
xǐ yá
  • Toothwashing;scale teeth
  1. ICP-AES测定洗牙粉中8种元素及主成分

    Determination of Chemical Components and Eight Elements in Dental-Bleaching Powder by ICP-AES

  2. ICP-AES法测定了洗牙粉中8种元素,由元素的相对含量推测其主要成分为碳酸盐组成。

    Eight elements in dental-bleaching powder were determinated by ICP-AES . The data show that the main chemical component is carbonates .

  3. 最近,来自加州Auburn镇的赫兹·瑞米瑞兹及其丈夫伦一起来到某牙医家中,但他们不是去洗牙的。

    When Heather Ramirez of Auburn , California , went to the dentist recently with her husband Len , she wasn 't there to have her teeth cleaned .

  4. 苯甲酸,安息香酸:一种芳香的白色结晶酸,C6H5COOH,用来风干烟草或用于香水、洗牙水和杀菌剂。

    An aromatic white crystalline acid , C6H5COOH , used to season tobacco and in perfumes , dentifrices , and germicides .

  5. 她也一定每天洗牙的。

    She must wash her teeth every day , too .

  6. 现在还不需要,但你的确需要清除牙结石和深部洗牙。

    Not now . But you do need to have scaling and deep cleaning .

  7. 不行我约了牙医要去洗牙

    No. No , I can 't. I scheduled a cleaning at the dentist .

  8. 帮助病人学习口腔卫生室洗牙师的工作。

    Helping patients learn good oral hygiene is the job of the dental hygienist .

  9. 琼:所以,你由牙医洗牙是免费的?

    Joan : So you get your teeth cleaned by a dentist for free ?

  10. 电动冲牙器能代替洗牙么?

    What can prevent dental porcelain teeth ?

  11. 我可以为你洗牙。

    I can clean your teeth .

  12. Step3.定期地洗牙,这能去掉许多食物和烟草的污渍。

    Step 3 . Get regular dental cleanings , which remove many food and tobacco stains .

  13. 捷夫:我和牙医约好,要做专业洗牙。

    Jeff : I have an appointment at the dentist to have my teeth professionally cleaned .

  14. 不要等到痛了才去看牙医,安排一年一次或两次的定期牙检和洗牙。

    Don 't wait for pain to see the dentist ; schedule regular checkups and cleanings once or twice a year .

  15. 许多洗牙师都曾经在她面前抱怨,因为他们得努力对付那些菌斑满布的牙齿,由此就必须扭着身子。

    Jacobs ; she hears a lot of complaints from dental hygienists , who may assume contorted positions as they work hard on plaque-covered teeth .

  16. 噢,对了!我约了牙医洗牙,我一定要守约。

    Oh , yes ! I 've got an appointment with my dentist to have my teeth cleaned , and it 's essential that I keep it .

  17. 春节过节这几天可忙坏了市口腔医院等牙科诊所,抽空洗牙成了一种新时尚。

    During the Spring Festival holidays , the Municipal Stomatology Hospital and many dental clinics became extremely busy suddenly , as toothwash has become a new fashion .

  18. 据了解,放假的7天里,来市口腔医院洗牙的人一直都没断过,其中有许多还是第一次来洗牙。

    As our reporter learnt , in the7-day period , people coming to the stomatology hospital for toothwash never stopped , and many of them came for toothwash for the first time .

  19. 不过洗牙次数再多也不能去除由于四环素或系统性疾病导致的牙齿深度着色,因为这些色素已进入你的牙齿内部,你需要采取更加积极地措施来对付它们。

    No amount of cleaning will remove the severe staining left by tetracycline or systemic disease because these pigments lie inside the tooth ; you 'll have to take more aggressive measures against these .

  20. 罗森菲尔德博士说:“水和10美元一瓶的滴耳液一样管用。”但医生们表示,高压水流,包括改造过的洗牙器,可能会造成伤害。

    Water works just as well as a $ 10 bottle of ear drops , ' says Dr. Rosenfeld . But doctors say high-pressure water streams , including repurposed jet-tooth cleaners , can be damaging .

  21. 可是再一看,又开始着急,在他心里的某个角落不知怎么存有一个模糊的印象:有些人每天要洗牙,那是上层的人,露丝阶级的人。

    But as he looked , he began to be troubled . Somewhere , stored away in the recesses of his mind and vaguely remembered , was the impression that there were people who washed their teeth every day .

  22. 台北荣民总医院首席研究员艾米丽陈(英文名),在佛罗里达州举行的美国心脏协会科学会议上发布了这一发现,她说:“一年至少洗牙一次的人更明显不易罹患心脏病和中风。”

    Lead researcher Emily Chen from the Veterans General Hospital in Taipei , who presented the findings at the American Heart Association 's scientific sessions conference in Florida , said : " Protection from heart disease and stroke was more pronounced in participants who got tooth scaling at least once a year . "