
huó xìnɡ tài
  • active peptide
  1. 高F值寡肽是一类生理功能活性肽。

    High F ratio oligo-peptide was a kind of physiological function active peptide .

  2. 采用化学法和酶法相结合的合成策略,合成具有高生物活性肽RGD。

    The method of synthesizing the active peptide RGD was adopted with the combinational strategies of chemistry and enzyme .

  3. 活性肽P物质应用性研究

    Studies on the application for substance P

  4. 乳源活性肽对早期断奶仔猪胃泌素mRNA表达的影响

    Effect of Bioactive Peptides Derived from Casein on mRNA Express of Gastrin in Early Weaning Piglet

  5. 冷适应动物细胞免疫功能和某些生物活性肽分子及其mRNA的变化

    Changes of Cellular Immune Function and Some Active Peptides and Their mRNA during Cold Adaptation of Animals

  6. 东亚钳蝎镇痛活性肽SAPⅢ的分离纯化、基因克隆与功能表达

    The purification , gene clone and functional expression of scorpion anti-nociception peptide SAP ⅲ

  7. 牡蛎活性肽降血糖和抑制ACE作用研究

    Studies on Hypoglycemic and ACE Inhibitory Activity of the Bioactive Peptides from Oyster

  8. 鲨肝活性肽对小鼠血清溶血素的生成和血清IL-2含量的影响

    Effects of sHSS on Produce of Serum Haemolysin and the Level of Serum IL-2 in Mice

  9. CO2浓度升高对农作物品质影响的研究进展乳源性生物活性肽的质量浓度测定方法

    A State-of-the-art Review on the Impact of Elevated CO_2 on Crop Quality Research on the determination of concentration of bioactive peptides derived from milk protein

  10. 乳源抗高血压活性肽CEI(12)在大肠杆菌中的表达

    Expression of Dairy-derived Antihypertensive Peptide CEI_ ( 12 ) in E.coli

  11. 利用牛乳生产活性肽CPP

    Studies on activated CPP preparation from milk

  12. 抗癌生物活性肽对实验性胃癌PCNA、caspase-8基因表达的影响

    Influence of the PCNA and caspase-8 expression of anti-cancer bioactive peptide on experimental gastric cancer

  13. 肾上腺髓质素(ADM)是1993年从人的嗜铬细胞瘤组织中分离出的一种具有多种生物学作用的内源性活性肽,由52个氨基酸组成。

    Adrenomedullin ( ADM ) is a multiple functional vasoactive peptide originally isolated from human pheochromocytoma tissue in 1993 .

  14. 玉米ACEI活性肽体内降血压功能试验研究

    Antihypertensive Effect in vivo of Zein ACEI Peptides

  15. 目的观察近年新发现的活性肽尾加压素(UrotensinⅡ,UⅡ)在大鼠气道平滑肌细胞增殖中的作用及其机制。

    Objective To investigate the effect and mechanism of Urotensin ⅱ on the airway smooth muscle cell proliferation .

  16. 牡蛎低分子活性肽对人肺腺癌A549细胞形态与超微结构变化的影响

    Effects of Oyster Low Molecular Mass Bioactive Peptides on the Morphology and Ultrastucture of Human Lung Adenocarcinoma A549 Cells

  17. 二次酶解麦谷蛋白制备富含谷氨酰胺(Gln)活性肽营养液的研究

    Glutamine Peptide Prepared from Glutenin through Twice Enzymolysis

  18. 法氏囊活性肽对禽流感H5N1亚型灭活疫苗的免疫增强效果

    The immunopotentiation effect of bioactive peptide of bursa of Fabricius on avian influenza virus ( AIV ) H5N1 subtype inactivated vaccine

  19. 大豆生物活性肽(SBP)对蛋鸡脂类代谢与蛋黄着色的调控机理研究

    Modulating Mechanism of Soybean Bioactive Peptides ( SBP ) on Cholesterol Metabolism and Yolk Pigmentation in Laying Hens

  20. β-乳球蛋白源ACE抑制活性肽的研究

    Study on Preparation of ACE Inhibition Peptides from β - lactoglobulin Research on the determination of concentration of bioactive peptides derived from milk protein

  21. 活性肽RGD的液相合成

    Liquid phase synthesis of active peptide

  22. 材料:实验于2003-09/2005-05在郑州大学生物活性肽研究所第一实验室和郑州大学基础医学院细胞培养中心完成。选取出生后2d内的SD乳鼠15只作为实验对象。

    Cellular Culture Center , School of Basic Medical Sciences of Zhengzhou University from September 2003 to May 2005 . Fifteen neonatal SD rats within 2 days after birth were selected .

  23. 胰激肽原酶(pancreatickininogenase)是一种催化大分子前体物释放生物活性肽的酶。

    Pancreatic kininogenase ( PK ) is an enzyme which can serve as a catalyst to help macromolecular precursors release bioactive peptide .

  24. 实验组和对照组所有动物在膳食平衡期间每天分别进行灌胃15%活性肽饮料2mL和等量的安慰剂。

    Animals in control and experimental groups were fed 2ml beverage containing 15 % SHPs and same placebo respectively .

  25. 本文主要研究了利用蛋白酶水解牡蛎肉制备活性肽的工艺条件以及所得产品的ACE抑制活性、自由基清除能力和降胆固醇作用。

    The thesis was about the enzymatic production of bioactive peptides from oyster and itsbioactivity associated with ACE inhibitory activity , radical scavenging effects , and the effects oncholesterol .

  26. 腔上囊活性肽(Bursin)免疫生物学特性的研究

    Studies on immunological biological properties of bursin

  27. 本研究以大豆生物活性肽(SBP)为原料,着重研究了大豆肽对蛋鸡的生产性能、蛋黄胆固醇、蛋黄色度的影响,从胆汁酸、胆固醇代谢的角度对大豆肽的影响机制进行了探讨。

    This study focused on the effects of soybean bioactive peptides ( SBP ) on productive performance , yolk cholesterol and yolk color in laying hens .

  28. 利用毕赤酵母表达牛精蛋白的研究2.牛Myostatin活性肽编码区基因的克隆突变及其真核表达载体构建

    Expression of Bovine Protamine in Pichia Pastoris 2.Cloning of Mutant Bovine Myostatin Active Domain Coding Sequence and Establishment of Its Eukaryotic Expression Vector

  29. 目的探讨抗癌活性肽(anti-cancerbioactivepeptide,ACBP)肝肽和科脾肽对人鼻咽癌细胞株CNE体外增殖抑制作用及细胞周期的影响。

    Objective To investigate effects of two kinds of anti-cancer bioactive peptide ( ACBP ) on proliferation and cell cycle in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma strain CNE .

  30. 降钙素基因相关肽(CalcitoninGene-relatedpeptide,CGRP)是一种生物活性肽,广泛分布于中枢神经系统和周围神经系统以及某些非神经组织。

    Calcitonin gene related peptide ( CGRP ), which has highly diverse biological activities , is widely distributed in the central and peripheral nervous system , even in non nervous tissues .