
  • 网络customs anti-smuggling
  1. 运动人体目标的检测与跟踪是当前图像处理和计算机视觉领域研究的热点之一,广泛应用于安保监控、海关缉私、反恐、军事等领域。

    Human Moving target detection and tracking is the current hotspot in image processing and computer vision research field , and it is widely used in security monitoring , customs anti-smuggling , anti-terrorism , military and some other fields .

  2. 海关查获违反本条例有关输入、输出规定案件,除依海关缉私条例论处外,并通知卫生主管机关处理。

    The customs department shall notify the health administration of cases involving the violation of regulations on import and export of controlled drugs in addition to handle these cases in accordance with the act for the customs anti-smuggling .

  3. 厦门海关缉私艇码头选址的地质条件

    Geological Conditions of Choosing the Construction Site of the Xiamen Customs Wharf

  4. 晚清海关缉私体制述论

    On Anti-smuggling System of the Chinese Customs During the Late Qing Dynasty

  5. 论近代中国海关缉私制度的确立

    On the Establishment of the Anti - smuggling System of the Chinese Customs

  6. 大连海关缉私情报信息管理系统规划

    The Anti-Smuggling Information Management System of DaLian Customs

  7. 民国时期山东走私与胶海关缉私之研究(1922-1937年)

    Research on the Smuggling in Shandong Areas and Kiaochow Customs Suppression of Smuggling ( 1922-1937 );

  8. 简述北海海关缉私码头工程混凝土板桩沉桩施工工艺。

    This paper introduces the driving construction technology of concrete sheet pile in Beihai Customs Suppress Smuggling Wharf engineering .

  9. 多传感器视频监控系统可广泛应用于城市核心区域安全监控、海关缉私缉毒、交通管制等多种安保领域。

    This system can be widely applied in many fields such as city safety monitor , customs smuggling suppression and traffic control .

  10. 中国海关缉私局人员及其它管控非法进口部门的人员已经开始使用这款应用。

    The app is for use by officials at the Anti-Smuggling Bureau of China Customs or other agencies charged with stopping illegal imports .

  11. 典型应用包括导弹制导、航空测量、红外前视系统、红外搜索跟踪器、海关缉私、海上救援设备、森林消防等等。

    Typical applications include missiles guidance , aerial survey , infrared hunting and tracing system , custom suppress smuggling , salvage equipment and forest fire control etc.

  12. 多星对地移动目标搜索问题具有重大的军事意义和民用价值,在态势评估、精确打击引导、海洋搜救和海关缉私等方面具有广阔的应用前景。

    Moving target search by multi-satellite is of great military and civilian value , which will be applied in situation assessment , strike navigation , maritime rescues and anti-smuggling .

  13. 面向卫星资源规划的海面运动目标搜索问题研究具有重大的应用价值,在海洋搜救、海关缉私、态势评估等方面具有广阔的应用前景。

    Research on analysis of maritime moving target for satellite resource scheduling is of great applicational value in some domains , such as maritime rescues , anti-smuggling and situation assessment .

  14. 近代中国的社会性质以及国内外政治经济形势的变化,直接和间接地影响并决定了晚清海关缉私体制的建构以及缉私工作的成效。

    The social character of modern China and the changing political and situation at home and abroad , directly and indirectly affected and decided the building-up of anti-smuggling system and the anti-smuggling efficiency during the late Qing dynasty .

  15. 调查人员发现,工厂的一名中国雇员在一份所注日期为2011年8月的建议书中提出,向深圳海关缉私部门负责人赠送总价值为2万人民币,约合3000美元的现金和相机。

    Investigators found a proposal by a Chinese employee at the plant dated August 2011 to offer cash and cameras worth 20000 renminbi , or about $ 3000 , to the head of the customs office 's antismuggling department .

  16. 缉私是国家赋予海关的一项重要权能,国家主权是海关缉私的根本政治保障。

    To suppress smuggling is an important power that the country vests in the customs ; the country sovereignty is an ultimate political guarantee of the suppressing smuggling .

  17. 再次,在总结海关历年打击走私采取措施及取得成效的基础上,分析了海关缉私工作中存在的困难和问题。

    Thirdly , on the basis of the summing-up of the measures and achievements in past years , the difficulties and problems in the process of anti-smuggling is pointed out .