
  • 网络Page View;Pageview;pageviews
  1. 然而网路又常常为庸人设计,以浏览量的流驶,来洗涤旧迹,仅使留下淡红的血色和微漠的悲哀。

    However the network frequently designs for the mediocre person , by page view speeding , washes the old mark , only causes to leave behind the pale red scarlet and the micro desert sorrow .

  2. 北京奥组委埋怨道,订票网上“过多的浏览量”导致了系统故障。

    The Committee blamed the ticket system failure on " excessive page view volume " at its website .

  3. 在YouTube上获得粉丝的确很难,但你应该通过创建高质量的内容来做到这一点,而不是乞求浏览量。

    It 's difficult to gain a following on YouTube , but you should do so by creating quality content instead of begging for views .

  4. 这个视频在Youtube上获得了超过5百万的浏览量。

    And that video got over five million views on YouTube .

  5. 这打破了泰勒·斯威夫特的单曲《BadBlood》MV24小时内的浏览量纪录,而且,《Hello》有望打破更多的纪录。

    It beat out Taylor Swift 's ' Bad Blood ' video for most views in a 24-hour period , and is well on its way to breaking more records .

  6. 你可能读过格兰特的博客赐我一份录取吧,其中详细记录了他申请顶级MBA课程的经历。其页面浏览量已经达到10万人次。

    You may have read his blog , Grant Me Admission , in which he chronicles his quest for a top-tier MBA .

  7. 作为全球浏览量最大的网站之一,雅虎仍然裹足不前,被谷歌、Facebook和YouTube抛在后面。

    It remains tucked in behind Google , Facebook and YouTube as one of the most visited websites in the world .

  8. 这一视频随后被上传到了SafariLIVE的YouTube频道上,有近1.2万的浏览量。

    The footage was uploaded to SafariLIVE 's YouTube channel and it has since received nearly 12000 views .

  9. Kayak网站的浏览量也在增长。

    Traffic to kayak is also on the upswing .

  10. 但是主管编辑BillKeller说,纽约时报仍然是盈利的,10月份网上浏览量高达10亿。

    But Executive Editor Bill Keller says the Times is still profitable and had a billion page views on its Web site in October .

  11. HussStand表示,装饰后,这间公寓的网上浏览量提升了20%。

    Huss Stand says web traffics up at least 20 % on listings with virtual staging .

  12. 在这个Twitter、Facebook、YouTube与Tumbler盛行的时代,你在片刻之间便可获得几十亿的浏览量。

    Now here in a world of Twitter and Facebook and YouTube and Tumbler , you can reach billions in just seconds .

  13. 原始视频的点击量已经超过400万,娱乐平台9GAG转发到Facebook的视频浏览量已经超过4400万了。

    While the original video has gone on to amass more than 4m views , entertainment portal 9GAG 's Facebook video surpassed that to draw more than 44m views .

  14. 匿名社交网络正在快速发展:Whisper每月网页浏览量达25亿次,而Secret则高达35亿;

    It 's clear anonymous social networks are growing quickly : Whisper has drawn 2.5 billion page views a month , while Secret has 3.5 billion page views ;

  15. 在通告中,公司并未指明网站向Facebook付款以确保更多浏览量的“赞助帖”是否会因“标题党”而受处罚。

    The announcement didn 't address whether sponsored posts -- that is , posts that sites pay Facebook to bring more visitors to -- would also be penalized for clickbait headlines .

  16. 截止2月11日,有超过1.2万个HarlemShake视频,总浏览量达到了4400万。

    As of Feb. 11 , there have been over 12000 " Harlem Shake " videos , and they 've been watched more than 44 million times .

  17. 波拉特说,YouTube网站的总浏览量增加了60%,为两年来的最高增速,而移动端的浏览量翻了一番。

    Total views on the site were up 60 per cent , the highest growth rate in two years , with mobile views doubling , Ms Porat said .

  18. 在矿泉水品牌依云的最新宣传广告中,跳舞宝宝们又回来啦!该视频在播出不到一周内,就在YouTube网站上吸引了超过2900万的浏览量。

    Evian has brought the dancing babies back for its latest ad campaign , and the video has racked up over 29 million YouTube views in less than a week .

  19. 讽刺的是,Youtube的数据显示了每天Youtube手机终端的浏览量达到10亿次,所以很多人都是用手机观看这个视频的。

    Ironically , YouTube 's statistics show that the site gets a billion views per day from mobile devices , so a lot of those people watched it on their phone .

  20. 我们知道,有意义的内容或许赶不上Twitter上的趋势,无法在YouTube获得数以百万计的浏览量。作为《赫芬顿邮报》的创办人,您如何把握网站对点击量的需要和高质量内容之间的平衡?

    As the founder of The Huffington Post , how do you balance the need for clicks and traffic with meaningful content that might not trend on Twitter or receive millions of view on YouTube ? 、

  21. 虽然外部专家的看法相对更为谨慎,远大集团仍然吸引到了足够多的关注,YouTube上有关该公司闪电般施工模式的延时视频浏览量接近500万次也起到了一定的推动作用。

    Outside experts are somewhat more restrained , but Broad is still getting plenty of attention , helped along by the nearly 5m views that time-lapse videos of its lightning-quick construction methods have attracted on YouTube .

  22. 一匿名用户本周将这张照片上传到Reddit上,照片上传后该用户立即删除了账号。目前照片点击浏览量达到惊人的136万次。

    The picture , uploaded to Reddit this week by an unnamed user who has since deleted their account , has been viewed a staggering 1.36million times 。

  23. 如果我们转而使用4.5%的无风险折现率,那么Tumblr的美国RPM预设回报率将下降到0.81美元,包含国际浏览量的RPM预设回报率将下降到0.41美元。

    If we instead use the risk-free rate of 4.5 % , then the U.S. - only RPM hurdle rate drops to $ 0.81 , the international-included RPM hurdle rate drops to $ 0.41 .

  24. 正如阿斯特拉·泰勒(AstraTaylor)在《人民平台》(ThePeople’sPlatform)一书中所写,在2001年,排名前10的网站占据了全美31%的页面浏览量,但是到2010年,这个比例已经达到75%。

    As Astra Taylor points out in her book , " The People 's Platform , " in 2001 , the top 10 websites accounted for 31 percent of all U.S. page views , but , by 2010 , they accounted for 75 percent of them .

  25. 据报道,FaceMash上线第一晚便吸引了450名访客和22000页面浏览量。

    Facemash reportedly drew 450 visitors and 22,000 page views during its first evening online .

  26. 该公司称,搜索推荐量下跌了20%,而其最受欢迎的网站eHow(一个在线知识资源,提供大量操作指南&译注)页面浏览量也下降了12%。

    The company reported that search referrals fell 20 % and ehow , its most popular site , saw page views sink 12 % .

  27. 《Hello》MV24小时浏览量打破了泰勒·斯威夫特(TaylorSwift)之前在知名视频平台Vevo的纪录,MV单日浏览量高达2770万次。MV中,27岁的歌手悲伤地凝视窗外,检查她的翻盖手机,同时倒叙她与阳光前任的恋情。

    The song 's haunting music video , which broke Taylor Swift 's previous Vevo viewing record by receiving 27.7 million views in 24 hours , sees the 27-year-old singer staring sadly out a window and checking her flip phone , while having flashbacks of her smiling ex during their relationship .

  28. 专门报道宽带问题的记者奥姆马利克(ommalik)表示,有了50万每月独立用户和100万的页面浏览量,他作为消遣的博客目前已吸引了足够多的受众,足以自成一项业务。

    With 5 00000 unique users a month and 1m page views , OM Malik , a journalist who specialises in broadband issues , says his pastime is now attracting enough of an audience to become a business in its own right .

  29. ExperianHitwise的分析师詹姆斯•穆雷预计婚礼前浏览量将一直保持上升,但也许不会再现最初的高峰。

    James Murray , an analyst at the web metrics firm , expects traffic to keep rising in the run-up to the wedding , although it might not achieve that initial peak again .

  30. 在知名视频在线平台Vevo上,阿黛尔全新单曲《Hello》的视频在上线24小时内的首日浏览量达2770万次,这一成绩打破了之前由泰勒·斯威夫特保持的24小时内单日浏览量的纪录。

    Adele 's video for new single Hello has broken Taylor 's Swift 's records for the most views on Vevo in 24 hours . The clip accumulated 27.7m views in its first day online , beating the 20.1m views that Swift 's Bad Blood and its star-studded cast of celebrities attracted in its first 24 hours .