
  • 网络Legal system
  1. WTO规则与我国行政法制体系的变革

    On WTO Rules and the Transformation of Our Country 's Administration Legal System

  2. 完善我国矿权市场法制体系构建的研究

    The Research of the completion of Chinese Mineral Rights Market Legal System

  3. 加入WTO后我国保险法制体系的完善

    Improvement of China 's Insurance Law System after China 's Entrance into WTO

  4. 完善我国的保险法制体系是加入WTO后的一项重要任务。

    To reform China 's insurance law is an important task after China 's entrance into WTO .

  5. 如何发展与WTO相衔接的行政法制体系,以规范和保障政府的行政管理制度的有序运作,使之适应WTO的需要,应是法学界研究的新课题。

    A new topic for the jurists to study is how to develop a legal system of administration which may be in line with WTO so as to standardize and guarantee the orderly operation adaptable to WTO .

  6. 循环经济法制体系的建立对企业的法律影响力

    The Legal Influence of the Law System of Cyclic Economy on Enterprises

  7. 构建以知识产权为核心的信息法制体系

    Constructing Legal System of Nuclear Information to Intellectual Property Rights

  8. 我发现英国法制体系极为复杂。

    I find the British legal system extremely complicated .

  9. 浅析完善我国自然保护区法制体系

    A Brief Analysis of the Perfection of China 's Legal System for Natural Reserves

  10. 英国等西欧国家有着悠久的济贫传统,其济贫法制体系与实践亦相当成熟。

    Western European countries represented as UK have age-old tradition of relief of the poor .

  11. 中国市场经济法制体系结构设计

    An Approach to the Framework of the Legal System for the Market Economy in China

  12. 健全相关政策法规,完善市场法制体系;

    Perfecting related policies and legal system ;

  13. 突发事件应急法制体系的国际比较与框架设计

    Framework of Legal System Construction on Emergency

  14. 完善法制体系,保障村务公开依法实施;

    To improve the legal system ;

  15. 无论是以往的历朝历代还是现在,经济法律制度在国家法制体系中都有着举足轻重的作用。

    Whether past or present , economic legislative in the national legal system plays an important role .

  16. 清朝医药法制体系中习惯法占有极其重要的位置。

    Qing dynasty Chinese medicine in the common law legal system takes up an extremely important position .

  17. 非常法制体系中的戒严法&兼谈我国戒严法的修改

    Martial Law of Legal System in Special Situations & proposal about the amendment to martial law of China

  18. 一个与社会主义市场经济相协调的法制体系已经基本成型。

    " A legal system compatible with the socialist market economy has basically taken shape ," it says .

  19. 逐步建立健全流域水资源法制体系,加强水资源全流域统一管理;

    To establish legislative system for water resources in the whole basin and strengthen the integrated basin management ;

  20. 商事登记法律制度是市场经济法制体系的一项不可或缺的构成要素。

    Legal system of business registration is an indispensable constructive element of the legal setup under market economy .

  21. 加强水保法制体系建设推动水保监督执法工作全面开展

    Strengthening the Construction of Legal System of Soil Conservation to Promote Overall Development of Supervision and Law Enforcement Work

  22. 美国私立教育的发展与教育法制体系的完善有直接的关系。

    The development of the U.S.private education is closely related to the improvement of its legal system of education .

  23. 最后,注重政府决策,完善科技法制体系。

    Finally , we should attach more importance to the decision-making of government and perfect legal system of SciTech .

  24. 在法制体系中,社会治理具有法律本位的特征,法律是处理一切社会关系的最高权威,权力服从于法律。

    In legal system , social governance is law-paramountcy , and laws are the top authority in social relationship .

  25. 科技法制体系及其重点领域的构建与完善

    On the Construction and Improvement of the Legal System of Sci - tech as well as its Main Fields

  26. 在现有法制体系下,传媒监督与司法公正的平衡是一个既重要又敏感的问题。

    The relationship between the jurisdiction and the media is an important and sensitive problem in the socialistic legal system .

  27. 不合理的婚姻结构与法制体系,使得匪帮成为逃避社会不公的理想归宿,充足的武器来源使得山东匪帮战斗力极强且不易剿灭。

    Unreasonable marriage structure and legal system make the bandit gang become ideal home that people escape the unjust society ;

  28. 它完备了中国近代的法制体系,有助于中外法律文明的相互融汇。

    It will contribute to perfect the socialist legal system and help to converge the communication between Sino-China legal culture .

  29. 二十世纪八十年代以来,我国逐渐形成了数量繁多、相对较为齐全的城市规划法制体系。

    Since 1980s , a legal system of city programming has come into being in China , which is larger in quantity .

  30. 如何建立一个足够健全、足够广泛的法制体系来适应一个生机勃勃的社会的需要?

    How to construct a legal system that is sound enough and broad enough to respond to the needs of a dynamic society ?