
hào dà
  • huge;vast;great;grand;very great
浩大 [hào dà]
  • [huge;grand;great;vast] 规模巨大

  • 浩大的工程

浩大[hào dà]
  1. 农村劳动力转移到非农产业是一个浩大工程;

    To transfer the country labour to non agricultural industry is a huge project ;

  2. 这次大选的声势将非常浩大。

    This election 's going to be huge .

  3. 组织那场演出是一项浩大的工程。

    Organizing the show has been a massive undertaking .

  4. 上演一台歌剧是一项浩大的工程,说要涉及数以百计的人真是一点都不夸张。

    Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people

  5. 将他的书付印本身就是一件浩大的工程。

    Getting his book into print has been an Olympian task in itself .

  6. 打捞海底残骸这一浩大工程持续了三周。

    For three weeks a big operation went on to recover the wreckage from the sea bed .

  7. 工程浩大,所费不赀。

    The project is on such a gigantic scale that the cost is hard to calculate .

  8. 一旦沃尔沃被卖掉,将为福特花费浩大、最终失败的高端汽车战略(PremierAutomotiveStrategy)的完结画上句号。

    Once Volvo is sold it will complete the dismantling of Ford 's expensive and failed Premier Automotive Strategy .

  9. 西门子公司(SiemensAG)发起了规模浩大的广告宣传活动,希望人们能记住它历史上的辉煌&同时忘记它过去一年中的经历。

    With its most extensive advertising campaign , Siemens AG wants people to remember the company 's past & but also to forget its past year .

  10. 恶魔的炽炎军团(BurningLegion)被这些合成的能量所诱惑而来,为了吸取这世界固有的魔法,发动了浩大的入侵。

    The demonic Burning Legion , lured by the resultant energies , launches a massive invasion in order to drain the world of its innate magic .

  11. 该研究发表在《世界生物精神医学杂志》(TheWorldJournalofBiologicalPsychiatry)上,这是一项对美国三个规模浩大的健康研究项目(共有43599名男性和164825名女性参加)进行的元分析。

    The study , published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry , was a meta-review of three extensive U.S. health studies that included a total of 43 , 599 men and 164 , 825 women .

  12. 由罗克韦尔自动化完成这浩大的五步申请程序免除了OEM自个回去认证产品的必要,节省了他们的时间和资金。

    The completion by Rockwell Automation of the extensive , five-step , application process saves OEMs time and money by eliminating the need for them to go back and certify the products themselves .

  13. 相比2014年建设50万座基站(这是一项浩大的建设任务,占全球4G资本支出的50%左右),中国移动表示,2015年只计划新建30万座4G基站。

    Compared to building 500,000 base stations in 2014 a mammoth building task which accounted for about 50 per cent of worldwide 4G capital expenditure China Mobile said it planned to build only 300,000 new 4G base stations in 2015 .

  14. 电影有四个编剧——乔尔·科恩(JoelCoen)、伊桑·科恩(EthanCoen)、理查德·拉·格拉文思(RichardLaGravenese)和威廉姆·尼克尔森(WilliamNicholson),他们勉强才把希伦布兰特篇幅浩大的书浓缩成一部2小时17分钟的电影。

    It took four marquee writers - Joel Coen , Ethan Coen , Richard LaGravenese and William Nicholson - to wrestle Ms. Hillenbrand 's many pages into a movie , which clocks in at 2 hours 17 minutes .

  15. 这样同时也就产生了数量浩大的视频数据。

    Widely usage brought about a large number of video data .

  16. 以一个浩大的,潜在的奖励和激励系统

    by using a grand , underlying reward and incentive system ,

  17. 显然这项工程是十分浩大的。

    Obviously , this is a very vast systematic engineering .

  18. 这是一项浩大的工程,本文所做的工作是其中的一部分。

    Work of this paper is part of this job .

  19. 中国已着手实施一项规模浩大的改革计划。

    China has embarked on a massive programme of reform .

  20. 但这通常是个难度不低的浩大工程。

    But this is rarely an easy or trivial task .

  21. 创7:24水势浩大、在地上共一百五十天。

    The water prevailed upon the earth one hundred and fifty days .

  22. “围护结构”的建造工程浩大

    Building the " envelope " was a massive task ,

  23. 这片刻,正常性是纯净的白色是浩大的放大。

    This moment , the summit was a vast expanse of whiteness .

  24. 在这一浩大的创新过程中,创业板即是其中的一部分。

    GEM is a part of this mass innovative process .

  25. 这看似简单,实际工程量却极为浩大

    It sounds simple , but the engineering feat will be phenomenal .

  26. 路易十六希望统治空前浩大

    Louis XVI wants to rule in a grand manner .

  27. 这是一项浩大的工程,尤其是因为我们只有这么几个人。

    It was a big job for so small a number of men .

  28. 我们可以提供人们在经历和个人投资上浩大的连续性

    We can offer people the grand continuity of experience and personal investment .

  29. 清理它们比我想象的要工程浩大。

    It turned out to be an even bigger job than I thought .

  30. 不加夸张地上演一台歌剧是一项浩大的工程,说要涉及数以百计的人真是一点都不夸张。我真的是爬到车那边去的。

    Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people .