
fú dònɡ dān bǎo
  • floating charge
  1. 谈英国判例法对浮动担保与固定担保的识别

    How To Distinguish Floating Charge From Fixed Charge In English Case Law

  2. 论英国法上的浮动担保及其可借鉴性

    Floating Charge under English Law and its Feasibility in China

  3. 浮动担保在英国已有百多年历史。

    Floating Security System has had one hundred history in England .

  4. 第二章:限制性条款&浮动担保的局限性之克服。

    Chapter Two : Restrictive Terms – Overcome the Deficiency of Floating Charges .

  5. 日本引入浮动担保制度的经验即是一例。

    One example is the experience of floating charges ' introduction into Japan .

  6. 浮动担保制度起源于英国十九世纪的衡平法。

    Floating charges were invented by the British equity in the nineteenth century .

  7. 反之,就优先于浮动担保权人。

    Otherwise , it shall have the priority .

  8. 2000年在哪儿过?反之,就优先于浮动担保权人。

    Where shall we be in 2000 ? Otherwise , it shall have the priority .

  9. 浮动担保中的限制性条款研究

    On Restrictive Terms in Floating Charges

  10. 对浮动担保的限制;

    Limitations on the floating liens ;

  11. 融资浮动担保中的限制性条款为贷款银行创设的是合同权利。

    The creation of the restrictive clause of the floating charge for the credit bank is a contractual right .

  12. 主要介绍了浮动担保制度在英国的起源及其社会经济背景。

    In this chapter the author mainly illustrates how the floating charge originated and the relevant social economic background .

  13. 随着我国经济的发展,大型项目融资层出不穷,处于项目融资担保核心地位的浮动担保也已出现在我国的实践中。

    Floating charge , as a key arrangement in the project financing , has already been taken into China 's practice .

  14. 浮动担保制度的这一缺陷直接影响了浮动担保这一担保工具在国际融资实践中的使用和推广。

    The deficiency has a negative influence on the application and popularization of the floating charge in the international financial practice .

  15. 项目融资中的担保方式主要分为物权担保、信用担保、浮动担保等几类。

    The means of guarantee in project financing include guarantees of security , credit guarantees , floating charge and so on .

  16. 浮动担保的性质和特征使其在国际项目融资中大行其道,在国际融资业务中被广泛应用。

    The quality and character of the floating charge make it very useful and has been used broadly in international project financing .

  17. 在第一章的最后一部分浮动担保浮出水面,在本章中系统介绍了国际项目融资中的浮动担保问题。

    In this chapter the author introduces floating charge of international project financing which appeared firstly in the last part of chapter one .

  18. 一般债权质押、浮动担保、一般债权让与担保在实践中运用广泛,均有立法必要性。

    It is necessary to bring legislation to the practical application of general liability mortgage , floating guarantee and the guarantee for the transfer of liability .

  19. 其中,浮动担保由于拥有灵活的制度价值和其他担保方式所不具备的优越性,因而在项目融资中备受青睐。

    Floating charge has a flexible system value and advantages not available in other means of guarantee , so it obtains good opinions in project financing .

  20. 最后,笔者概述了项目融资浮动担保制度的复杂性及其面临的法律问题,由此引出所要论述的具体法律问题。

    Last , the writer summarizes the complexity and legal issues facing of the floating charge , which paves the way of the following legal problems .

  21. 笔者首先讨论了浮动担保制度的理论问题,涉及到了浮动担保的定义、法律特征及其理论基础。

    First , the writer discusses the theory issues of the floating charge , involving the definition , legal character and theoretical basis of the floating charge .

  22. 英美浮动担保制度及与我国担保法律制度的完善&兼评《中国物权法草案建议稿》的有关规定

    Floating Security System of England and America The Perfection of Security Law System of Our Country Evaluation to Relevant Regulations for Proposal of China 's Real Law Draft

  23. 第一章英国法上的浮动担保,主要介绍了浮动担保的基本概念及特征,同时对浮动担保的特定化及登记的效力作了分析。

    Chapter One mainly introduces the basic idea and characteristics of the floating charge in British Law and meanwhile analyzes the crystallization and effects of registration of the floating charge .

  24. 本部分笔者重点结合浮动担保的理论及项目融资的实践阐述了这几个法律问题在项目融资中的特殊应用。

    The writers combines the theories of the floating charge and the practice of project financing , and elaborates the special uses of the above legal issues in the project financing .

  25. 第三部分,通过剖析我国的立法与实践,指出我国规范项目融资中浮动担保制度的可行性和必要性。

    The third part is about suggestions . Through the analysis of the legislation and practice in chain , this paper pointed out that chain need floating charge in the project financing .

  26. 在项目融资实践中,由于各国的国情以及对待浮动担保制度的态度不同,就不可避免地产生了浮动担保适用的法律冲突问题。

    In the practice of the project financing , because of the different national conditions and attitudes towards the floating charge , this inevitably brings the issue of application of legal conflicts of the floating charge .

  27. 浮动担保制度与传统担保物权制度下的固定担保相区别,最主要的特征是企业在正常的经营活动中是否保留对担保资产的自由处分权。

    It is different from the traditional security system " Fixed security " . its uppermost character is : enterprise hold the free Disposition right of security assets whether or not in the ordinary course of business .

  28. 本文主要借鉴英联邦国家的经验和实践,对该限制性条款进行了初步研究,重点探讨浮动担保协议中的限制性条款对第三人效力。

    The author has carried out some fundamental research in this dissertation on the basis of the experience and practice in Commonwealth countries and has focused on the effect of the restrictive terms to a third party .

  29. 相对于固定担保制度而言,浮动担保制度最大的优点是借款人在其企业正常的生产经营过程中具有自由处分其担保财产的权利,直至浮动担保结晶。

    Comparing with a fixed charge , a floating charge shows its most distinctive advantage in that the borrower is free to dispose of the secured assets during the ordinary course of its business until the floating charge crystallizes .

  30. 为了较好的利用外国贷款,进行项目融资,笔者提出,中国应大胆地借鉴国外的浮动担保制度,学习海外的立法与实践,加强我国浮动担保制度的研究与立法,建立完善的浮动担保制度。

    In order to better use of foreign loans , China should boldly introduce foreign floating security system , overseas practice and legislation to strengthen the security system of China , and set up a sound system of a floating security .