回合谈判进程,推动与相关国家签署双边自贸协议,打造中国东盟自贸区升级版,不断改善外商投资的公平和法制环境。

    We will continue to support the Doha round of World Trade Organisation talks , work for the signing of bilateral free trade agreements , upgrade the China-Asean Free Trade Area , and provide a level playing field and a better legal environment for foreign investors .

  9. 根据我国的现行法制环境,以SPT作为载体的资产证券化方案在我国遇到的法律障碍会相对小些。

    And the legal barriers meeting by SPT are relatively fewer than that by SPC. And our country 's present legal system environment is more beneficial to the pattern of SPT .

  10. 完善基金法制环境优化基金治理结构

    Perfecting Legal Environment of Funds , Optimizing Management Structure of Funds

  11. 法制环境对民营航空企业发展的影响

    Impact of Lawful Environment to the Private Civil Aviation Business Development

  12. 对此,我们首先分析了会计治理的理论依据和法制环境。

    The related theory and the based-on-law environment have been analyzed .

  13. 西部大开发战略的实施,需要良好的法制环境。

    To implement strategy of westward bound requires favorable legal environments .

  14. 论中国群众体育消费的法制环境建设

    Discussion on the Legal Construction for Public Sports Consumption in China

  15. 国际船舶租赁受到国际金融法制环境的制约。

    International Financing and Lease is restricted by the legal environment .

  16. 湖南省农民工权益保障的法制环境探析

    Legal Environment of the Peasant Workers , Rights Security in Hunan

  17. 试论我国非营利部门的法制环境指数

    China 's NPO Sector Legislative Environmental Index : A Preliminary Discussion

  18. 电力建设法制环境的调查与思考

    Investigation and Thinking on Legal Environment for Electric Power Construction

  19. 反腐倡廉需要良好的法制环境

    Combating Corruption and Building a Clean Government Needs Sound Legal System Environment

  20. 法制环境下的档案管理

    On the archives management under the environment of legal system

  21. 不断完善上海国际金融中心建设的法制环境

    Further Improvement of Legislation Construction for Financial Center of Shanghai

  22. 借助生态的理念来思考金融法制环境的功能

    Thoughts on Functions of Financial Legal Environment With Ecological Concept

  23. 影响民营企业科技创新的法制环境研究

    Study on the Legal Environment that Influent Technical Innovation of Non-government Enterprises

  24. 美国法制环境形成的历史回顾

    Historical Review on the Formation of the Legal System Environment in America

  25. 信息资源开发利用法制环境与建设策略研究

    Study on Legal Environment and Strategies for Information Resources Development and Utilization

  26. 完善产业技术联盟法制环境的对策研究

    Research on Perfection Measures of Industrial Technology Alliance Legal Environment

  27. 浅谈当前我国体育竞赛市场运作的法制环境

    About the legal-Environment of the Sports-competition-running Market in china

  28. 为西部大开发创建良好的法制环境

    Create Good Law Environment for Developing the Western China

  29. 奥运安全法制环境建设研究&课题研究成果综述

    Research On Legal Environmental Construction For Olympic Games Security

  30. 中国物业管理的法制环境分析

    An Analysis of China 's Property Management Law Environment