
fǎ tíng
  • court;tribunal;courtroom;court of law;law court
法庭 [fǎ tíng]
  • [court;tribunal] 法院设立的用来审理诉讼案件的机构

法庭[fǎ tíng]
  1. 法庭准许他对判决提出上诉。

    The court granted him leave to appeal against the sentence .

  2. 离婚法庭把监护权判给了孩子的母亲。

    The divorce court awarded custody to the child 's mother .

  3. 因为房东毁约,他们把他告上了法庭。

    They took their landlord to court for breaking the contract .

  4. 此问题已由法庭判决,不容争辩。

    The matter was settled beyond dispute by the court judgment .

  5. 法官必须在法庭的权限范围内行使权力。

    The judge has to act within the competence of the court .

  6. 法庭承担了保障这个女孩福利的责任。

    The court assumed responsibility for the girl 's welfare .

  7. 她缴不起税,将面临法庭诉讼。

    She can 't pay her tax and is facing court action .

  8. 他被送交法庭审判,并被裁定有罪。

    He was brought before the court and found guilty .

  9. 法庭接着听取了女死者的父亲所请律师的陈述。

    The court then heard counsel for the dead woman 's father .

  10. 可能被告上法庭的阴影依然笼罩在她的心头。

    The possibility of a court case is still hanging over her .

  11. 她因拒绝作证而被判藐视法庭罪。

    She was held in contempt for refusing to testify .

  12. 他由于藐视法庭可能被监禁两年。

    He could be jailed for two years for contempt .

  13. 他因危险驾驶而被移交地方法庭审判。

    He was hauled up before the local magistrates for dangerous driving .

  14. 法庭下周将对本案件作出裁决。

    The court will make its ruling on the case next week .

  15. 法庭传唤她出庭作证。

    The court subpoenaed her to appear as a witness .

  16. 此案情纯属捏造,已在法庭上被揭穿。

    The story was completely untrue and was successfully challenged in court .

  17. 没有足够的证据可把此案提交法庭。

    There wasn 't enough evidence to bring the case to court .

  18. 法庭对青少年犯罪者的处罚趋于严厉。

    The courts are becoming more severe on young offenders .

  19. 那个男孩作证时法庭里的人都屏息倾听。

    A hushed courtroom listened as the boy gave evidence .

  20. 他在法庭上进行了顽强的辩护。

    He put up a stout defence in court .

  21. 他们打算在法庭上对他的要求的合法性提出质疑。

    They intended to challenge the legality of his claim in the courts .

  22. 法庭声称她是不称职的母亲。

    The court claims she is an unfit mother .

  23. 囚犯由警察押送带上法庭。

    Prisoners are taken to court under police escort .

  24. 将这个公司告上法庭需要极大的勇气。

    It took a lot of nerve to take the company to court .

  25. 她的律师在法庭外面发表了一份声明。

    Her lawyer made a statement outside the court .

  26. 她在武装警卫护送下离开法庭。

    She left the courtroom flanked by armed guards .

  27. 凡漠视本法令者将被判藐视法庭罪。

    Any person who disregards this order will be in contempt of court .

  28. 书记员把在法庭上所有的话都记录在案。

    Clerks transcribe everything that is said in court .

  29. 法庭下令没收其财产。

    The court ordered the seizure of his assets .

  30. 法庭判定予以严惩。

    Severe penalties were meted out by the court .