
  • 网络internal price
  1. 理顺内部价格,强化合同关系;

    Adjusting internal prices , intensifying contract relations ;

  2. 交易员称,中国海关官员正对出口进行监督,要求销售合同与内部价格表即一些人所知的“机密价格”的价格相符。

    Traders say that Chinese customs officials are policing exports and require that sales contracts match an internal price list , known by some as the " secret price " .

  3. 防范跨国公司内部价格转移的对策研究

    A Study on Defending Measures to Control Internal Transfer Price in Transnational Corporations

  4. 高校内部价格审计是为降低学校采购成本,提高教育资金使用效益服务的。

    The price audit within the colleges is in the service of decreasing the purchasing costs of colleges and improving beneficial results of the educational funds .

  5. 其他经济体系若以货币贬值而非内部价格下调作为改善对外竞争力的方法,它们最终的情况可能不会得到多大改善。

    Those economies where currency depreciation rather than internal price deflation is the accepted means of improving external competitiveness may be no better off at the end of the day .

  6. 内部价格作为内部市场要素之一,是市场化运作的关键一环,其制定的是否科学合理,对内部市场化的运作将产生最直接的影响。

    The internal price is the most important part of the internal market operation , which will cause the most direct influence on the internal market operation whether it is established scientific or rationally .

  7. 为了获取问题的可行解,又提出了一种前溯式可行化方法,通过协调中心对产品内部价格(拉格朗日算子)的迭代更新,实现整个供应链生产计划的协调优化。

    During the coordination process , through iterative update of the internal price for each kind of products provided by the coordination center , the supply chain could be coordinated and the nearest optimal solution could be achieved .

  8. 经营者应当根据其经营条件建立、健全内部价格管理制度,准确记录与核定商品和服务的生产经营成本,不得弄虚作假。

    Business operators should establish and improve their system of internal price management , accurately record and verify the cost of production or operations for their merchandise or services , in which any deception or forgery is not allowed .

  9. 文章在分析高校国有资产管理普遍存在的问题,提出了在高校建立健全国有资产管理机构,建立国有资产分类管理制度,建立国有资产使用内部价格制度等对策。

    The paper analyzes the problems existing in the management of state assets of universities and puts forward the following countermeasures : establishing a sound administrative authorities , improving the classified management system and building up an internal price system .

  10. 通过将局部Agent决策目标的总和与全局Agent决策目标进行对比,证明了所引入的内部结算价格就是全局Agent目标函数关于物流平衡约束的Lagrange乘子。

    Comparing the object of global agent and the sum of objective functions of local agents , it is verified that internal price just is Lagrange multipliers of the objective function of global agent for logistic balance constraints .

  11. 国外跨国公司内部转移价格的运作及启示

    The Operation of the Internally - transfered Price and its Enlightenment

  12. 基于作业成本的内部转移价格的制订

    Formulation of Internal Transfer Price Based on Processing Costing Method

  13. 跨国公司内部贸易价格影响分析

    Analysis of the influence of the TNCS inner trade price

  14. 企业集团内部转移价格的制定策略

    The strategy of making transferring price in the business Croups

  15. 企业内部交易价格的制定与利益冲突

    Inner Transfer Pricing and Conflicts of Interest in an Enterprise

  16. 浅谈企业内部结算价格的确定

    Preliminary Discussion on Now to Determine the Internal Settlement Price in Enterprise

  17. 内部转移价格有很多制定原则。

    Lots of principles should be followed while making internal transfer price .

  18. 内部结算价格是企业财务核算的基础。

    Internal settlement price is the basis of financial account of enterprise .

  19. 企业预算编制中内部转移价格的确定方法

    Determination of Internal Transfer Price in Enterprise Budget Compilation

  20. 标准成本、作业成本与企业内部转移价格的结合成因

    The Integrated Cause of Standard Cost , Activity-Based Cost and Inner Transfer Price

  21. 论公司内部转移价格及其选择

    On Enterprises ' Internal Transfer Prices and Their Choices

  22. 钢铁企业内部结算价格浅探

    Elementary approach to the internal settlement price of the iron & Steel Enterprise

  23. 构建产销激励约束机制与内部销售价格的制定

    Setting Up Encouraging And Restrictive Stipulations for Production-Saling And Making An Inner Price

  24. 企业产权交易定价研究论若干因素对制定企业内部转移价格的影响

    Research on the Pricing of Enterprise Property Rights Transaction Some Factors to Transfer Pricing

  25. 内部转移价格:一个文献综述

    A Summary on Literatures of Internal Price Transfer

  26. 论跨国公司内部转移价格制定的方法及其依据

    The Formulation of Transfer Pricing by MNC

  27. 这里可以看出用成本法设定内部转移价格的一个主要缺点是。

    Herein lies one of the defects of the cost approach to setting transfer prices .

  28. 内部转移价格成了集团企业财务管理的重要组成部分。

    The internal transferring price is the important component of finical administration of enterprise group .

  29. 论企业经济责任制中内部转移价格的制定

    Decision for Internal Transfer Price in the Responsibility System On internal transfer price of enterprise

  30. 关于企业内部转移价格的探讨

    A Study on Enterprise Internal Transferring Price