
  • 网络Zamia furfuracea;Zamia;ZAMIACEAE;G-zim Alpion
  1. 这是继鳞秕泽米铁中发现导管之后再次在苏铁类植物中发现导管。

    This is the second discovery of vessel in cycads after the first discovery of vessel in Zamia furfuracea .

  2. 佛罗里达、西印度和古巴的一种小而硬的木质泽米;根部和一半的茎部生长竹芋。

    Small tough woody zamia of Florida and West Indies and Cuba ; roots and half-buried stems yield an arrowroot .

  3. 苏铁类的一科常常包括在苏铁科;泽米属植物。

    A family of cycads often included in the family Cycadaceae : zamias .

  4. 米尔-卡泽米还声称,伊朗已经发现了几处重要的天然气新蕴藏。

    The oil minister also claims Iran has discovered several important new gas fields .

  5. 伊朗石油部长马苏德·米尔-卡泽米说,制裁不是今天才有,不会影响到伊朗能源领域。

    Oil Minister Massoud Mir-Kazemi said sanctions were " nothing new " and would not affect Iran 's energy sector .

  6. 泽米属的一种小型苏铁,具有木质球果、鱼鳞状树干和蕨类叶片;分布在墨西哥。

    A small cycad of the genus Ceratozamia having a short scaly woody trunk and fernlike foliage and woody cones ; mexico .

  7. 泽米一种主要生长在美洲热带地区的泽米属苏铁科植物,其树干很粗,通常长在地下,生有掌状顶生叶子,而且种子生于木本球果中。

    Any of various chiefly tropical American cycads of the genus zamia , having a thick , usually underground trunk , palmlike terminal leaves , and seeds borne in woody cones .

  8. 泽米任一种泽米属常绿植物,原产于美国佛罗里达、墨西哥及西印度群岛,生有复叶,开有雌雄异体的球状花朵,其明显膨大的地下茎可制成类似竹竽粉的淀粉。

    Any of several evergreen species of the genus Zamia native to southern florida , mexico , and the West indies , having compound leaves , unisexual cones , and conspicuously thickened underground stems that yield starch resembling arrowroot .