
zhù shè shì
  • injection room
  1. 其中注射室、外科换药室、ICU病房空气消毒合格率分别为61.11%、60.63%及60.94%,供应室为93.28%。

    Among various departments , the air disinfection eligible rates of injection room , surgical dressing room and ICU were 61.11 % , 60.63 % and 60.94 % respectively and the eligible rate of the central sterile supply services was 93.28 % .

  2. 目的规范门诊注射室护理工作环节流程。

    Objective To make a nursing flow standard in injection room .

  3. 实施PDCA提高门诊注射室护理工作满意度

    Improvement of the Satisfaction of Nursing Job in Injection-room of Outpatient by Applying PDCA

  4. 方法:监测环境为医院内的手术室、供应室、母婴同室、注射室(液疗中心)、处置室、ICU。

    Methods : ( 1 ) The environment which is monitored include operating rooms , supply rooms , injection rooms , disposal rooms and ICU .

  5. 门诊注射室空气消毒方法的探讨

    Investigation for air disinfection method in out patient injection room

  6. 门诊注射室患者需求调查分析与对策

    Investigation and tactic of the patients ' demands in OPD injection room

  7. 注射室护理工作的心理分析与对策

    Psychoanalysis and Countermeasure of Being a Nurse in Injecting Room

  8. 方法对门诊中心注射室16名护士进行自行设计压力源问卷调查。

    Method 16 nurses of the injection center were surveyed .

  9. 配药室与注射室医疗废物分类收集方法

    Classified collection method for medical waste of dispensation room and injection room

  10. 注射室护理风险管理措施研究及实施

    Study for the nursing risk management measures in injection room

  11. 门诊注射室开展分区输液的体会

    Experience on implement zoned transfusion for patients in injection room of outpatient clinic

  12. 基层医院门诊注射室纠纷与差错预防措施探讨

    Prevention to the dispute and mistake in injection - room of the basic hospital

  13. 目的了解门诊注射室化疗病人对化疗知识的需求。

    Objective To understand the demandsof chemotherapeutic outpatientsfor chemotherapeutic knowledge in the infusion room .

  14. 目的:了解门诊注射室患者的需求。

    Objective : To learn the patients ' demands in injection room of outpatient department .

  15. 影响门诊注射室护患关系的因素分析及对策

    The factors influencing nurse-client relationship in the injection room of the outpatient department and its countermeasures

  16. 目的:探讨艾条熏蒸对门诊注射室空气消毒的效果。

    Objective : To discuss about air disinfection by stiffing of burning Moxabar in outpatient injection room .

  17. 门诊中心注射室因病施教输液法的探讨

    Probe into teaching transfusion methods bases on patients with different diseases in central injection room of out-patient clinic

  18. 方法改进注射室护理工作各个环节的流程,建立用药指导制度。

    Method To change the nursing flow of injection , set up the system of using medicine for patients .

  19. 目的探讨预防纠纷与差错发生的方法,以减少基层医院门诊注射室差错纠纷的发生。

    Objective Study the method to prevent the dispute and mistake in injection-room , lessen the dispute occurring in the injection-room .

  20. 结果门诊感染管理重点科室有门诊手术室、注射室、输液室、口腔科等;

    RESULTS The key places of outpatient infection management are outpatient operation room , injection room , infusion room , stomatological department , etc.

  21. 在注射室、在验血处、在吊盐水的地方,猪妈像唐僧一样,反复强调。

    In the injection room , the blood testing room and the saline drip room , I said this sentence again and again like Tang monk .

  22. 方法:对注射室出现的68例晕厥患者针对各种原因作相应护理,并采用各种急救措施。

    Methods : The corresponding attendance was involved , and various measures were taken according to the various reasons leading to leipothymia of the68 patients in injection room .

  23. 方法:对门诊注射室200例患者从健康知识、治疗环境、护理服务、心理状态4个方面进行问卷调查。

    Methods : A questionnaire investigation was conducted to 200 patients in injection room of OPD in the areas of health knowledge , treatment environment , service and mentality .

  24. 方法在医疗废物锐器专用回收箱使用前半年及使用后半年,对我院急诊科、注射室及内科病房的医护人员进行每月一次锐器刺伤人次进行记录。

    Methods The healthcare workers in the emergency department , injecting room and internal medical department in our hospital reported the accidents of stab 6 months before and after using the reclaiming box monthly .

  25. 方法按《消毒技术规范》的规定对云浮市云城区11间医院的手术室、产房、注射室和治疗室等场所的空气菌落总数和紫外线灯照射强度进行测定。

    Methods According to the 《 Sterilizing Technique law 》, 11 hospitals were chose to monitor the bacteria count and the intensity of the ultraviolet irradiation in operation room , delivery room , injection room and treatment room .

  26. min。结论:灯盏细辛注射液中的总咖啡酯类成分在大鼠体内过程符合静脉注射二室模型。

    Conclusion : The pharmacokinetics model of coffeic acid esters is two-compartment model after iv Erigeron injection in Sprague-Dawley rats .

  27. 按实验设计采集6h内动态血样,以HPLC法测定血浆药物浓度,以静脉注射二室模型计算药代动力学参数。

    Blood samples were collected during 6 hours in accordance with the experimental design . The drug levels in plasma were measured by HPLC assay .

  28. 分析DASE负荷心率时及美托洛尔静脉注射后室壁运动计分指数及血流动力学参数,将CAG结果与DASE、DASE-Meto结果进行比较分析。

    Regional wall motion and haemodynamic parameters at peak heart rate during DASE and after metoprolol injection were analyzed , and DASE and DASE-Meto results were compared with CAG .

  29. 目的探讨三磷酸腺苷(ATP)及其联合阿托品静脉注射治疗阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)的疗效及其安全性。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of the combination of adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) and atropine in the treatment of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia ( PSVT ) .

  30. 小剂量三磷酸腺苷静脉注射终止阵发性室上性心动过速的临床观察

    Clinical observation on treatment of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia with intravenous low dose adenosine triphosphate