
zhù cè jiàn zhù shī
  • certified architect
  1. 加强工程技术知识教育适应注册建筑师制度

    Strengthening engineering technological knowledge education and adapting the registered architect system

  2. 持一级注册建筑师资格证者优先。

    Class-I Registrated Architect or equivalent professional certificate from overseas preferred .

  3. 我国注册建筑师制度刍议

    Some tentative ideas of registered architect of our country

  4. 注册建筑师分为一级注册建筑师和二级注册建筑师。

    Certified public architects are divided into Grade-1 and Grade-2 certified public architects .

  5. 姜传宗教授是一名建筑教育家和一级注册建筑师。

    Professor Chuanzong Jiang is an educationalist and1 RA-PRC .

  6. 谈注册建筑师的职业责任

    The talk about the professional responsibility of registered architect

  7. 英国是世界上最早强调建筑师全过程、职业化参与历史建筑维修的国家,它的建筑教育体系和注册建筑师制度具有必然的联系。

    Britain Is the first country in the world emphasizing on architects accredited in building conservation plenarily .

  8. 管理统计在施工企业的应用注册建筑师制度在中国的建立及管理统计

    Application of Management Statistics for Construction Enterprises Establishment of Architect Registration System in China and Its Management Statistics

  9. 国家一级注册建筑师,曾任中国建筑技术开发总公司总建筑师。

    National1st Class Registered Architect and ever worked as the Chief Architect in China Building Technique Development Corporation .

  10. 中国建筑师对绿色建筑评价的理解及选择&对一级注册建筑师的问卷调查

    Local Architects'Perceptions and Preferences about Green Building Assessment in China & A Questionnaire Survey among First Grade Registered Architects

  11. 第三条注册建筑师的考试、注册和执业,适用本条例。

    Article III3 these Regulations shall apply to the examination , registration , and practice of certified public architects .

  12. 吴先生为国家注册建筑师,于一九九一年毕业于清华大学,取得工程学士学位。

    Wu is a state-registered architect and graduated from Tsinghua University with a Bachelor 's degree in Engineering in1991 .

  13. 本文介绍了作者在全国第一个注册建筑师网络考试系统中所应用的网络安全与加密技术。

    The article introduces the network security and encryption techniques applied by the authors in the first examination system for the registered architects in China .

  14. 对我国注册建筑师制度与世界贸易组织文件的相关内容进行比较,指出了存在的差异,提出了与世界接轨的具体措施。

    Comparing the system of register architect , in our country , with the interrelated content in the documents of WTO , it shows differences .

  15. 应征者须具有专业设计资质(美国注册建筑师优先),至少10年专业经验且获得建筑学学士或硕士学位。

    Candidates must be licensed design professionals ( US license preferred ) with a minimum of10 years professional experience and a Bachelor of Architecture or Masters Degree .

  16. 本文通过透视我国注册建筑师制度的存在问题,就当前的设计体制,对我国注册建筑师制度进行了研究。

    This paper through analyzing the problems of registered architect of our country , According to today 's condition of architecture design and it put forward some specific tentative plan .

  17. 执业注册建筑师的所承担的在建设活动中的各环节工作的实践表明:执业注册建筑师的培养不仅仅是建筑院校可以完成的任务,很多的环节要依托于建筑设计单位的继续教育。

    The registered architects ' Architectural Practice shows that the training of registered architects is not only the job of the architectural schools but also the duty of the architectural design corps .

  18. 第一条为了加强对注册建筑师的管理,提高建筑设计质量与水平,保障公民生命和财产安全,维护社会公共利益,制定本条例。

    Article I1 these Regulations are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the administration of certified public architects , improving the quality and level of architectural design , protecting the public interest , and ensuring the safety of the life and property of citizens .