
  • 网络naval command
  1. 但是,德国海军指挥部情报部门的领导坚持认为,敌人不可能破译通信。

    But the head of the German naval intelligence service at Naval High Command adhered to the opinion that it would be impossible for the enemy to have deciphered the signals .

  2. 海军最高指挥部对这些进展的回应十分反常。

    The naval high command 's response to these developments is rather curious .

  3. 在登陆时那名海军少校指挥一千名军官和一万名士兵。

    By invasion time the lieutenant commander had cognizance over a thousand officers and ten thousand men .

  4. 基于HLA海军岸基指挥自动化训练仿真系统设计总体方案与实现

    Scheme and Implementation of Naval TSCCS Based on HLA

  5. 网络时间协议在海军作战指挥一体化系统中的应用

    Network Time Protocol in Navy Command System

  6. 先进的海军战术指挥控制系统

    Advanced navy tactical command control system

  7. 自:海军潜艇指挥部

    From : Admiral commanding U boats

  8. 英国皇家海军总指挥

    General Officer Commanding Royal Marines

  9. 海军岸基指挥自动化模拟系统中,目标数据录取及数据综合处理是非常重要的两个模块。

    In C3I simulating system developed by our college , target data acquisition and multi-sensor data fusion are two important functions .

  10. 以网络时间协议为基础,提出了对海军作战指挥一体化系统的网络对时体系结构。

    This paper introduces the network time protocol and presents an approach to design the time synchronization system of our navy command system .

  11. 随着战争形态从机械化战争向信息化战争转变,信息对于海军战役指挥系统整体功能的影响也愈来愈大。

    With the warfare form converting from mechanized wars to informationized wars , the effect of information toward the whole function of naval campaign command system are increasingly important .

  12. 我再次重申,所有未接到行动部门或海军潜艇指挥部的命令者,严禁接收潜艇行动频道。

    Once again I forbid all authorities who have not express orders from the operations division or the Admiral commanding U boats to tune in on the operational U boat wave .

  13. 根据海军技术指挥院校的特点,以新时期战略方针为指导,从舢舨荡桨教学实际出发,坚持教、训一体化,着重探讨其行之有效的训练方法。

    Under the instruction of the new - era strategic principles ; in accordance with the realities of teaching sampan rowing ; sticking to the integration of teaching and training , this essay chiefly discusses the effective training methods .

  14. 这时,希腊那一支规模虽小但颇精悍的海军归英国指挥。

    The small but efficient Greek Navy now passed under British Control .

  15. 模糊决策在海军航空反潜指挥辅助决策系统中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Decision on Decision Assistant System for Naval Aircraft Antisubmarine

  16. 构建培养海军中高级指挥人才的大课堂

    Constructing the " big-class " of Training Naval Secondary and Senior commanding Talents

  17. 这位海军元帅正在指挥北方的德国全部军队。

    The Admiral was in command of all German forces in the north .

  18. 乔治伊登也以奥克兰伯爵的头衔为人知晓。他曾将一艘船授权给海军上校威廉霍布森指挥。

    George Eden was also officially known as the Earl of auckland , and once awarded command of a ship to a young naval captain called William hobson ;

  19. 此外,他毕业于美国两个空军指挥参谋学院和美国的海军陆战队指挥和参谋学院。

    Additionally , he is a graduate of both the United States Air Force Command and Staff College and the United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College .

  20. 目击者称,早上8点20分,持枪歹徒成功进入海军海上系统指挥总部大楼,在四楼中庭里挑选受害者并一一开枪射杀。

    Somehow the gunman managed to enter the Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters building about 8:20 a.m. ( 1220 GMT ) and started picking off victims from a fourth-floor atrium , witnesses said .

  21. 三年后,他带领军队搭乘科克伦勋爵(LordCochrane)的船队来到秘鲁。(科克伦勋爵尽管有些自私自利,但确是一名杰出的英国海军指挥官,他指挥了一支劫掠船队。)

    Three years later he embarked his army in ships assembled by Lord Cochrane , a brilliant , if self-serving , British naval commander operating as a privateer , and landed in Peru .

  22. 海军航空兵作战指挥训练系统的关键技术研究

    Research of the key technologies of naval aviation operation command train system

  23. 该模型描绘了1805年,“胜利号”前往特拉法尔海战、在海军名将纳尔逊勋爵指挥下一举击败由拿破仑率领的法国、西班牙联合舰队时的勃勃雄姿。

    The warship is depicted in full sail as she headed for the battle of Trafalgar and triumph over the French and Spanish fleets in1805 .

  24. 海军舰艇多功能指挥控制平台系统是提高舰艇管理水平和工作效率的硬件基础,提高平台可靠性是保证舰艇发挥正常性能的关键问题。

    The multiple-function navy Command Control Platform System is the foundation for improving working efficiency and management level , also it is a critical task to enhance the reliability of the NAVY-C ~ 2PS as to assure that the system can work smoothly .

  25. 美国海军部队,为计划中的行动而拨给我的部队,是由培纳脱海军少将指挥。

    United States naval forces allocated to me for the proposed operation were commanded by rear admiral Andrew c.bennetl .

  26. 针对海军装备保障的特点,提出了一种基于地理信息系统(GIS)的海军装备保障指挥自动化系统设计方法,并在海军装备指挥自动化系统开发中得以应用。

    According to the traits of naval equipment support , presenting a design method of equipment support command automation system based on GIS , and applying this method into the developing of naval equipment support command automation system .