
hǎi shì shēnɡ mínɡ
  • sea protest;note of protest
  1. 你已提交海事声明了吗?

    Have you lodged the sea protest ?

  2. 这些国家要求被归纳在海事劳工符合声明的第I部分中。

    These national requirements are summarized in the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance , Part I.

  3. 在临时证书有效期内不必签发海事劳工符合声明。

    A declaration of maritime labour compliance need not be issued for the period of validity of the interim certificate .

  4. 海事劳工证书和海事劳工符合声明应与守则所规定的范本相符。

    The maritime labour certificate and the declaration of maritime labour compliance shall conform to the model prescribed by the code .

  5. 各成员国应确保悬挂其旗帜的船舶持有本公约所要求的海事劳工证书和海事劳工符合声明。

    Each Member shall ensure that ships that fly its flag carry a maritime labour certificate and a declaration of maritime labour compliance as required by this Convention .