
  • 网络French Baguette
  1. 我啃法棍面包时,崩掉了一颗牙!

    I lost a tooth while chomping on a French baguette !

  2. 街道两旁满是咖啡馆和酒吧。奶酪,法棍面包和芥末出现在超市货架上。

    Cafes and bars line the streets ; cheese , baguette and mustard are on supermarket shelves ; and baggy hip-hop clothing hangs in fashion stores near the campus .

  3. 法棍面包纵向切开之后,将切面均匀涂上大蒜和黄油混合物。

    Halve bread lengthwise and evenly coat cut sides with garlic spread .

  4. 其次,站在冷藏食品柜前,我会拿起一条布里干酪法棍面包,放回去,接着拿起一块金枪鱼三明治,绝望地走出店门&我根本不喜欢金枪鱼。

    Then , I stand at the chilled-food cabinet and find myself picking up a brie baguette , putting that back down and in despair heading out of the shop with a tuna melt , when I don 't even like tuna .