
  1. 北京——中国东部一家法院的微博账号宣布,该法院下令对六家将废酸排进两条河流的公司处以总计逾1.6亿元的罚款。

    BEIJING - A court in eastern China has ordered six companies to pay fines totaling about $ 26 million for discharging waste acid into two waterways , according to the court 's microblog account .

  2. 近年来,公安部门和法院都使用微博账户发布消息,包括从日常活动到敏感政治案件的现场实录文本。

    Police departments and courts have used Weibo accounts for many years to publicise everything from routine activities to live transcripts in sensitive political cases .

  3. 据海南省高级人民法院在其官方微博上表示,在这笔总共275万的赔偿金中,包括185万人身自由赔偿金,以及90万的精神创伤补偿。

    The 2.75 million yuan compensation contains more than 1.85 million yuan for loss of personal freedom and 900000 yuan for psychological trauma , the High People 's Court of Hainan Province said on its official Weibo account .