
  • 网络Browser Compatibility
  1. 遵守并执行有关数据安全、浏览器兼容性,以及残疾人使用方便等方面的工业标准。

    Complies with industry standards for data security , browser compatibility , and accessibility .

  2. 本文还对系统所实现的功能作了测试,测试的内容包括功能测试、性能测试以及浏览器兼容性测试。

    These tests include functional test , performance test and browser compatibility test .

  3. 它们不仅能解决很多跨浏览器兼容性问题,而且,如果使用合适,可大大提高web应用程序开发速度。

    Not only do they help solve many cross-browser compatibility issues , but , when used properly , they can vastly speed up the development time for web applications .

  4. 不用重新更换页面,因为页面上的东西一直在变化;,在学期即将结束时我们会学习如何实现这些动态的东西,还有Ajax对于浏览器兼容性的贡献。

    Things are moving and changing ; without the whole page reloading ; when we looked towards the end of the semester Ajax enabled websites much like the ones we all use today .

  5. 检查和修复浏览器兼容性错误。

    Review the browser-compatibility errors and fix them .

  6. 在“检查设计方案”任务窗格的“浏览器兼容性”下,单击要查看的错误和消息文本。

    Under Browser Compatibility in the design checker task pane , click the text of the error or message you want to review .

  7. 由于需要这两种技术来最大程度地利用所有浏览器并保持兼容性,因此建议您使用在这些技术之上提供抽象层的客户端JavaScript库。

    Since the two techniques are necessary to get the best of all browsers and remain compatible , it is recommended that you use a client JavaScript library that provides a layer of abstraction on top of these techniques .

  8. Mozilla浏览器对Office文档兼容性访问技术研究与实现

    Technology investigation of mozilla browser call on office document compatibility