
  • 网络Inspur Group;langchao group
  1. 本文以采用两种不同知识创新形式的浪潮集团和腾讯公司为研究对象。

    This paper chooses Inspur Group and Tencent as case study , as they take two different approaches to implement knowledge innovation .

  2. 天河2号系统的官方价格还没有公布。天河2号系统是在中国公司浪潮集团(InspurCo.)的协助下建造的。

    No official price has been released for the Tianhe-2 system , which was constructed with help from the Chinese company Inspur .

  3. IBM已经宣布了一系列的与中国供应商的合作关系,现在则把其数据库软件和其竞争对手浪潮集团的产品打包在一起,还跟一家总部在北京的软件公司优优软件达成了协议。

    The U.S. company had already announced a series of partnerships with Chinese vendors and now packages its database software with products from Inspur , a server hardware maker and IBM rival , and has also struck agreements with Youyou , a Beijing-based software firm .

  4. 浪潮集团IT服务管理业务经营战略研究

    The Research of Strategy for LangChao Group ITSM

  5. 接着,运用财务风险控制的相关理论,对浪潮集团在财务风险控制方面存在的问题进行研究,提出解决方案。

    Then , using the corresponding theories , this article analyzed the existed financial risk control problems and provide solutions for them .

  6. 然后,针对我国一家大型IT企业&浪潮集团的财务风险控制现状进行了分析,指出其在财务风险控制方面存在的问题。

    Second , this article carried out a study which analyzed the current status of financial risk control for the Langchao Group , one of the biggest IT enterprises in China , and pointed out founded problems in its financial risk control system .