
  • 网络Activity Costing;active cost
  1. 这些小规模的促销活动成本很高,而且对增加他的最终效益没什么贡献。

    These small promotions were costly and they did nothing to increase his bottom line .

  2. 请另用A4大小的纸张说明预计收入来源详情,以及如何用于减低活动成本。

    Please provide details of sources of income and how the income will be used to defray cost on a separate sheet of A4 size paper .

  3. 资源受限工程调度问题的研究中很少关注活动成本目标,而问题中以活动成本最小化为目标时也是一类NP-Hard问题,并且问题目标是非正规的。

    There is little attention paid to activities ' cost of project in resource-constrained project scheduling problems ( RCPSPs ) . When the objective of minimizing activities ' cost is considered as the performance measure , the problem is also NP-hard and the objective is nonregular .

  4. 基于优先规则的活动成本目标资源受限工程调度

    Priority-rule-based Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling with the Objective of Minimizing Activities ' Cost

  5. 这些活动成本很低,既面向技术爱好者,也面向专业人士,他们都被要求表达观点,同时也要聆听别人的看法。

    These low-cost events are for enthusiasts as well as professionals , who are all required to present as well as listen .

  6. 这种趋势是由于东部沿海地区工业、生产活动成本上升(如电子元件组装)造成的。

    This trend has been largely driven by the rise in costs of activities such as electronics assembly in the eastern seaboard cities .

  7. 这种活动成本太高,要天天搞的话,我们负担不起。而且,周围的有机食品并不多。

    It is not something we can afford to do on a daily basis , and there aren 't too many organic farms around here .

  8. 从经济学的角度考察,网上交易可以大幅度地降低经济活动成本,还具有价格发现功能和风险规避功能。

    From economics angle of view , business by network can reduce the cost of economic activities , has function of price-discovery and function of evading risk .

  9. 其次,分别通过案例分析了资源成本动因和活动成本动因对建设成本和运营维护成本的影响。

    Then , through two cases , it analyses resource cost driver and activity cost driver , and discusses the impact on construction cost and O & M cost of construction project .

  10. 要使采购活动成本最低,成为企业利润的第二来源,电子采购是实现这个目标的最佳方案。

    How to get the lowest costs in the procurement scheme , how to become the second profit source of enterprise , electronic procurement scheme is the optimum one to achieve this goal .

  11. 成本动因是一项活动成本的结构性原因,成本动因常常相互作用以决定一种特定活动的成本行为。

    The dynamic drivers of the cost are the structural causes of an activity cost . The dynamic drivers of the cost often interacts each other to determine the cost of a particular activity .

  12. 基于此,本文首先对活动成本目标下的资源受限工程调度问题展开研究,然后将有关理论与方法应用到工程供应链设计中。

    For the above , resource-constrained project scheduling with the objective of minimizing activities ' cost will be discussed firstly based on which research on design of construction supply chain is going to be carried out .

  13. 由于本文重点论述借壳上市,故文中将首次募股上市和借壳上市的主体资格、活动成本、活动流程、后期整合等方面进行比较,并列举选择借壳上市的企业类型和上市目标。

    For this article focuses on backdoor listing , there are comparisons of qualifications , costs , procedures and integrations of initial public offerings and back-door listing , and list the types and strategic goals of companies which choose the latter method .

  14. 基于活动的成本计算法(ABC)在BPR中的应用

    Application of ABC ( activity based costing ) method in BPR

  15. 准时制(JIT)、业务流程重组(BPR)、基于活动的成本分析(ABC)将为医院物流合理化提供有力工具。

    Such tools as JIT , Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ), Activity-Based Costing ( ABC ), would greatly facilitate the rationalization of hospital logistics .

  16. JXInsight基于活动的成本核算解决方案包括了以下性能监测和管理特性。

    JXInsight 's Activity-based costing solution includes the following performance monitoring and management features .

  17. 论文采用基于活动的成本计算方法(ABC)来提供可靠的成本数据,用一个一般性制造企业的例子,阐述了应用ABC方法过程中具体的数据收集、分配、及计算过程。

    This paper applies Activity Based Costing ( ABC ) to provide reliable cost data . An illustrative example from a general manufacturing enterprise was taken to describe the application of ABC , including data collection , cost location and the computation process .

  18. 创意产业中创意活动的成本和价值度量研究

    Cost and Value Measurement of Creative Activities in Creative Industries

  19. 接下来介绍基于价值链活动的成本控制方法。

    And the next is the method of cost control based on the value chain is introduced .

  20. 基于此你可以创建历史图表,提供基于活动的成本核算,并执行其它有用的分析。

    From that you can create histograms , provide activity-based costing , and perform other useful analysis .

  21. 林业经济活动部门成本利益与社会成本收益不一致,可能导致资源不能得到有效配置。

    The inconsistency of cost-benefit ratio for the forestry economic activity sector and society could lead to inefficient resources allocation .

  22. 首先探讨的是成本和利润值的合理确定,提出了基于活动的成本预测模型;

    Firstly the author makes an inquiry into cost and profit , founding a cost forecasting model based on activity .

  23. 两种方法都是为计划、组织并指导、控制和决策制定等管理活动提供成本信息。

    Both systems also provide product cost data to management for planning , organizing and directing , controlling and decision-making .

  24. 文章正是通过对一项社区警务活动的成本分析入手,为警务管理工作提供选择的方案,从而为提高警务工作的效率提出有益的建言。

    By analyzing the cost of a piece of community policing , the author makes a suggestion on the management of policing .

  25. 信贷息差虽然并非完美的指标,但它能比信贷数量更直接地衡量私人媒介活动的成本。

    Though imperfect indicators , these spreads give a more direct measure of the costs of private intermediation than do credit quantities .

  26. 基于供应链,利用活动的成本分析法对钢铁企业物流管理的业务流程进行重构。

    Based on supply chain , activity-based cost analysis method is applied to reengineer the business processes of the company 's logistics management .

  27. 在中央政府对部门信息共享进行的激励过程中,政府部门不同活动努力成本的边际替代率至关重要。

    The key point is the marginal substitution rate of different activities cost when the central government is on the process of information-sharing incentives .

  28. 作为一种经济组织,经济中介机构在降低市场经济活动交易成本的同时也会产生代理成本。

    As a special kind of companies , economic intermediaries can save transaction cost , but at the same time they can also induce agent cost .

  29. 二是要考虑安全保障义务人社会活动的成本、效益和经济承受能力,对其行为划定一个合理的范围。

    The second is to consider the obligations of human social activities , security costs , benefits and affordability , their actions delineated a reasonable range .

  30. 对心血管疾病中、高危成年人进行3年生活方式干预,同期进行标准护理并增强与健康生活质量相关的体力活动符合成本效益。

    A3-year lifestyle intervention for adults at moderate to high risk of cardiovascular disease is cost effective when added to standard care and improves physical health-related quality of life .