
  • 网络Event Executive;EXECUTION;implementation of activities
  1. 使用WebSphereProcessServerV6.1.2,可以在每个活动执行状态中通过跳过请求来跳过所有基本活动。

    With WebSphere Process Server V6.1.2 , all basic activities can be asked to be skipped in every activity execution state via a skip request .

  2. 提出了一种基于决策树的活动执行时间预测技术。

    A decision tree based activity execution time prediction approach is proposed .

  3. Assign活动执行该流程所需的数据映射。

    The Assign activity performs the data mapping required for the process .

  4. 1PRCPSPMAS体系包含两类Agent:负责项目资源请求与活动执行的活动Agent,以及负责资源分配和项目调度的调度Agent。

    The 1PRCPSP_MAS architecture contains two types of agents : activity agents which are responsible for resource requests and implemention of their activities , and a schedule agent which is in charge of resource allocation and project scheduling .

  5. 每个活动执行的工作完全取决于您。

    The work each activity does is completely up to you .

  6. 过程模型中批处理活动执行语义的研究

    The Study of Batch Activity Executive Semantic in Process Model

  7. 决策表列出了一个测试活动执行所需的条件。

    The decision table specifies under what conditions a test action must be performed .

  8. 当活动执行时,它将正好产生一个输入条件的所有输出。

    When an activity executes , it produces all outputs of exactly one output criterion .

  9. 业务流程引擎支持流程活动执行的协调和它们之间数据传播。

    The business process engine supports coordination of process activities execution and propagation of data between them .

  10. 注意,工作流明细的语境会影响活动执行的解释。

    Note that the context of the workflow detail influences the interpretation of the execution of the activity .

  11. ISO26262-6提出了许多推荐或是高度推荐的开发和测试活动执行方法。

    ISO 26262-6 mentions many recommended or even highly recommended methods to perform the development and testing activities .

  12. 与组织单位关联的角色现在可以被指定为流程图中的活动执行者。

    The roles that are associated with the organization units can now be assigned as performers of activities in process maps .

  13. 此外,活动执行的这些积极影响可能需要由手动操作代替实现。

    In addition , it might be required that these positive effects of an activity execution are achieved by substitutive , manual actions .

  14. 如果某一活动执行时缺乏足够的控制,或者当规定的控制措施未能充分实施,从而导致产品质量问题。

    When an activity is performed without sufficient control or when prescribed controls are not adequately implemented so that product quality is affected .

  15. 清理规则越复杂,所需的查找操作越多,清理活动执行的时间将越长。

    The more complex the cleansing rules are and the more lookups are required , the longer the execution of the cleansing activity will be .

  16. 这些小型计算机的体积更小、成本更低,它们常常通过编程来为某项特定的商业活动执行具体功能。

    The minicomputers were much smaller in size and cost , and they were often programmed to perform specific functions for a particular business activity .

  17. 工作流相关对象是一种用来定义参与工作流活动执行的各种企业资源的元类,它的每个实例都是一个企业模型中的类定义,如:角色类、数据类、应用类等。

    The meta-class Workflow Relevant Objects is used to define all kinds of resource classes that participate in workflow activity or are invoked by workflow activity .

  18. 中矿基业广告会展项目部一直专注服务于国内外企业机构的展览展示、商业空间设计、平面设计、会议、路演、活动执行。

    We focus on providing the professional service of demonstration , design , meeting arrangement , road show and other advertising activities for domestic and foreign company .

  19. 城乡中学大课间体育活动执行力度明显不足,尚无形成制度化,缺乏有效的组织和正确的引导。

    Urban and rural middle school sports enforcement big break , no obviously deficiencies and lack of effective form institutionalization organization and the right guidance . 4 .

  20. 此限制与接收冲突限制不同,因为请求-响应操作在对应的应答活动执行完成之前都处于活动状态。

    This restriction is different from the conflicting receive restriction , since a request-response operation is said to be active until the corresponding reply activity has been executed .

  21. 考虑到活动执行过程中,情境是动态变化的,给出了情境模式的概念,并定义了情境模式之间的时序关系,而通过情境模式之间的时序关系能够清晰地表达活动中的时序信息。

    Considering contexts change dynamically during the execution of activity , context pattern is defined in this paper , and the temporal relationship between different context patterns is described to express the temporal information included in activity .

  22. 作为一种商业流程建模的方式,如今的工作流往往强调业务活动执行的顺序性问题(比如,控制流),而忽视了业务信息要素或者将其放在次要的位置。

    Workflows , as a typical process modeling approach , often emphasize the sequencing of activities ( i.e. , control flows ), but ignore the informational perspective or treat it only within the context of single activities .

  23. 对工作流仿真中的几项关键点:事务的仿真、资源管理仿真、组织权限仿真、仿真时钟控制、活动执行时间、随机变量的产生、调度算法等做了深入研究。

    We do a thorough research into some of the key points of workflow simulation : event simulation , resource management simulation , organizational privilege simulation , simulation clock control , activity execution time , random variable generation and scheduling algorithms .

  24. 广告效果的事前评估目的在于确保正确的广告诉求、定位和策略方法,主要包括审核广告活动执行前的重要策略和预测目标受众对创意表现的反应;

    The evaluation before the execution is to ensure proper advertising appeal , positioning and strategies , and it mainly includes the evaluation of major strategies before the execution and the test of target audience 's attitude towards the creative execution style .

  25. 工作流管理系统支持在一个组织机构内部的过程的建模和协调执行。通常,为了在一个工作流中协调各种任务(Tasks)或活动的执行,在各种任务之间引入了任务依赖。

    : Workflow management systems supports the modeling and coordinated execution of process in an organization .

  26. 已被实现的流程目标的各部分代表既成的事实(facts),这些事实被用来协调剩余活动的执行。

    Parts of the process goal that have been fulfilled signify accomplished facts which are used to coordinate execution of remaining activities .

  27. 默认情况下,Slice会跨所有的活动片执行查询并在需要的时候在内存中合并结果。

    By default , Slice executes a query across all active slices and consolidates the result if necessary in memory .

  28. 营销维系数据支撑子系统主要负责完成营销维系的分析、策划及效果评估;CRM主要负责完成营销维系活动的执行。

    The marketing maintenance data support subsystem is responsible for analysis of marketing maintenance , plan and result estimate ; CRM is responsible for the execution of marketing maintenance activity .

  29. Reprieve的ZeroDB(Zerodecibel,零分贝)活动呼吁执行联合国管理,鼓励音乐家在音乐会上保持一分钟的安静。

    Reprieve Zero DB for Zero decibel campaign calls for the enforcement of UN convention against torture and the courageous musicians to hold a minute of silence at concerts .

  30. 客户希望在并发查询活动期间执行转出,但是他们不能接受在DETACH操作期间TP暂时需要的zlock的影响。

    A customer wants to perform roll-out during periods of concurrent query activity and they cannot accept the impact of the zlock that TP briefly requires during a DETACH operation .