
  • 网络falmouth;Fal-mouth
  1. 这只法尔茅斯吉普赛风格的游艇长23尺,他在船里住了14个月,期间他在阿伯里斯特威斯大学进修硕士学位。

    He lived aboard the 23-foot Falmouth Gypsy class boat in a boatyard for 14 months while studying for his masters at Aberystwyth University .

  2. 两人于1972年在赫特福德郡的埃尔斯特里结婚,之前都有过婚史。四年后,两人搬到康沃尔的法尔茅斯生活。

    They got married in Elstree , Hertfordshire , in 1972 , having both ended previous marriages , before moving to Falmouth , Cornwall four years later .

  3. 来自法尔茅斯的前皇家海军潜水员托德?斯文尼看到一位女孩沉人了泳池底,当时他正好在塞浦路斯准备婚礼。

    Former Royal Navy diver Todd Sweeney , from Falmouth , was in Cyprus preparing for the nuptials when he saw a girl on the bottom of a swimming pool .