
  1. 奥巴马已经表明了其立场,他的国家不会接受避难者,也不会改变美国的移民政策,并且在海地地震危机中证明了这一点。

    Obama has taken the stance that his country will not be taking in refugees , will not change the US immigration policy , and demonstrated that during the Haiti earthquake crisis .

  2. 联合国表示,尽管情况可能有所改善,遭受地震灾害的海地经受的危机还远远没有结束。

    The United Nations says things may be improving , but the crisis in earthquake-devastated Haiti is far from over .

  3. 多年来海地饱受人道主义危机和自然灾害之苦,包括在2008年多次遭受飓风袭击。

    Haiti is a country that has already suffered from years of humanitarian crisis and natural disasters , including a series of hurricanes that battered the country in2008 .