
System of the Right to Use Maritime Space and Its Reflection
System Location and Perfection of Hypothec on the Area Usage Right
Analysis of the Relationship of the Waters Usage Right and the Fishery Right
A Study on Maritime Right of Use Problem
Analysis of the real right for use of the sea and the protection thereof
The right of sea area use is a new , independent , typical usufruct .
Meanwhile , there are also some unique characters in the right of sea area use .
The deficiencies and improvement of the legal system of the right of using sea area .
The legal issue in the compensatory standard used by the state expropriation in the sea areas
The concept of quasi-property is the premise of analytical quasi-property nature of sea area using rights .
Characterize the right of sea area use as real right of utilization finally , expound it have special character .
It has a validity conflict to fishery right which indeed can be enrolled by the right to use the sea areas .
As one kind of usufructuary rights , the effects of property rights of the RUSA include exclusiveness , priority and retroactive effect .
Third , described the settlement , modification and stopped question of the right of sea area use and expound to the shortcoming exist .
This thesis is divided into 4 parts as follows : The first part talks about the legal analysis of maritime right of use and its system .
Part five study effect , it and other conflicts of the respect of rendering a service of relevant real rights of the maritime right of use .
The right to use the sea areas is a new rights , and it is classified as a typically usufructuary rights , rather than quasi-property rights .
The fight to use the sea areas is the foundation of using sea resources reasonably , the core of which is to use the sea areas paid .
Real Right of the Civil Law ; Then the fishing right should be comprehended to the right of using the natural resources , adjusted primarily by the Fishery Law .
Part two defines the maritime right of use , carries on concrete analysis to maritime space mother right , definition , the subject , object and content of enjoyment .
The owner of the right who obtains approval for extension shall , in accordance with law , pay fees for the use of the sea area for the extended period .
The author of the thesis deals with the essential nature on the use right of sea areas firstly and the analysis the obtainment , management , transferring and elimination of the right .
The right of sea water possesses the basic characters of usufruct rights , and it is a typical type of usufruct right . The newly enacted Real Law has fully supported the nature of use right of sea waters .
Second , orientates the legal character of the right of sea area use , defines first it is the private right , a great deal of theories of introducing private right in saying , have analyzed the excellent , shortcoming of different theories .
First , carries on concrete analysis to mother right of the right of sea area use-the ownership of sea area , it is a basis of study about the right of sea area use , the author suggest that established the special organization to exercise the right .
According to distinguishing between the ownership and usufruct of sea areas , the country ought to gain the profitability of sea areas by the ownership .
Ownership of sea waters is a mother right of use right of sea waters . Making clear the ownership of sea waters is the first step to creating a legal system of use of sea waters .
In order to use sea region efficiently , we have to set legal systems upon the right to use and perfect them .
" maritime space use administration law " has not defined maritime right of use , has defined it from the academic angle .
This article is to systematically explore the Right of Using Sea Area ( RUSA ) - the core conception in the management system of using sea area , from the point of view of civil law especially the Real Right theory .