
  • 网络Legal psychology;A Legal Mind
  1. 第二部分,当事人的法律心理与刑事调解。

    Part two , legal psychologies of parties and criminal mediation .

  2. 与之相适应,它的结构主要包括法律心理、法律观念和法律思想体系三部分。

    And its corresponding structure includes legal mentality , legal ideas , and legal ideology .

  3. 论我国公民的法律心理及其完善

    Legal Psychology and Perfection

  4. 本研究从法律心理语言学的角度入手,首先探讨了导致犯罪嫌疑人撒谎的心理原因和伴随撒谎的心理过程,并发现这些心理动因及过程在犯罪嫌疑人的言语中会有所体现。

    From a forensic psycholinguistic approach , the present study first explores the psychological states that motivate the suspects to lie in confessions and the psychological processes the lying suspects experience . These psychological states and processes are believed to be manifested in the lying suspects ' confession language .

  5. 晚清官绅新式法律教育心理态势的文化调适

    Study of cultural adjustment of the officials ' mental state in new law education in the late Qing Dynasty

  6. 产生这些违约行为的原因又与经济、政治、社会、人文、法律、心理等因素有何关系?

    What relationships are there between these reasons and the elements such as politics , society , culture , law , psychology , and etc ?

  7. 据上海市公安局表示,成为佩枪民警要通过法律和心理的训练和考试。

    The police officers qualified to carry them after a training series and examinations on laws and psychology , according to the municipal public security bureau .

  8. 怀疑可以涵盖大范围的物质和精神活动,并可从社会、政治、道德、法律、心理、哲学及宗教上进行解释。

    Doubt may cover a vast range of activities and mental operations , and can be interpreted on multiple levels such as social , political , ethic , legal , psychological , philosophical , and religious ones .

  9. 在芝加哥工作的艾伦莱文(AlanLevin)是这个由律师转行的心理治疗师组成、专门针对法律人士的心理治疗所的联合创始人之一。

    Chicago-based Alan Levin is a co-founder of a practice of lawyers turned therapists who cater to the legal profession .

  10. 人格主要指个人的法律人格、心理人格、道德人格。

    Personality mainly refers to the legal , psychological and moral personality of an individual .

  11. 设计调查问卷包括五个方面即思想政治素质、理想信念、职业道德、法律意识、心理健康。

    The design of the questionnaire includes five aspects , namely the ideological and political quality , ideals , beliefs , ethics , legal awareness , mental health .

  12. 在拟定外贸发展战略时及产品市场定位时必须要了解对方国家的政策、法律及民族心理。

    While drafting the development strategy of foreign trade and products market orientation when must last policy , law and psychology not national , the other side of country .

  13. 并从法律和受众心理两个角度分析了隐性采访的存在依据,指出了隐性采访存在的合理性、合法性及必要性。

    The article has been analyzed the recessive interview existence basis from the law and the numerous psychological angles , then pointed out the recessive interview existence rationality , the validity and the necessity .

  14. 其中观念理论形态的法治表现为法律学说、法律心理、法律习惯、法律思想体系及法律精神。

    The theoretical modality includes theory , mentality , habits , ideology and spirits of law .

  15. 其构成要素是对法律的理想、心理、意志、观念及信仰等。

    The elements of college students ' law awareness are ideal , psychology , will , conception , belief , etc.

  16. 不同的法律传统和民族心理是造成法官和当事人在不同的审判模式中处于不同地位的根本原因。

    Legal traditions and national mentality can affect the status of the judge and the accused in the criminal trial .

  17. 家长与学生在法律、英语、心理、管理方向的选择上有显著性差异;

    There is a distinction between the student and the parent in the choice of law , English , psychology and management ;

  18. 法治意识是实现法治社会的精神条件,是现代法律有效运行的心理基础。

    The consciousness of rule by law is the spiritual condition for a state to realize the rule by law , and is also the mental basis on which the system of modern laws can efficiently operate .

  19. 其最大危害就是中断了中国法制现代化的历史进程,强化了中国社会蔑视法律的民族传统心理,为新中国政策治国、以党代政、以党治国开了方便之门。

    The historical development of the Chinese legal modernization has been suspended , the traditional national psychology of despising law has been strengthened and it opened a door for ruling by policy , replacing politics by party and ruling by party .

  20. 为了给予家庭暴力的受害者更全面、更具体、更适当的协助,以取得更好的社会效果,必须建立法律、社会、心理各层面的社会支持体系。

    For give the victim of the domestic violence is more overall , more concrete , more appropriate help , to obtain the better and social result , must build up the social support system of the law , society , mental and each level .

  21. 维柯的法社会学先驱思想,在发生学意义上,主要由历史主义整体论社会观、民族社会法律文化观和社会法律心理理论三部分构成。

    Vico 's pioneer thought on the sociology of law , from the viewpoint of the originality , consists mainly of the historical wholesome social viewpoint , the ethnic social and law-cultural viewpoint , and the psychological theory of social law .

  22. 法律意识是人们对法律现象的各种心理反映,具有价值判断功能。

    The legal consciousness is all the psychology that is the reflection of legal phenomena . It can judge and evaluate .

  23. 大学生法律素质的内容包括:丰富的法律知识、健康的法律心理、正确的法律观念和较强的法律能力。

    The content of law quality of the college students includes : rich law knowledge , healthy law psychology , correct law points and stronger law capability .

  24. 它体现的是对现代法律规范、法律技术、法律的物质条件及其法律秩序等法律形式的主观心理评价。

    It is embodied in the subjective psychological evaluation of legal forms such as modern legal norm , techniques of laws , material conditions of laws and legal order .

  25. 法律权威的维护、社会主义法治社会的建设,需要加强培养人们对法律的心理信任,在这种心理的支配下,进而促使他们的行动是按照法律的规定自觉进行的。

    The maintenance of the legal authority and the construction of the socialist law-ruled society need to strengthen the psychological trust of the people in the law and prompt them to act consciously in accordance with the law .

  26. 第2章主要探讨法律意识的内涵,分析了与法律意识内涵密切相关的法律意识的构成要素以及法律意识与法律心理的关系。

    Chapter Two discusses the meaning of legal consciousness and analyzes the inscape of legal consciousness and the relationship between the legal consciousness and the legal psychology .

  27. 法律意识是各种法律主观的总称,即法律意识是特定的社会群体在特定的社会环境中形成的法律心理基础上,对法律现象所做出的心理的、主观的反映。

    Consciousness of law consists of all kinds of law subjective , it is special mass 's reaction of mentality and subjective to phenomena of law based on their law psychology formed in special social environment .

  28. 《法律基础》课的教学担负着传授法律知识、培养大学生的法律意识和法制观念、帮助大学生形成健康的法律心理、塑造大学生的法律品质等重要职责。

    The teaching of the Basic Course of Law undertakes the important responsibilities of passing on the legal knowledge , cultivating the legal consciousness and concept to students , helping them shape their healthy legal psychology and create their legal quality .