
pài duì
  • party;gathering
  1. 反对派对法案提出修正案。

    The Opposition moved an amendment to the Bill .

  2. 那才叫派对!

    That was some party !

  3. 特德讨厌各种派对,即便是他自己喜欢的人的聚会也不例外。

    Ted hated parties , even gatherings of people he liked individually

  4. 哈里在办公室开派对时总不忘叫上查利。

    Harry always invited Charlie when he threw a thrash in his office .

  5. 她不喜欢参加派对,也不喜欢出去吃饭。

    She does not enjoy parties or dining out .

  6. 在上午10点左右开派对一定会增加新鲜感。

    Having a mid-morning party certainly adds novelty value .

  7. 大多数青少年喜欢参加派对。

    Most teenagers like to go to parties .

  8. 以前每次狂欢派对过后,我们都会到彼此的卧室去放松一下。

    After raves , we used to chill out in each others ' bedrooms .

  9. 你就是为派对而生的,不是吗,每天晚上你都去参加派对。

    You 're quite a party animal aren 't you , out there every night

  10. 我们举办了一个派对,所有人都来参加了。我认为派对非常成功。

    We gave a party and everybody came and I think it was a smashing success

  11. 我会开一个派对,然后把剩下的钱用来投资。

    I 'm going to throw a party , then invest the rest of the money

  12. 派对就是为了乐和一下。

    Parties are meant to be fun .

  13. 派对定在7点举行。

    The party was scheduled for 7:00 .

  14. 那对情侣是在一个派对上认识的。

    The couple met at a party

  15. 我通常在除夕举行派对,总是很闹。

    On New Year 's Eve I usually give a party , which is always chaotic .

  16. 他也承办派对的饮食吗?

    Does he cater parties too ?

  17. 我对他难以忘怀的一幕是他在一次小型私人派对上献歌的情景。

    One of my abiding memories of him is of his singing to a small private party

  18. 能源部长回应说,反对派对环境问题的关切是政治上的机会主义。

    The Energy Minister responded by saying that the opposition 's concern for the environment was political opportunism .

  19. 那些深夜派对把酒店变成了夜猫子的乐园,对于带着孩子的人们则成了地狱。

    The late-night parties make the hotel a haven for night owls and a hell for anyone with children .

  20. 马克那天下午回到家时是他第一次确切知道有惊喜派对这回事。

    When Mark arrived home that afternoon , it was the first he knew for sure of the surprise party .

  21. 在这位老艺术家的工作室开派对是再好不过了,那里的屋顶很高,空间也很大。

    The old artist 's studio is a brilliant place for a party with a high ceiling and plenty of room .

  22. 她诱惑他来参加她的生日派对。

    She enticed him to come to her birthday party .

  23. 保守派对任何一点的社会改革都要反对。

    Conservatives are against every breath of social reform .

  24. 我不喝酒,不参加派对,甚至很少约会。

    I didn 't drink , party , or even do much dating .

  25. 在《为派对买单》中,汉密尔顿描述了她所说的"派对之路",即学生们学着轻松的专业,参加举办派对的俱乐部,轻松地读完大学。

    In Paying for the Party , Hamilton describes what she calls the " party pathway , " which eases many students through college , helped along by various clubs that send students into the party scene and a host of easier majors .

  26. 女性们想要无所不能——志愿服务于学校的派对或是做出美味的餐食——因此她们对任何要求的应答通常都是“是的,我可以。”

    Women want to be able to do it all volunteer for school parties or cook delicious meals-and so their answer to any request is often " Yes , I can . "

  27. 我们开派对是因为爱丽丝快2岁了!

    We ' re throwing a party because ALICE IS TURNING 2 !

  28. 如果我们抱怨别的孩子有但自己没有的东西时,我们会听到这样的话:“我不管他的生日礼物是什么,反正你是不会有甜蜜昂贵的16岁生日派对。”

    If we complained about not having what another kid did , we 'd hear something like , " I don 't care what so – and – so got for his birthday , you are not getting a lavish sweet-16 party . "

  29. A:派对很棒!不过我没看见你。B:我头痛,所以没去。

    A : The party was great ! But I didn ' t see you . B : I didn ' t go there . I was suffering from a headache .

  30. 派对的下半场将在我家进行。

    The second part of the party will be at my house .