
  • 网络test score
  1. 我们的学生是否能够向家长解释标准化测验分数?

    Can our students interpret standardized test scores for parents ?

  2. 我们等着测验分数。

    We await our test scores .

  3. 与其他许多在线商业课程不同,CORe学员每一门课程的得分取决于测验分数、期中考试成绩和参与程度。

    Unlike many other online business courses , CORe participants are graded in each course based on quizzes , a final exam , and their level of participation .

  4. 总而言之,外部和内部的测验分数的关系均为PN分数的有效性提供了额外证据。

    Overall , both the external and internal test score relationships provide additional evidence for the validity of the PN scores .

  5. 以回归分析检验测验分数对语文、数学考试成绩的预测效度。

    Examine predicting validity by component regression analysis for terminal exam scores .

  6. 智力测验分数解释最基本的一个目的就是为了理解。

    Understanding is the fundamental purpose of interpretation of intelligence test score .

  7. 国内外标准参照测验分数体系的比较研究

    The Comparative Study of Criterion Referenced Test 's Score System at Home and Abroad

  8. 智力测验分数解释的发展趋势

    Developmental Trend of Interpretation of Intelligence Test Score

  9. 测验分数在不同年级之间存在显著差异。

    There were significant differences between grades .

  10. 结果还显示了测验分数高低与文化程度有关。

    The results also show that years of education were related to perceptual cognitive performance .

  11. 智力测验分数的解释是智力心理学一个重要的研究领域。

    Interpretation of intelligence test score is one of important research domains of intelligence psychology .

  12. 更让人不安的是,即便排除了大学前的学术能力测验分数的影响,这种悬殊的差距依然存在。

    More troubling , the disparity persists even when controlling for precollege academic aptitude scores .

  13. 我得选个合适的时机将测验分数告诉我妈。

    Eg : I 'll have to pick my moments before telling my mother my test scores .

  14. 传统的考试评价往往只给出一个测验分数,越来越满足不了社会的需求。

    By only giving a vague score , the traditional tests can not satisfy the requirement from society .

  15. 实验组在教学后,批判思考能力得分与乡土知识测验分数有中度正相关。

    There was a positive correlation between the experimental group 's critical-thinking test score and local-culture test score .

  16. 学习成绩的回归分析可见,测验分数与考试成绩显著正相关,语文及数理分量表进入考试总成绩的回归方程。

    Liner stepwise regression analysis showed that language and math sub-scales were important predictors for the total final exam scores .

  17. 测验分数与长-鞍团体智力测验、与教师评价均呈显著正相关。

    Correlations between AATMS and Changsha-Anshan Intelligence Test in Group , teacher 's rating , and exam scores were substantially positive .

  18. 双方在沿途探戈舞者不如记忆测验分数,但只有提高了探戈舞者多考验。

    Both walkers and tango dancers had better scores on memory tests , but only the tango dancers improved on a multitasking test .

  19. 如果发现某个学生第一次测验分数很低,我们可以给她安排些补习课。

    If a student is found to score very badly on the first test , then we can arrange extra lessons for her .

  20. 同时,通过对智力测验分数进行统计分析,又能够对相应的智力理论进行验证,并推动智力理论的发展。

    Meanwhile , through the statistic analysis of intelligence test score , we can examine the relevant intelligence theories and improve their development .

  21. 模型中通过采用“测验分数”语义,有效地解决了不确定性知识的表达问题;

    In class-predicate logic model , the uncertain domain-specific knowledge of railway alignment can be dealt with by using ' test-fraction ' efficiently .

  22. 结果表明听觉理解测验分数由原来的10%上升到23.7%;呼名测验分数由原来的35%上升到55.5%;

    The result showes that auditory comprehension test score raises from 10 % to 23.7 % , object naming test score from 35 % to 55.5 % ;

  23. 研究结果显示:干预前,实验组和对照组的职业成熟无显著差异。经过团体咨询,实验组在态度量表分数、能力测验分数以及职业成熟总分上的前后测的差值显著高于对照组。

    The results of the study indicate that : the significantly differences are not shown between the experimental group and controlled group in career maturity before the intervention .

  24. 瓦斯奎兹老师:这次邀您来家长会,我想跳过马可的成绩单和标准测验分数不谈,直接谈他在班上的表现。

    Ms. Vasquez : In this parent-teacher conference , I want to go beyond Marco 's report cards and his standardized test scores to talk about his general performance in the classroom .

  25. 当时我向经理对待测验分数一样对待经理访谈债券或债券检查范围:有材料表明不录用通知申请人。

    I then explain to the manager to treat the test scores the same way the manager treats the interview notes or reference check notes : Do not show any hiring materials to the applicant .

  26. 本文客观总结了智力研究领域的几个重要问题。对智力测验分数意义及智力的性质作了讨论,并提出这一领域尚未得到解决的关键问题。

    This paper sums up the several important problems in the field of intelligence research , discusses the meaning of intelligence test scores and the nature of intelligence , and puts forward the key problems that remain unsolved in this field .

  27. 在普通人群中,RBANS测验平均分数为100分。

    In the general population , the average score on RBANS tests is100 .

  28. 他去年阅读测验的分数很令人失望。

    His score on the reading test last year was very disappointing .

  29. 为那些在常规测验中分数低的学生提供特殊设计的辅导。

    I.provides specially designed instruction for children who have scored low on general tests .

  30. 探讨了标准参照测验合格分数线的划分方法。

    Finally , the article discusses how to set the qualified score in criteria-reference test .